BVC Committee Meeting Minutes 13 September 2016

Present: Simon Johnson, James Lumb, Helen Mitchell ,Richard England ,Andy Rose ,Sarah Dean, Mike Lindop

Apologies: Ian Carter, Val Miller, Kris Salmon

New Committee Members attending for nomination:

·  Ally Garbould – unable to attend

·  Helen Mitchell – Proposed and seconded by Richard and James


·  Previous Minutes – Matters Arising

·  BVC Treasurer’s Report

·  Premises

·  Entertainment

·  Memberships

·  Buckfest Report

·  Bar Report

·  Vice-Chair Report

·  Chairman’s Report

·  AOB

BVC Treasurer’s Report – Aug 2016


August 16 / August 15 / % change / YTD 16 / YTD15 / % change
Bar Sales / 14424 / 18079 / -21% / 137135 / 114322 / +19%
Staff / 4885 / 4417 / +10% / 36939 / 32833 / +12%
Stock / 6164 / 7547 / +19% / 57254 / 52968 / +10%

Other points to note:

·  Collected £99 in memberships and door charges

·  Machines generated a loss of £16 - £306 received and £322 paid out. However there may be some missing paperwork from Reels that will change this

·  Santander bank charges higher due to purchasing change for Buckfest

·  Buildings includes Paxton invoice in August

·  Entertainment higher than normal?

Working capital as of today is just under £28k

Bills due August:

·  Salaries (TBC)

·  Heineken £5286.83 (28th)

·  BVHT £2107 (17th)

·  Buckfest charity donation £1000 (paid 13th)


The snag list needs attention, so Premises should organise a work party


·  24th Sept – Sidekick (£125) – Charity Night (AED)

·  1st Oct – Quiz Night (IC) Burgers, Hot Dogs, jacket Spuds, Slow Cooked Chilli

·  15th Oct Alison Lane

·  22nd Oct – Buckfest Party – The Expletives

·  29th Oct – Man Alive

·  5th Nov – Bonfire Night –no Club event planned due to Bonfire Night celebrations

·  12th Nov – Sophia Soul

·  Sat 26th Nov – Two Tones (£540)

·  Fri Dec Student Night, pizzas

·  Sat TBA (10th Dec) – Disco (SD) Staff Party Committee to run bar

·  Sat 17th Dec Carol Night (tbc)Liaise with the Vicar

·  Sat 24th Dec – check figures for last year but probably no event discuss next month

·  31st Dec – Treble Damage


Sat Mar 18th St Patrick’s Day – Muckle - a Celtic Folk Band


Following the very successful Members Appreciation Night, paid up members have grown to 356, an increase of 48 (16%) over last year. However 140 members have not renewed, which is an area we should improve on next year.

Although the spouse memberships have lowered the yield, the great news is that female memberships are now 31% up from 24% last year.

Income was in the region of £1900 and we should pigeon hole that amount for direct membership benefit – potentially the furniture upgrade.

Buckfest Report

Nothing to report as Buckfest Committee have not reconvened following 2016 event.

Bar Report

·  Faults and maintenance folder – (snag list)

·  Picture frame needed for team photos; we are encouraging team photos

·  Bulbs in family bar – need replacing

·  Signs on fruit machines

·  Fridge lights still u/s

·  7 new members on appreciation night – not many

·  22nd sept Level 2 Food Hygiene - £60 SD only participant

·  Toilets have been deep cleaned – toilet doors need glossing

·  Jake leaves 29 Sept.

·  Josh is no longer with the business

·  2 of 14 respondees ‘’ to staff ad actually replied to our reply – Sarah Hutchinson may join us

·  PAT testing – decision needed

·  22 oct Buckfest Report – door control to check occupants?

·  Heineken – Emma asked should Club receive barrelage re-payment dues thru contract end (July 2017) quarterly or at contract end

·  IC can Ian determine when BT contract expires – depending that is we could dovetail a Heineken renewal concurrently with a BT renewal and potentially receive the BT discount as a new customer

·  Happy Hours – Val has proposed we consider formal happy hours (the Vine do this). AR was supportive but the Committee was divided so the Bar sub-Committee will meet separately to discuss.

Vice-Chair Report

BVT update: RE attends the meeting; BVT have agreed to pay a contribution of 25% (£1850) leaving ¾ of the project paid for which is outstanding (SJ has formally thanksed the Trust for this contribution.

Storage – storage will decrease when new toilet project concludes – an idea is to extend the cleaners cupboard along the wall where the piano resides – SJ to ask JT

Lease agreement has been extended for 5 years to Jul 2021- RC to ask for new lease draft for signing

Membership drive – 2017 membership cards will go on sale from Dec 1st RC seeks committee help to launch 2017 sales

Chairman’s Report (13 Sep 2016)

Bingo - £68 potential contribution to Defib project; Val Jolly plans to visist Club and collect the electronic board but leave the tumbler for use by the Club.

PRS – spoke to PRS explaining the entertainment model was the same as previous year except we had no cinema nights which may have a beneficial effect on premium although I said to keep20 cinema nights in for year ending September 2017. We should I think expect an invoice in the region of £470.

We have taken delivery of a second rapid racking unit for £166 less £27 vat to further improve storage area and make way for fridge. Need a work party to install the new racking.

Family Room Flooring – the 2 most recent quotes were for laying Gradus Latour Carpet Tiles which are hard wearing and less succulent than the members carpet, Camero Vinyl flooring to the dance floor and bar surround - £1730 + vat and £2159 + vat. Following discussion a compromise was agreed – SJ to meet supplier to explain revised layout, a combination of tile and camero with an extended dance floor. The quote will rise but Club will pay the balance over Buckfest contribution.

Buckfest have suggested a figure of £1800 to pay for flooring and would like it finished if ideally by 20 October; I propose we provide plaque recognizing the contribution eg:

“The Family Room Flooring was generously presented to the Club by ‘Buckfest’ this Autumn 2016”

Fruit Machines – the current security measures for the 2 machines are very big and as we upgrade the kitchen they will need to be positioned a bit closer to the bar; with this in mind I asked Martin (Reels) if there was a less obtrusive security solution. He said yes and sourced units that are used by St Neots Golf Club so I went and met their manager who allowed me to photo them (I have it on phone). The advantage will be they are less obtrusive so the machines will appear smaller, and of course currently they are hidden which means they are less promoted, less enticing to users. The cost for 2 is £630 + vat and we can justify expenditure from fruit machine income. Decision pending along with kitchen refurb.

Kitchen Upgrade – still awaiting a second quote for building works.

Committee Roles and Responsibilities – see first draft attached please conside which is an updated version of an earlier document – this was not discussed so B/F to next meeting.

Defibrillator – as you know BJFC are working to install a defibrillator on the field (I think the pavilion) and need to raise in the region of £1,000. I propose BVC donate a £100, and will ask the Senior Football, Vets Football, Tennis and Bowls clubs to contribute £75 each. With the help of the Parish Council, BJFC, Trust (who may not donate but provide ongoing electricity) and maybe an event the whole community would benefit from this initiative.

Jive Nights – I assume we are now in agreement so Sarah can drop the agreement into the Ops Manual until further notice.

Committee Members: Ally Garbould will come to the meet on 13th and is interested in the Secretary role but would like to see the brief.

Helen Mitchell is a current Member and has shown an interest in joining the Committee and will attend the 13th Sep meeting.

Fire Exit doors – Ally understands Paul’s view about replacement is better than repair and that we haven’t really offered BVT a chance to look at what replacement doors would look like however RE re-iterated that a replacement door is not acceptable to BVT so repairs must proceed.

The Committee agreed to pay Sarah Dean an incentive bonus in September’s pay to recognize her contribution to a successful summer and a successful Buckfest. Final salary adjustments to be finalized.


17 year old Memberships – They would have different colour cards and pay the affiliate charge of £5 – to be decided

Next Meeting Tuesday 18th October at 7.15