BOARD MINUTES August 21, 2012

CALL TO ORDER: The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 8:06 pm by the Chairman, Mike Wallewein. The School District No. 2 Trustees present to constitute a quorum were:

Mike Wallewein, Chairman Marigail Sveum, Trustee

James Nagy, Vice-Chairman Lisa Kearns, Trustee

Jason Hanson, Trustee

Guests and staff in attendance were:

Tim Tharp, Superintendent Colony Members

Jeanne Fairhurst, Bus. Mgr/Clerk District Staff

Dan Nau, Elem Principal

Pledge to our flag.

BUSINESS MANAGER REPORT: Minutes from the July 24th Regular Meeting and the July 31st Special Meeting were discussed. Jim Nagy made a motion to approve the minutes from July 24th Regular Meeting and the July 31st Special Meeting as written. Marigail Sveum seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

Bills and Warrants were discussed. Marigail Sveum made a motion to approve the warrants numbering 19580-19618. Lisa Kearns seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried. Financial reports were reviewed and discussed.

PUBLIC COMMENTS FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: There were no comments at this time.

Elementary Principal Report:

Principal Nau reported that Bill Omsberg Construction has completed all of the cement work project at the elementary. The cement chunks have been removed and the new gravel was added. The bathrooms just need a few minor finishing touches. Hemmer Plumbing completed the hot water system. Open House held earlier this evening had a great turnout. The staff goal this year is better communication. Peg Tobin’s grandbaby has arrived. She will be back at the office next Monday. Regarding fall sports, the football program has 17 athletes out and the volleyball program has 16 athletes out. A big thanks to Julie and Lynn for having the school looking so great for the Open House and the new year. The projected enrollment for this fall is 130 students in the Sunburst Elementary, 20 students at Rimrock Colony School and 12 students at the Hillside Colony School.

Superintendent Report:

a.  Athletics/Activities Update: The High School Football team has 21 athletes out and the HS Volleyball team has 18 athletes out. A trainer from Benefis Healthcare in Great Falls came to Sunburst and met with several of the coaching staff to discuss various taping techniques and to answer questions from the coaches.

b.  Facilities Update: Heartland Mechanical is still the holdup for getting the heating project completed. Hopefully that will be completed soon. The new building on the football field looks great, the bus garage bay extensions are complete, the FCS countertops are finished and the other minor work is done.

c.  Workshop in Conrad September 19th: All the Trustees are invited to attend a MTSBA workshop in Conrad. Supt Tharp, Marigail Sveum and Jeanne Fairhurst will be attending.

d.  Superintendent out-of-district calendar: Supt Tharp discussed his calendar plans for the month of August.

FINAL 2012-2013 BUDGET HEARING: Supt Tharp discussed the amounts to be set for the budgeted funds for the 2012-2013 Budget and the amounts he is recommending to be held in the Excess Reserves.


a. Approve Out-of-District Attendance Agreements: Out-of-District Attendance Agreements need to be approved for Heather Froslie, Coleman Allen, and Ula Omdahl’s children (Quintin, Ulan, and Landen) to continue to attend school here. Lisa Kearns made a motion to approve the Out-of-District Attendance Agreements for the Froslie, Allen, and Omdahl children noted above. Marigail Sveum seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

b. Appoint Authorized Representative to the BSSNC Board: Big Sky Special Needs Co-op needs to have


August 21, 2012


Board Minutes showing the Authorized Representative for Sunburst School District 2. Marigail Sveum made a motion to appoint Supt Tim Tharp as Authorized Representative to Big Sky Special Needs Co-op. Jim Nagy seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

e.  Football Home Side: Supt Tharp noted that quite a few persons had inquired about the possibility of moving the Home Side for the Refiner Team and fans back to the area under the hill where the car parking is. Tharp made the decision to move the Home Side back, but Coach Clark disagreed and appealed to the Board for final judgment. Discussion was held with Supt Tharp and Coach Clark. Lisa Kearns made a motion to leave the Home Side at the present location on the north side of the football field. Jim Nagy seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

f.  Hire Coaches: Supt Tharp recommended to the Board that Jordann Lankford be hired for Asst HS Track & Field Coach and Sandi Owens be hired for the Speech & Drama Coach. Discussion held. It was also noted that Brian Hansen indicated that he would rather not coach this year, which leaves the Asst HS BBB, ASST MS BBB, and Asst MS Track & Field coaching positions still open. Jim Nagy made a motion to offer the contract for Asst HS Track & Field Coach to Jordann Lankford and the contract for Speech & Drama Coach to Sandi Owens. Lisa Kearns seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

g.  Approve Final Budget and set Excess Reserves for 2012-2013: Supt Tharp appealed to the Board of Trustees to approve the Final budget and to set the Excess Reserves for 2012-2013. The recommended fund amounts are General Fund Budget/$2,058,664.52/Reserves $205,866.45; Transportation Fund Budget/$235,000.00/Reserves $47,000.00; Bus Depreciation Fund Budget/$298,578.21; Retirement Fund Budget/$290,000.00/Reserves $3,640.58; Adult Education Fund Budget/$11,585.89; Technology Fund Budget/$41,341.88; Flexibility Fund Budget/$322,198.77; Building Reserve Fund Budget/$508,748.65. Jim Nagy made a motion to approve the 2012-2013 Budget, as listed above. Marigail Sveum seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion was carried.

The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting shall be on Tuesday, September 18, 2012. Jim Nagy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Lisa Kearns seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 09:17 pm.



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