Full Name: David Velarde Alcázar

Birth date: 31.05.1982

Address: Jr. Horacio Urteaga 852 – 8 Jesus Maria

Phone number: (+51)969749842

ID: 41453103 (DNI)

Status: Single


Professional translator/interpreter based in Lima, Peru; graduated from the Ricardo Palma University, experienced in project management for several translation projects, three years residing in mining projects in different cities in Peru as a translator/interpreter for the high level management. More than 5 years translating and proofreading documents for different clients from the public and private sector and around the world in the legal, engineering, medical, humanities and scientific branch and as simultaneous and liaison interpreter for many Peruvian Ministries and international conferences such as UNESCO, UN, WHO, Human Rights, COP20, FIFA etc. Freelance translator for companies in Canada, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, India, China and Egypt.

Work experience

2015 - 2016 HDB Communications

Senior interpreter in events in different cities in Peru.

2014 - 2016 Bilingual Language Services

Simultaneous interpreter for several workshops for the client Telefónica del Perú – Amdocs on the implementation of the new system. May – to the date

2014 Bilingual Language Services

Translator/proofreader for different projects. Ongoing.

2014 - 2015 Eurotrad

Professor of the translation and interpreting career. Workshops of technical translation and interpreting for all semesters.

2013 - 2014 Siemens

Translation of technical documents in technology of medical scanner devices.

2013 Translator / Proofreader / Transcriber

Freelance projects for different translation companies around the globe, located in Canada, USA, India, China and the UK. Ongoing.

2012 - 2014 LANGROW TI

Proofreader / QC for translation projects.

2012 Stracon GyM

Translator/Interpreter and document control for Consorcio Zanja located in Mina La Zanja – Cajamarca. Revision of contracts and Oracle.

2011 Stracon – GyM

Translator/Interpreter and Operations Manager Assistant for the main office of the JV. Preparation of monthly reports, interpreting in meetings and translation of contracts. Visit to projects out of Lima, such as La Zanja (Cajamarca), El Brocal (Pasco) and Marcona (Ica).

2011 Cesar Vallejo University - Piura

Professor at specialized translation courses for the Translation & Interpreting Career, Year 3 and 4.

2011 Ministry of Education

Translation of International Student Assessment PISA 2012 from English to Spanish. 400 pages.

2010 Graña y Montero S.A.

Translator and English instructor for Consorcio Vial Ayacucho, construction of highway Ayacucho-Abancay.

Also in charge of Document Control tasks, sending of documents to local suppliers and local authorities. Translation of contracts for the main office in Lima, based in Ayacucho.

2010 Teledyne TSS - UK

Interpretation for electrical technicians in wiring and installation of gyrocompass systems, electrical works and navigation tests in Peruvian Navy ships.

2010 Antium S.A.

Interpretation in training courses in the use and maintenance of gyrocompasses as a inertial measurement unit for the Peruvian Navy through the company Teledyne TSS - Great Britain.

2010 Kenax Translation Agency – Czech Republic

Project Manager for South America – Online job. Responsible for vetting and translation of online gaming data, localization to Spanish.

2009-2010 Graña y Montero S.A.

Translator interpreter in the Peru – LNG Camisea Gas Plant Project in Cañete, Perú.

Translation of contracts, RFI’s, ITP’s, quality control procedures, incident/accident reports, field interpretation, meeting liaison/consecutive/simultaneous interpreting, drawing translation. Daily attendance to high management walkabouts, general contact with the client and vendors, supervision of tasks in the field. Personnel distribution reports.

2009 Ink Translations

Translation studio. Project manager, General Manager

2009 Unesco

Freelance proofreading and correction of publications and articles from English to Spanish for Unesco Peru’s office.

2008 Imabri Producciones

Simultaneous interpreting for international Coca Cola Event – Hacienda Mamacona

2006 – 2008 Social Capital Group S.A.C.

Translation of Social Impact assessments and Work Orientation Programs for Social Development.

2008 South American Tours del Peru S.A.

Marketing and Product Development Area

§  Contact with suppliers.

§  Data entering in the new reservation system.

§  Translation and edition of descriptions of tours in Peru and Bolivia.

2007 – 2008 Euro American Assistance

Assistance Department, call center, evaluation of cases in English, Spanish, French and German (August 2007 – February 2008)

Translation and proofreading of the webpage (http://www.euroamericanassistance.com)

2007 CCLR Lawfirm

Translation and proofreading of the webpage (http://www.netmediaperu.com/cavero/index.php)

2005 FIFA

Official translator for the Media Department of the Local Organizing Committee of the FIFA U-17 Worldwide Championship – Peru 2005.

2005 Translation of the webpage of the British NGO The Way Forward, Huaraz, Perú.


2009 – 2010 Specialization on Project Management and Quality – Virtual mode – Certified by PMI. Pontificia Universidad La Catolica University – Lima

2008 Online web translation and edition course, ProZ.com.

2002 -2007 Ricardo Palma University, Faculty of Modern Languages, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation. Languages: English and German.

2005 Basic Italian course in the Italian Culture Institute

2001 – 2003 Basic and Intermediate French courses in the Alliance Française de Lima

1999 – 2000 Microsoft Office, Microsoft Access and C++ courses in the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Cibertec.

1994 – 1998 Intermediate and advanced English courses in the British-Peruvian Cultural Center.

1991 – 1992 Sciences workshops in CEPRECIT.

1991 – 1994 Basic-Intermediate English courses in the language center of the Agraria La Molina University.

1988 - 1998 Salesiano de Lima School. Primary and Secondary Education.


§  Spanish (native)

§  English (advanced level)

§  French (intermediate level)

§  German(intermediate level)

§  Italian (basic level)