There is no time
more fitting to say
Thank Youand to wish you a
Joyous Holiday Season
and a New Year filled with
health, happiness, and prosperity.
Delete this text or Replace it with
your name, company, logo, etc.
Change the verse above if you want.
Read directions below for more info. / To Printer: Top Edge of Card starts 0.50 inches in from this end of page -->
<------To Printer: Right and Left Edges of Card start 0.50 inches in from ends of this page------>

Customer: Date: Card: VERSION #: Fonts: Coronet, Palatino Linotype Ink: BLACK


1)NOTE: Your cards are printed directly from this template. We do not typeset your greeting or alter it in any way. If mistakes are made, they are your responsibility. Header info and instructions on the template will not print on your card.

2)Enter the following information into the header section at top of the template (it will not print on your card):

  1. CUSTOMER, DATE, and the CARD TITLE that you’ve chosen.
  2. VERSION NUMBER: This will keep the various versions straight. Though one version is usually sufficient, if you make changes we don’t want to confuse them.
  3. INK COLOR: Assumed to be BLACK, unless you specify otherwise. Add $18 if you’d like one of our standard colors or $25 for a custom PMS color.

3)Type the greeting onto the bottom half of the page using the fonts and spacing of your choosing. You may use the top half of the page if you wish.

4)LOGOS: If you wish to use a logo, then you must copy the logo directly into the document. Logos must be 300 dpi to 1200 dpi. Do not use logos that are intended for the web because they are only 72 dpi and will reproduce poorly.

5)When you’re done with the layout, print out the template at 600 dpi and check for mistakes. For some reason, mistakes are easier to discover on a printed sheet. If you’re using a logo, then printing the page at 600 dpi should expose any lapses in quality.

6)Make any corrections and repeat Step 5 until you’re satisfied.

7)When you’re happy with the result, create a PDF of this document.

8)Email PDF artwork to us: .

9)We use you artwork file to print your order. We do not typeset or alter your layout.

10)Transmitting the form implies your acceptance to the text and layout that you entered onto the template and that you have given us permission to print your order.

©2006-2015 Mike MacDonald Photography, Inc.