Eco-Regions of Texas Quiz (7.8B)



  1. This Eco-Region is in west Texas borders the state of New Mexico and the country of Mexico. This eco-region is eroded due to the decline of grasslands. It has a large desert area, includes limestone cliffs, and Big Bend National Park. The city of El Paso is in this eco-region.
  1. South Texas Plains
  2. Cross Timbers
  3. Trans Pecos
  4. Edwards Plateau
  1. This eco-region experiences large amounts of weathering, erosion, and deposition due to wave action from the Texas Coastline. The cities of Houston and Corpus Christi are in this eco-region.
  1. South Texas Plains
  2. Gulf Coast Plains
  3. Trans Pecos
  4. High Plains
  1. Wind is the primary agent of erosion in this eco-region. The area includes the entire panhandle of north Texas. Tornadoes commonly occur in this eco-region, and it includes the city of Amarillo.
  1. Cross Timbers
  2. Piney Woods
  3. Gulf Coast Plains
  4. High Plains
  1. This eco-region receives a good amount of precipitation and has lush forests and grasses. This east Texas eco-region borders Louisiana, and it has thick areas of vegetation that help stop erosion.
  1. Piney Woods
  2. Edwards Plateau
  3. High Plains
  4. Gulf Coast Plains
  1. This eco-region includes the Texas hill country and the city of Austin. Unique landforms like Enchanted Rock have been created through physical weathering.
  1. South Texas Plains
  2. Edwards Plateau
  3. High Plains
  4. Cross Timbers
  1. This eco-region of Texas is very hilly with steep slopes and irregular surface features due to both water and wind erosion. This north-central eco-region of Texas includes the city of Fort Worth.
  1. High Plains
  2. Edwards Plateau
  3. Cross Timbers
  4. Gulf Coast Plains
  1. This eco-region lies below the Edwards Plateau and includes much Rio Grande valley stretching from San Antonio south to Brownsville. It often referred to as “brush country” because of small trees and low-lying shrubs. Much of the top soil has eroded away.
  1. South Texas Plains
  2. Gulf Coast Plains
  3. High Plains
  4. Cross Timbers
  1. The land of this eco-region is nearly level with small hills here and there. The landscape of this region was formed by frequent fires and grazing of bison. Like the Piney Woods, this eco-region receives a good amount of rain each year and has less erosion than other eco-regions of Texas. This eco-regions lies between The Piney Woods and Edwards Plateau in Northeast central Texas.
  1. South Texas Plains
  2. Gulf Coast Plains
  3. Post Oak Savannah
  4. Trans Pecos
  1. The process in which rock is broken down into smaller pieces or sediment is ______.
  1. Erosion
  2. Deposition
  3. Weathering
  4. Precipitation
  1. The process in which sediment is moved due to agents such as wind or water is ______.
  1. Erosion
  2. Deposition
  3. Weathering
  4. Precipitation