10 Rowner Road, Gosport, Hants. PO13 0EW

Agenda for the Patient Participation Group Meeting

Wednesday 18th January 2012 at 1.30 p.m.

Present: Shelia Eshelby Patient

George Eshelby Patient

Margaret Lawson Patient

Veronica Cameron-Mackintosh Patient

Sylvia Gilbert Patient

Kerie Hargrave Nurse Practitioner

Jane Kendell Senior Practice Nurse

Emma O’Brien Practice Manager

Diane Warburton Deputy Practice Manager

Donna Prew Prescription Clerk / Receptionist

Yvonne Sharley-Smith Diabetic Clerk / Receptionist

Welcome and Introductions: Emma introduced herself as the new Practice Manager having taken over from Stephen Cleeve in November. She is currently undertaking training from our previous longstanding Practice Manager, Pamela Wayman. Emma has worked for the Practice for nine years and undertook a Practice Management course throughout last year.

Apologies: Apologies were received from Eve Foster who is currently in Scotland.

Minutes of Meeting 29.8.11: these were approved.

Matters Arising:

·  Practice Newsletter: Emma explained to the group that she had found no evidence that the Practice Newsletter had been issued and had therefore revisited it. This newsletter had been forwarded to the members of the group who were asked for their comments and advice. The group approved the newsletter, which will now be available to patients in the Front Reception Waiting Room. The newsletter will also be available on our website.

·  Practice Leaflet: Emma advised the group that she is still working on the Practice Leaflet and hopes to forward it to the members for comments/approval before the next meeting

·  Building Works Dr Morgan & Emma met with Peter Handy, Manager of Nelson House. He confirmed that they are now looking to open the facility in late May. They wish for their service users to be able to mirror “normal life” as much as possible, which would mean attending the surgery rather than have a GP visit.

·  Brune Artwork Competition The Presentation evening took place on Thursday 6th October 2011. 1st prize (£50 “The Range” voucher) was awarded to Amelia Wilson at Brune Park Community College, with the £200 prize money going to Brune Park Art Department. Joint 2nd prizes (£25 “The Range” voucher) were awarded to Phoebe Podmore of Bay House and Melissa Atherfold of Brune Park. £5 vouchers were awarded to six other students from the 3 partaking schools. The prize winning art pieces are now on display in the centre and we are pleased that the competition will continue again this year.

It has been decided that Brune will decide on this year’s theme and age category. In previous years this has been decided by Bridgemary School, the original school to take part in the competition, but now other schools have joined in, it was deemed unfair for just one school to decide all the factors. Emma suggested a theme of the 2012 Olympics. Margaret Lawson agreed this was a good theme but added that the Paralympic Games should not be forgotten, which all members of the group agreed about. Therefore the theme will be titled “London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games”. It was agreed that the age category will be Year 7 students.

New Partner We are very pleased to have welcomed Dr Teresa Deacon as a part time Partner with the Practice. Dr Deacon was previously a very popular locum here. She is married with two children.

GP Training Brune Medical Centre has become a GP Training Practice. Periodically, year 3 medical students accompany GPs during clinics in an observatory capacity and cases are discussed following surgery. Final Year doctors also join us for 4 months at a time under the guidance of the other partners. They are qualified doctors who need to have experience in various disciplines before deciding where they wish to specialise.

Decision Aids within NHS Direct website: This website has been designed to help patients make the right choices regarding treatment. Dr Grocock considers this a very useful tool for patients. This website is attached to our Brune Medical Centre website.

Ambulance Bay Once again we have been promised (!) a date for the marking of the ambulance bay. Allegedly this will be carried out at the end of January 2012.

Update on Local Services

D-Dimer and BNP near patient testing: This service is now being offered from Brune Medical Centre. The Practice Nurses have received full training to use the equipment. The doctors will refer patients to them. The tests determine the likelihood of a Deep Vein Thrombosis and whether an irregular ECG is the result of heart failure. Both could avoid a number of unnecessary referrals to QA, who conduct these tests and then return many patient straight back to GPs to manage.

Any Other Business

GPPSG meeting: Sylvia Gilbert kindly gave a précis of the Gosport Patient & Public Stakeholder Group meeting, which she attended on 17th January. Copy of the minutes from this meeting are attached.

Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 18th April at 2pm