November 12, 2015
November 12, 2015
The Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing comments from the public on the 2016 Budget was held at 7:00 pm November 12, 2015. All Board members were present. Guests were Art and Cindy McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, Becky Graves, Jim Burgess, Donn Lang and Fred Fredrickson. Also present were Chief of Police Paul Griffiths and Mayor Justin Grigg. Representing the press was David Snyder of the Alfred Sun. Also attending were Highway Superintendent Brad Price and Town Clerk Jan Burdick.
The meeting was opened by Supervisor Acton with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2016 Budget – Since there were no comments on the 2016 Budget the Public Hearing was closed at 7:30 pm and the regular monthly meeting was opened. All of the above were present as well as 5 students (2 from Alfred-Almond Central and 3 from Canisteo-Greenwood).
Guests: Becky Graves spoke for the neighbors on Kenyon Road who are concerned about the continuing business of John Lang. Ms. Graves informed the Board that Mr. Lang is filing for a LLC per the legal ad in the Alfred Sun even though he was denied a Variance for a business. Ms. Graves asked the Board what they are going to do about it – is Town going to contact the State and informed them that the business is not a permitted use. Donn Lang stated that they are concerned that John Lang will continue in the future with a larger warehouse and more semi trucks on that road. Fred Fredrickson (member of the ZBA) stated that John Lang told the ZBA that there would be about 2 semi tractors there each month. D. Lang also stressed that this isn’t a family feud- concern for the neighbors and safety on the road. Also added that this is a trend, started as a garage, then a workshop, now a business with an apartment upstairs, septic system was illegal, and then had to make it legal. He is not following the law. Dan Acton commented that the Board is aware of this and will follow through with Codes Enforcement Officer Steve Kilmer. Mrs. Chambers stated that the road is not wide enough for 2 cars let alone 2 semis. Becky Graves stated that if this is continued to be allowed, could open the door for other problems in the Town. There are places in the Town for businesses. Fred Fredrickson stated that he needs a COA from the Health Department for tenants and a permit from the Town for change in use. Mary Stearns stated that the Town really needs to ask Steve Kilmer to do something about this. Feels John Lang feels he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. Opens up Pandora’s Box – what happens if someone else does it – they can look back and say John Lang did it. Bob Ormsby stated that if this goes to court, the Steve Kilmer wanted witnesses to step forward. Becky Graves stated that she sent pictures to the Town and Steve Kilmer. Fred Fredrickson added that he feels the residents could bring a legal suit against the Town – feels it is the Town responsibility to prove the case against him – not the neighbors. Donn Lang added that he hates to see the Town spend a lot of money on legal fees but the Codes Enforcement Officer should have followed up when this was originally brought to his attention – that is his job. Supervisor Acton stated that he will contact Mr. Kilmer and find out what he is doing about this and where it stands. Mary Stearns added that J. Lang has been before the ZBA and was denied. Fion MacCrea asked about the fine schedule and maybe S. Kilmer should figure out what that would be. Mr. Acton added that the Board was not insensitive to their concerns and will get in touch with S. Kilmer and get back to Becky Graves.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes of October 8, 2015 and October 22, 2015 were approved with a motion by Mary Stearns, seconded by Fion MacCrea and carried 5-0.
2016 Budget
The main focus of discussion on the 2016 Budget was the Police Contract. Mayor Grigg explained that the current contract is lights and sirens only. When there is a time sensitive incident in the Town the Village will be the 1st responder. If not it will be the State Police. The previous contracts were for full service. Due to conversations last fall and Union negotiations in the Village; they dropped one Full time officer reducing the force from 7 to 6 officers. The Village requested additional revenue from the tow Colleges and received no help. By going to 1 daytime officer, in order to maintain that level of service, need to move the Town into a dollar amount to address that kind of service. Last year about 20% of calls were in the Town, Town paid about 5%. Mr. Grigg went on to state that would be a lot of money for the Town (20%) so the decision was made to align the amount of service in line with the amount of money the Town can afford. That is where the lights and siren contract came into play. The Village felt that was more equitable for the Villagers so services could be focused on them and what they are paying for police coverage. One option that was not discussed included increased dollar amount in contract for limited amount of patrolling. Mr. Grigg added that the amount of the contract is staying the same but their costs aren’t. Not going to walk away but Town needs to understand that the Village does have an increase in labor, etc. Mary Stearns asked what exactly lights and sirens covers? Chief of Police Griffith responded that would be car accidents, domestics, anything that would need a rapid response. Mrs. Stearns then asked what they do once they get there. Chief Griffith stated that if they show up at an accident and the State Police can’t be there for an hour, they will stay and handled it. If State Police are near they will respond until the State Police get there then they will leave. Chief Griffith added that many of the calls are being dispatched directly to the State Police and they are not getting the calls. Not going to respond to keys locked in car but probably would if there was a child in the car. Mrs. Stearns stated that she attended a meeting of the Alfred Station Volunteer Fire Department to see what their feeling was on Police coverage. They stated that they have had very good response from the State Police and didn’t feel the Village police were doing much. Chief Griffith responded that if they aren’t needed, they don’t stay. If they show up and the fire department is there and has everything under control they leave. They make sure the scene is safe before they leave and they have been told to let the State Police handle it. Jerry Snyder stated that in the future he would like to have both Boards get together to negotiate the contract. The first he knew about it was when the contract was presented and had the impression that it was take it or leave it. Feels it would have been more productive if it was discussed all together. Mr. Snyder went on to add that due to the Tax Cap it outs a pinch on the budget. Residents appreciate the Village Police. Chie Griffith stated that they would like to do Town coverage – not police that made this decision. Mr. Snyder added that when this contract was originally dome many years ago the arrangements were made by the Chief including the dollar amount. But now told we were going to a contract that was lights and sirens only but same dollar amount. Statement was made that it was more equitable to the Village, what about the Town taxpayers. Mr. Snyder stated that his job is to negotiate how we can do better for the Town. Feels Town Board as a whole was never given the opportunity to negotiate. Supervisor Acton responded that was his fault because he had met with the Mayor to discuss the contract. J. Snyder added that “we are a team, need to work together”. Justin Grigg stated that Village leadership for a long time was not looking to the future. Giving away services for pennies on the dollar – can’t continue to do that. Cannot in good conscience have the Village taxpayers eat it. Didn’t fill Village Clerk position – can’t afford it. His responsible is the best intent of the Village taxpayers. If going to keep two municipalities going, and doesn’t feel can, matter of time before we are one. Wants to push that day off as long as possible. Mayor Grigg added that he is open to discussions and ideas but it has to be equitable. That is what he was trying to do with meetings that were held with D. Acton and F. MacCrea. Dan Acton stated that an equitable situation for the Village would result in renegoiating the contract which will mean more cost to the Town. Jerry Snyder added that he doesn’t feel we should pay and not get services. Dan Acton agreed but stated in past pay not equal to services offered. Fion MacCrea added that when this all came about (original contract) the economic climate was different that it is now. Services we started out with for the dollar amount was doable. Doesn’t feel this is an unfair contract given the reality of costs. J. Snyder commented that a Village police department won’t be needed if it weren’t for the 2 colleges to which Mr. Grigg agreed but after countless times of asking for support from the colleges, has stopped asking. The colleges do contribute to the ambulance. Bob Ormsby asked if when voting on the 2016 Budget would that be approving the police contract. Supervisor Acton responded no – approving the line item in case contract is approved. Mary Stearns added that the Town has increased the amount to the police every year but doesn’t feel can increase it as fast as the Village wants it. Never had a chance to discuss this contract or the dollar amount. Dan Acton added that the Board has until 12/31/15 to discuss this. The Board thanked Mayor Grigg and Chief Griffith for attending and discussing this issue with the entire board.
2016 Budget – a motion was made by Dan Acton to approve the 2016 Budget. The motion was seconded by Fion MacCrea. Discussion continued with J. Snyder stating he feels the Village could negotiate more with the colleges and the Board can sit down and negotiate the police contract. Discussion also involved the purchase of a roller and the procedure. After discussion ended the budget was passed 5-0.
General Abstract #11- Vouchers #118 –131 in the amount of $9375.37 were approved with a motion by Jerry Snyder seconded by Mary Stearns and carried 5-0.
Highway Abstract #11- Vouchers #140-155 in the amount of $13514.64 were approved with a motion by Fion MacCrea seconded by Jerry Snyder and carried 5-0.
Highway Report – Brad Price reviewed the written report with repairs and work done this month. Terbury Road is done to the corner by Sandy Kinnerney’s. Needs to be mowed and widened to allow the school bus room. Eddy’s are too far away from both bus stops sp the bus has to pick them up by law starting next school year.
Truck Chassis revised bid: The only bid that was received was reduced by $3274.33 by removing some options for a total of $28,813.43. A motion was made to accept the bid by Fion MacCrea seconded by Bob Ormsby and carried 5-0.
CHIPS reporting removed .89 miles of Walter Road due to aerial shots. If the Board doesn’t add it back on by resolution the Town will lose about $1100 in CHIPS funding. A resolution to add all of Walter Road to Town mileage was adopted with a motion by Dan Acton seconded by Jerry Snyder and carried 5-0.
Codes Enforcement Officer – Reviewed written report
Monthly Report- reviewed.
· Office of the State Comptroller – webinar for newly elected officials.
· District V meeting next Thursday in Almond.
· Resignation letter from George and Julia Ormsby from Dog Control Officer effective 12/31/15.
A motion was made by Jerry Snyder to accept, with regret, the resignation, seconded by Dan Acton and carried 4-1 with Mary Stearns voting no.
Town Clerk – Been busy selling Sporting licenses. Reviewed written report.
Supervisor’s Report - met with Sandy Kinnerney regarding her concerns with Terbury Road. Will contact Steve Kilmer regarding the John Lang situation.
Committee Reports
Bob Ormsby reported on his attendance at the Village Board meeting. Looking to build an ice skating rink. Mary Stearns will attend the December meeting.
Unfinished Business – Ambulance Contract. Concern about committing to a 5 year contract was discussed. Bob Ormsby stated contract was ok except for the 5 year commitment and Jerry Snyder added that due to the Tax cap can’t commit to a 5 year contract. Dan Acton felt a three year contract would be acceptable. The contract was tabled until the December meeting.
Police Contract – Supervisor Acton stated that the Board needs to meet with the Village to discuss the renewal of the Police Contract for 2016. Jerry Snyder commented that when the Village communicates to the Town that it is Lights and Sirens or nothing – tough to negotiate that. Easy to say “ok nothing”. Mr. Snyder added that this Board needs to meet a consensus before approaching the Village. Need to address what the Town wants them to do. Dan Acton stated that a fire call or auto accident is what the Village should respond to but who is legally responsible to stay. Right now Village police are responding until the State Police arrive. Jerry Snyder added that the Village Police are to respond to secure the scene until the State Police arrive with Village calls having priority. Dan Acton stated that there seems to be two concerns: 1. Dispatch notifying Alfred Police Department. 2. It is already in the contract that Village calls have preference. Mary Stearns stated that she still has a problem with paying same amount for less service. If someone complains about students speeding on Lake Road, can’t see why they can’t patrol it. Jerry Snyder added that the bigger issue is they have reduced their department and if they aren’t busy doing something in the Village and there is speeding going on in the Town, they should be there for our safety and protection. Residents have said they want police protection. If they have the manpower and the time they should do it. If they are busy that is one thing, but if there is a need in the community they should be there. Asking them to do their job. Fion MacCrea stated that when the Mayor talks about cost to the Village, especially during slow times, it is not costing the Village any more to respond to the Town. Dan Acton stated they have only 1 person on in the day and agrees that if they get a call and not busy in the Village, should respond. Bob Ormsby questioned if the State Police are going to back off if the Village responds to more calls. Dan Acton felt the State Police will continue the current amount of coverage. Feels the State Police have done more for road patrol and tickets. Also, if a resident calls the Village Police they shouldn’t be told by the Police that they don’t respond in the Town anymore. If available, should respond. Fion MacCrea stated that Waterwells, Lake, and Randolph Roads are a loop that is popular with joggers and walkers who are from the Village – protection of residents by keeping them safe from speeding cars. After further discussion it was decided the Town would like the following considerations in the contract: