Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes from,
Executive Officer Reports
- Student Body President (K. Walsh)
- CRCC to present topics about racism, LGBTQ issues
- Open for students to register
- Only 300 available spots
- October 24th
- Thanks to everyone for the help during festival ISU
- Sunday is the anniversary of 9/11
- Assembling students to go on quad day before/day of and put flags around quad to honor those who died that day
- Student Body Vice President (Z. Schaab)
- Attempting to get numbers for ELP finalized by Friday
- Contact asap if more
- Prepare interest for mentors
- Need people for library committee, academic planning committee
- Student Body Executive Director (A. Goldstein)
- Will be in founders suite October 5th, 19th, November 2nd, and 30th
- Mistake in calendar – no GA on December 2nd
- Promotional items to be in soon – have been ordered
- Clock hours for the days you work for the specific days you worked
- Cross referencing office hours
- Coffee and supplies in
- Space on whiteboard for recommendations
- Applications for secretaries are up, and will be conducting interviews
- Does not need to be approved b
Assembly Officer Reports
- President of the Assembly (D. Heylin)
- Rafalovits, Falson, and Broderick were elected in academic senate
- Internal committees to send minutes to Dan or Morgen
- Senator coordinators present goals
- Senators positions to fill for fine arts and nursing as well as on campus
- Notify Falson if you have any
- Make sure you’re in the office during office hours doing SGA work
- IBHE (Chairman) – shifted meeting to ISU on October 21st and 22nd
- Hopefully a big presence
- ISU usually has the highest level of attendance
- There will be no academic senate next week for the senators
- Committees will still be meeting at 6pm
- More action items in academic senate to given to senators with more information
- Faculty representatives have their own committee meetings
- Vice President of the Assembly (B. Grzanich)
- CC hours – one week into September
- Festival ISU
- Part time job fair
- Need 4 hours
- Quad jam 11th from 3-5
- Pig out with the prez the 13th
- Sex pope
- Final week of September tabling to get last minute voters
- Group calendar for office hours
- Way to check mobile to see who’s in the office when
- Replace whiteboard
- Secretary of the Assembly (M. Snyder)
- No report
Advisor Report (J. Davenport)
- ISU police department to begin enforcing jay-walking
- Warnings followed by citations
- Inform students to walk in the lines so that they don’t get tickets
- Students involved in accidents
- Fencing around railroads – only cross at designated spots
- Begin passing out flyers about voting and early voting
- Make sure people are registered before voting day
Executive Cabinet Member Reports
- Secretary of Governmental Relations (R. Greenfield)
- Thank you for those participating as election judges
- Quite a few early election places and registration
- Waterson
- Faculty lounge
- Milner
- Manchester/Hewett
- Spoke with Vidette about TurboVote
- Students still having problems with connect transit and the app
- Talked to connect transit about this
- Secretary of Programming (B. Tamme)
- No Report
- Secretary of Public Relations (S. Feiz)
- We are sharing the registration to vote online
- Increase Facebook following
- When giving away promo items make sure they are following us on Facebook
- For events – someone needs to be involved in typing up Facebook posts before that day
- If you have an event with a resolution make sure you’re involved in that
- Idan – create snapchat filters?
- Secretary of Diversity Affairs (A. Reado)
- This week DAO meetings
- Reach out and get to know them
- Try to go to meetings and interact at meetings so they know we’re here to support them
- For Fly Jam – go and reach out to other students to get the name of SGA out
- If anybody wants to be in diversity committee contact Reado
- Meetings into one Facebook post
- Secretary of Information Technology
- No report
- Secretary of College Affordability
- Meeting with committee sometime this week
- Idan – there are a lot of teachers are being given bonuses (trips, items) to boost companies by having us register for these programs
- Maybe talk to these professors/companies
- Falson offered to help look into because that’s morally wrong
- Need to have a conversation with professors – do not attack/approach in a non-aggressive way
- At meeting to discuss trying to have 100 level classes do homework through ReggieNet instead of Pearson
- Academic senate was worried about us infringing on academic senate in terms of using ReggieNet – could cause push back
- Walsh – gather information statewide about statewide vs. isu student to pay for textbooks
- Depends on what major, grade, etc.
- ISAC – map grants, funding, so maybe textbook affordability
- Secretary of Sustainability(D. Cichon)
- World Water Week conference
- Biggest student group
- Made a lot of progress but not there yet
- Meeting with Powers, Walsh, and Cichon about sustainability fund and why it was cut
- First committee meeting next Tuesday
Committee Chairperson Reports
-Membership and Outreach Committee (Falson)
- Started conducting interviews
- One qualified guy – hopefully in two weeks
- Be respectful of interviews
- More tabling and CC events
- Waterson
- Tri
- Playlist on WZND – keep posting songs
- Mark calendars December 11th – club Milner 10-10:10
- Homecoming shirts – passed out Friday before homecoming
- 3 for Waterson, two for tri – tri is good need more for Waterson
-Finance and Allocation Committee (L. Ingersoll)
- First hearing today
-Civic Engagement Committee (S. Sibley)
- Voter registration drives to get going with turbo vote
- College democrats and republicans in for debate
- When and where and who to moderate
- Free speech
- Reach out to professors, date and where
-Policies and Procedures Committee (A. Kinross)
- Annotated about half of the student elections code
- Up and running and complete soon
- Online and social media
-It’s on Us Committee
Senator Group Coordinator Reports
-On Campus Senators (P. Broderick)
- Met with cardinal court director
- Working with bus schedule and arrival – putting on TV
- Accepting applications past Friday for on-campus senators
-Off Campus Senators (L. Fulton)
- Met with Daniella Imera –
- Make aware that off campus 101 presentations for students moving from campus to apartments
- Items to purchase to what a valid contract looks like
- Trying to increase student number
- See Fulton for dates and times
- Improve awareness for recycling
- Hawkins is an ambassador for off-campus in LCC office
- If you want to present contact Hawkins or Daniella
-Academic Senators (I. Rafalovits)
- Deferring specific classes for math and sciences until you get to the university for transfer students
- Easier to transfer from community college to four year university
- Meeting to create outline to help with registration system
- Help to know what checkpoints they have to meet before registering to classes
-Student Life Senators (M. Shurhay)
- Currently planning SGA info nights
- Talk to Todd about RSO page update
- Room, contact list, RSO of the month
- Meeting with Nikki Brower about SGA and health promotion
- Pack the place October 15th
- Also victory belt date
Ex-Officio Reports
- 5pm this Friday potluck
- Meetings usuallyThursdays at 7pm
- Will poston FB page about dates
- DAO olympics Sunday September 18th
- Past Saturday victory belt captains
- First GA at 7pm in Schroeder
- Need a board
- Contact Falson or ELP for interested candidates
- Yesterday and today partnered for suicide prevention week
- Papers and fabric across the quad as well as stories
- Curb bird celebration today
- Retreat September 23rd and 24th
- BSU week – different events this week
- Panel today
- Soulfood dinner – to put in group me
- Can contact Beau about making it CC
- Quad jam Sunday
- Saturday community service event
- Royal Court
- No report
- Student Trustee
- No board related items
- Working with walsh about sales tax exemption in regards to textbook affordability
- Graznich for more studnets on town council
- Reach out to student leaders to know about the student trustee position
Information Items
Geoperks – geo cashing, get a discount for certain companies posted on app (TABLED FOR LATER DATE)
- Collegiate service to provide discounts to services
- Help fund because we are direct beneficiaries
- Not necessarily paying for app, paying for the discounts – gets funded through alumni etc.
- Buying a contract, not discounts
- How to get the word out to students?
- Up to the business to make discounts known
- Does anybody use the app? – stats?
- Walsh to talk to collegiate services about whether or not the discount will go away
- To wait until collegiate services rep is available
TurboVote funding –
- Extremely easy to register,
- Online, attractive to students, quick and easy – encourages students to vote
- SGA, Dean of Students, and American Democracy Project all fund
- No money has been paid to turbo vote
Action Items
TurboVote – easiest way to get students to register to vote and involve student engagement
Special Items
Passing the Gavel