Highland County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Meeting Minutes

June 16, 2015

The Highland County Board of Developmental Disabilities met in a regular session at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at the Highland County Board of Developmental Disabilities. Board Members present: Karen Adams, Deborah Tissot, Sam Snyder, Lynne Patton, and Cheryl Lyle. Absent: Matthew French, and Linda Allen

Others present were Debra Buccilla, Superintendent, Sherry Burns, Executive Administrative Assistant, Lori Moore, Business Director, Larry Gray, Operations Director, Elizabeth Brennfleck, Human Resources Director, Darlene Colliver, Education Coordinator, Suzie Janasov, EI Coordinator, Becky Pollard, Nurse and Kraig Walker, Adult Service Director

ROLL CALL: Sam Snyder, present; Deborah Tissot, present; Cheryl Lyle, present; Lynne Patton, present. Karen Adams, present



The minutes of the May 19, 2015 meeting were reviewed and approved in a motion by

Deborah Tissot, seconded by Karen Adams Roll Call. All yea, motion carried.

New Vendors: Kathy Mayer

Transfers: None

Monthly expenditures for June were reviewed and approved in a motion by Karen Adams, seconded by Cheryl Lyle. Roll Call. All yea, motion carried.

Debra Buccilla, Superintendent Update

Ø  Special thanks to Darlene Colliver and her team for a very successful Pre School Picnic with over 80 in attendance.

Ø  Special thanks to Kraig Walker and his team for the Adult Picnic at Serpent Mound which had over 90 in attendance.

Ø  Purchased used Day Care Equipment from Kathy Mayer in Fayette County for the school.


Debra Buccilla, Superintendent told the HCBDD that the 2015 Strategic Plan will be in the August Board Packet and any questions will be discussed in the August Board Meeting. We have added action steps that will go under the objectives for the year.

Larry Gray, Operations Director informed the HCBDD of the project updates. .

·  Construction on the new office space is on schedule and should be finished by August 1.

·  PTS has ordered phones and they should be in place by the end of June. Computers will have added security and monitoring and backup will be to the cloud.

·  Upgrades to the Septic System will start soon and should be finished by the time school starts this fall

Highland County Board Meeting Minutes – Page 2

Larry Gray, Operations Director asked the HCBDD to purchase three 2010 Vans that are 22 passenger with wheel chair capacity from Warren County. The cost is $28,000 per van.

Karen Adams made a motion to purchase three 22 passenger 2010 vans from Warren County with wheel chair capacity for $28,000 per van. Cheryl Lyle seconded the motion. Roll Call All yea, Motion Carried.


Liz Brennfleck, Human Resources Director presented the HCBDD with Chapter 10 Occupational Safety and Health of the Personnel Policies that will need to be approved at our August Board Meeting. Chapter 8 Training, Certification and Registration; Chapter 9 Separation from Employment and Chapter 11 General Information will need board action tonight.

Karen Adams made a motion to approve Chapter 8 Training, Certification and Registration, Chapter 9 Separation from Employment and Chapter 11 General Information. Deborah Tissot seconded the motion. Roll Call. All yea, Motion Carried.

Debra Buccilla, Superintendent explained the Behavior Support Strategies that include Restrictive Measures Policy. Deborah Tissot made a motion to approve the Behavior Support Strategies that include Restrictive Measures Policy. Cheryl Lyle seconded the motion. Roll Call. All yea, Motion Carried.

At approximately 6:27 pm Cheryl Lyle moved that the HCBDD go into an Executive Session to discuss Union Negotiation. Karen Adams seconded the motion.

ROLL CALL: Karen Adams, yea; Sam Snyder, yea; Deborah Tissot yea; Cheryl Lyle, yea; and Lynne Patton, yea;

A motion was made at 7:37 pm by Karen Adams seconded by Cheryl Lyle for the board to re-enter into a public session. All yes, motion carried

Karen Adams made a motion to authorize the superintendent to go with the HCBDD direction. Deborah Tissot seconded the motion. Roll Call. All yea, Motion Carried

Cheryl Lyle moved to adjourn the HCBDD at 7:37 pm, seconded by Deborah Tissot. All yea, motion carried.

Prepared by: Sherry Burns, Executive Admin. Assistant


Sam Snyder, Board President


Deborah Tissot, Recording Secretary