ASA New England

League/Travel Organization Detailed Instructions

ASA New England Main Menu

(League/Organization Menu)

General Information

The main menu consists of a public section, where no log in is required and a secure section, limited to authorized leagues and travel organizations. The User ID and Password fields are located on the left side of the web page. Once you have signed in you will see your user name on the left side of the page, under the ‘Login’ button.

The following sections describe the detailed instructions for all of the links listed below.

Posting a New Tournament

(League/Organization Menu – Post a Tournament)

General Information

This page is used to post new tournaments. A league or travel organization contact will enter the tournament information; it will then be routed to the JO commissioner for approval via email. The tournament will not be included in the public listing until it has been approved by the commissioner.

Please be sure to click the ‘Save Changes’ button after entering your tournament information or it will not be saved.

If you have multiple tournaments to enter, simply click the ‘Enter New Tournament’ button after you have saved your first tournament. Most of the fields will retain their values from the previous entry so that you do not need to re-enter information, with the exception of Age and Division.

Registration Information

Region and Association information should be filled in automatically based on your user ID.

Type: Select whether the tournament is an Invitational, Championship Play (State; Regional; Nat Qualifier), College Showcase or Scrimmage.

Age: Select from 23U; 18U; 16U; 14U; 12U; 10U; 8U

Division: Select from Gold; Class A; Open (Accepts A or B); Class B; Class C (not all state use Class C).

Start Date/End Date: Enter start and end dates for the tournament. A calendar will automatically be displayed when you click into the entry field.

Max Team: Enter the maximum number of teams allowed for this tournament; if no maximum exists enter 0.

Fee: Enter the entry fee in US Dollars for this tournament; enter 0 if the entry fee has not yet been determined or is unknown.

Format: Select the tournament format from the list of possible value. Standard tournament formats are available. If you are not sure of the tournament format or it has not yet been determined, do not make a selection.

Status: When a league or travel organization enters a tournament the status will be automatically set to ‘Pending’. A ‘Pending’ status means the tournament is not approved by the commissioner. The commissioner will change the status to ‘Approved’ at a later point. If a commissioner is entering the tournament, you may set the status to ‘Approved’ immediately; you are not required to approve your own tournaments.

Host Information

The Host Information section is used identify the league or travel organization hosting the tournament, and the location of the tournament itself.

Organization: Select from a list of Organizations within your Association; if the user posting the tournament is from a league or travel organization you will be limited to posting for your own; if the user is a commissioner you will be able to select from any organization within your association.

Tournament Name: Once you have selected an organization the tournament name will be pre-populated with the organization name. You may change the tournament name to something more appropriate, such as “MA State Championship” or “Summer Smash”, etc.

Location: Once you have selected an organization you can further select from a list of playing locations. Some organizations will have a single playing facility, others may use multiple facilities. Once the selection is made the address and directions will fill in automatically.

** If the playing location you are using is not file, you can either add it to your profile from the main menu or simply enter the address and directions without selecting a location from the list. Selecting from the list is not required.

Tournament Contact/Director Information

A tournament contact or director will receive automated email communications from our web site for any communications pertaining to this tournament.

The tournament contact and director may be the same person.

Contact List: Select from a list of contacts defined for your organization. If the contact name you wish to select is not in the list you can update your organization profile and add the contact (similar to playing locations). As you select the contact name the phone number and email address will be automatically loaded. You may type over this information if you need to.

Tournament Notes

Tournament notes are used to add any other information you deem necessary that had not been previously entered. This can include payment instructions, house rules, etc. It is not necessary to enter any notes, it is optional.

Tournament Documents

The site allows you to attach one or more tournament documents to the posting, so that they are available to the public.

In order to attach a document take the following three steps:

  1. Select the type of document you are attaching (flyer; directions; house rules; hotel information).
  2. Click the “browse” button and locate the document (MS Word, PDF, etc) you wish to attach. This document will be stored on your personal computer.
  3. Click the ‘Upload Document’ button; this will copy your file to our web site.

Be sure to click save when you are done.

Approve a Team Registration

(League/Organization Menu – Approve a Team Registration)

General Information

This page is used to display pending team registrations for your tournament(s). Teams will register for your tournament online and an email notification will be sent to the tournament contact and tournament director. This initial page will show all pending requests for registration:

In order to Accept the team into your tournament click the ‘Details’ link on the left side of the page.

Team Registration Page

This page will show all of the details of the Team Registration.

Registration Status: Select Awaiting Payment; Accepted; Declined; Waiting List. Any change in status will generate an email notification automatically.

Email Message: Any additional message you would like to include in the email notification may be entered, though this is not required.

Click the ‘Update Registration Status’ when you are finished.

Updating Organization Information

(League/Organization Menu – Update Profile)

General Information

This page is used to update basic contact information for your league or travel organization. Leagues and travel organizations have access to their own information; while the commissioner has access to all within the association.

* All field designated with a red asterisk indicate the information is required.

Region and Association information should be filled in automatically.

Association Contact: Select the name of the individual who your primary contact from the local association; larger associations may have more than one person that handles leagues and travel organizations, select the one that you work with.

Organization Name: Enter your name as you would like it to appear in the public listing.

City: Enter the city of which your organization primarily resides.

State/Province: Select the State or Province of which your organization primarily resides.

Web Site: Enter your league or travel organization web site address. This is used to direct teams to your web site during the registration process.

Be sure to click the ‘Save Changes’ button when you have finished entering your information.

Playing Locations

Some organizations may use a single playing facility; others may use have have multiple facilities available. This section allows you maintain your facility info so that directions and map information may be provided.

* All field designated with a red asterisk indicate the information is required.

Location Name: Should indicate the name of the fields or facility. If unknown or unsure use the city name.

Address: Enter the street address (with street number is possible) of the playing facility.

City: Enter the city of the playing facility.

State/Province: Select the State or Province of the plating facility.

Postal Code: Enter the postal code (if known) of the playing facility.

Map Link: Not required but helpful; enter the URL (web site address) for your field mapping information. Note that this information can be “pasted” in from your web site browser address bar using standard windows copy/paste functions (CTL-C; CTL-V).

Directions: Not required but helpful; enter detailed directions to your field. Copy/Paste may also be helpful here.

Be sure to click the ‘Save Changes’ button when you have finished entering your information.


Enter contacts from your organizations that would be part of the tournament registration process, or are tournament directors.

Please include email address and primary phone number at a minimum for each contact.

Be sure to click the ‘Save Changes’ button when you have finished entering your information.