English IV Academic Daily Agenda

9/1 – Name games, student survey, summer reading, attendance, class expectations

9/8 – attendance, syllabus, summer reading, seating chart, textbooks assigned, soliloquy introduction, read” To Be or Not to Be”, listen/watch, discuss, examples, faculty website

9/9 – “All the World’s a Stage” soliloquy and written work, notes taken – bring to class! Hw: read “Our revels Now are Ended”

9/11 – Open note quiz on soliloquy’s, discuss hw OR answer critical thinking questions. Soliloquy assignment given (due 18th), examples viewed. Started Macbeth, hw: read scene 3.

9/15 – No Fear Shakespeare, art perspectives on Macbeth, reviewed scene 3, read scene 4 and 5. Writing prompt in class discussed.

9/16 – Read scene 6 and 7 (finish Act I). Group work started and will finish on Friday (questions 1-8), Soliloquy assignment postponed until Spirit Week, hw: Find two passages in Act I that you particularly like and explain why.


9/18 – Soliloquy assignment work day and new due date (Wed. 23). Finish group work, collect homework, and watch clips from Polanski’s Macbeth. Review and take notes over Act I.

Substitute 9/22 – Mr. Cherry for guidance info, Soliloquy assignment work time

Substitute 9/23 - Continue reading Act II.

9/24 – Watch Act I (movie), HW: Read Act II, Scene I and II (be ready for reading quiz which will focus on 4 important quotes from the acts and ask for your explanation – Please do CAREFUL reading of the text!)

HOMECOMING! – Have fun, be safe

9/29 – Soliloquy projects due!! Reading quiz over homework, permission slips for movie, continue reading Macbeth. Note: Almost half the class did not do their homework today and will be docked points on the reading quiz to compensate for their lack of seriousness in class. An extra assignment was given to show them that work MUST be done when assigned: Finish Act II and complete the 8 questions in the text.

9/30 – Homework collected, permission slip reminder. Detentions given to students who did not do their homework. Took notes over Act II, began to read Act III.

10/2 – Movie Friday: watched Macbeth. HW: Read the rest of Act III. Reminder: Grades close for progress reports on Wednesday the 7th!!

10/7 – Finished Macbeth movie…HW: Read Act IV

10/8 – Make-up work day!


10/13 – Study guide given out, cheat sheet explained, day to study for test (on Friday). Reminder: College essays are next; bring in college of your choice on Friday.

10/14 – Senior Breakfast – enjoy, be polite, study for test on Friday

10/16 – Macbeth Test! Begin College essay unit. Vocabulary books were handed out and the first section was assigned as self study. A test is forthcoming…HW: research what college you would like to write your essay for and bring the prompt to class on Tuesday.

10/20 – Guidance presentation for college admissions. Angela’s Ashes handed out – bring to each class! Vocab review on Tuesday – test on Wed or Friday. You must bring essay prompt of your chosen college to class on Wednesday – essays are starting! Check out the links on the website to help you.

10/21 – Preparations for college essay writing: all students must provide me with a name of one school they are applying to and the essay prompt required by that school, as well as a general outline of how they plan to answer the prompt.

Substitute 10/23 – work day for essays

10/27 – Introduce Angela’s Ashes (web search for homework, writing prompt, chapter I and II handout, pick partners, listen to first page of book, meet author in interview, begin reading) Hw: Read from 17-28. Reminder: College essays work day on Friday – in Library classroom

10/28- Questions over reading, vocab review for test on Friday! Reminder: Bring college essay info for Friday’s work day.

11/3 – Silent reading while work shopping college essays.

11/4 – dance recital –

11/6 – Silent reading (finish Part II), questions over reading, worksheets, college essays: final drafts due 10th.

11/10 – College essays due, collect worksheets, begin Part III in book. Watch interview and complete writing prompt.

11/13 – Listened to Angela’s Ashes, heads up on Q2 grades.

11/16 – Listen to Angela’s Ashes and complete worksheet.

11/18 – Study hall

11/20 – Hw: Finish part IV in book, introduction to photo essay project that will end Angela’s Ashes and that we will begin working on after break.


12/1 – Discussion of Part IV. Writing prompt in class. College essays due on Friday. Connection made to photo essay project.

12/2 – Photo Essay rubric created/discussed.

12/3 – Discussion on rubric for photo memoirs…

12/4 - Edit of college essays, read part 5 and complete reading journals

12/8 – Students may chose to: finish college essay (due Friday!), work on reader response journals (due last class!), read silently (midterm will be test over book)

12/11 – Read from Angela’s Ashes, rough draft of photo essay rubric passed out

12/15 – Memoir Assignment handout explained, read Part VII

12/16 – Decide what topic your project will be on, flip cameras will be in class on Friday, class viewed student examples of project as well as nytimes examples.

Schedule for finishing Angela’s Ashes and preparation for Midterm Assessment:

Part IV – Read for homework, assigned 12/11

Part VII – Read for homework, assigned 12/15

Part VIII – Read for homework, assigned 12/16

Part IX and X– Read for homework (over break), assigned 12/18

Part XI – Read for homework, assigned 1/5

Part XII – Read for homework, assigned 1/6

Part XIII – Read for homework, assigned 1/8

Part XIV – Read for homework, assigned 1/12

Part XV – Read for homework, assigned 1/13

Part XVI – Read for homework, assigned 1/15

Part XVII – Read for homework, assigned 1/19

Part XVIII – Read for homework, assigned 1/20

Use all worksheets and reading quizzes, as well as prompts to help you prepare and study for midterm. You are expected to have read and comprehended the book, as well as formed personal opinions about the characters.


1/5 – Watched a project (nice work TJ!), worksheets passed out.

1/6 – Check in on Memoir Assignment, interview questions passed in.

1/8 – Substitute:

1/12 – Midterm schedule discussed, group review of parts 9-13 in book presented to class, reminder on worksheets, reminder on memoir questions passed in.

1/13 – Day to catch up on reading or questions…

1/15 – Study guide given for midterm

1/20 – Angela’s Ashes movie

1/22 – Angela’s Ashes movie / All late work must be in!

1/26 – review period for midterm assessment, pass back all papers

1/27 – Midterm Assessment

2/2 – Pass back midterms, give Q2 grades, any missing work, class evaluations

2/3 – Reminder on projects, work day

2/5 – Project presentations, media handout, seating plan, HW: commercial log (due the 23rd)

2/9 – Check in with commercial log, define vocab. list for unit, slideshow quiz, propaganda slideshow and notes about advertising techniques.

2/10 – Collect vocab list, quiz over propaganda techniques…


2/23 – Commercial log due, video to reinforce advertising tactics, find 8 print ads and explain techniques used (class work).

2/24 – Make your own ad!

2/26 – Make up work day – (media vocab, commercial log, 8 print ads, make your own ad)

3/2 – Books distributed (Rule of the Bone, Winter's Bone), read first parts.

3/3 – Hero Packet, homework: break a movie into the 12 steps, finish writing prompt by end of class

3/5 – silent reading

3/9 –

Substitute: 3/10 – Silent reading – quiz on Friday!

3/12 – Short essay quiz due at end of class – if passed in after weekend, late points will be deducted.

3/16 – Group work: break book into Hero’s journey and pass in, brainstorm movies for class study of Hero’s journey. Quizzes need to be in! (7 points off each day). Wed. will be a silent reading day – for Friday: Rule of the Bone read to 108, Winter’s Bone read to 108 as well as interview with author on pages 3-8 in back of book.

3/17 – Silent reading – expect quiz on Friday, permission slips for movie

3/19 – Quiz over reading, movie, Rule hw: read Chapters 7 and 8

3/23 – Continue Movie…

3/24 – Finish movie, everyone charts the Hero’s journey for the movie –

3/26 – Silent reading, finish Hero’s journey assignment…

3/30 – Review of Children of Men questions, reading quizzes, silent reading

3/31 – Children of Men quiz, reminder on take home quizzes (due Friday)

4/2 – Work day, take home quizzes due, spoke to students in danger of failing about make-up work, HW: Rule of the Bone read pages 198-239 (chapters 11, 12, and 13)

4/6 – Review Chapters 11, 12, 14 – read 14 and 15 for homework (Friday). Winter’s Bone group put together presentation

4/9 – Winter’s Bone presentation, review 14 and 15

4/13 – Quiz over Ch. 16 and 17, silent reading…make sure Ch. 18 is read for tomorrow!

4/13: Spring Conferences…

4/14 – Free period

4/16 – Quiz over Chapters 19 and 20…

APRIL BREAK – at last, at last...

Looking Ahead:

Continue movie and discussion of Hero’s journey

Silent reading