NAME ______

Question to Discuss BEFORE viewing

OPINION. Professor Peter Wood states, “We’ve made certain progress in race relations, but we’ll never get further until we look more closely at slavery.” Whymightthisstatementbetrue?

This is a story of resistance. And the struggle to maintain human dignity. It is a story for the demand for freedom told through the lives of enslaved people.

Begin Viewing Documentary

Questions #4–#9 = 00:00 – 10:06

4.Describe any three characteristics of Dutch New Amsterdam (later called New York City) in the 1600’s:





A: FREE Africans had come to the “New World” with E ______

E ______in the 1530s.

B: English settlers in Jamestown purchased _ _ A ______from Dutch traders in 1619.

C: 5 years later in 1624, 11 enslaved Africans arrived in Dutch

N _ _ A ______

6.Who owned the first11 enslaved people in New Amsterdam & why where they brought to the colony?

7.Describe any FOUR characteristics of the

first11 enslaved people in New Amsterdam:





8.Why did the Dutch bring Creole women into the colony of New Amsterdam by the 1620s?

9.During the early period of colonial slavery, the rules/laws concerning slavery are not established. Consequently, enslaved people have the right to

E _ _ _ M _ _ _ _. And some enslaved people even S _ _ Europeans for money they are owed.


Questions #10–#13 = 10:06–14:55

10.Slavery is NOT the same everywhere. In different cultures & time periods SLAVERY can mean different things …

How is slavery in NEW AMSTERDAM different from common stereotypes of slavery?

11.Why did some of the Africans enslaved in New Amsterdam convert to Christianity?

12.In 1639, the Dutch in New Amsterdam & the local Indian tribes go to war with each other. What is the role of African Americans during this war?

13.After helping defend New Amsterdam from the local Indians, the Creole (aka African) men make the argument that

1) they helped B _ _ _ _the colony;

2) they are C ______;

3) they have helped defend the colony in a

T _ _ _of W _ _…

Andtherefore have more than earned the right to be FREE. The Dutch West Indies company responds by giving the men “HALF FREEDOM” …

What does this HALF FREEDOM mean?






Questions #14–#17 = 14:55–20:05

14.Freedom was also the goal of W _ _ _ _and B _ _ _ _ indentured servants in Virginia’s Tobacco Country.

15.There is great pressure for colonies to produce MONEY for its investors. Farmers in Virginia HOPED to use N _ _ _ _ _ A ______as slaves to help grow more tobacco.

A) Why did this NOT work? B) And what did the English try next to get laborers to grow tobacco?



16.Who was treated worse, Black or White indentured servants? Explain.

17.Being an indentured servant was SOBAD that John Punch, Victor, & James Gregory RUN AWAY from their owner.

What is the punishment of the two white men?

What happens to John Punch?

Why is THIS seen as a turning point in 1640?


Questions #18–#23 = 20:05-26:10

18. The Planter POTTS finds himself in debt … which leads to what atrocityoccurring to the enslaved person EmanualDregez’s family?

19. The court records come to show that by 1661 … what was EmanualDregez’s life like? AND how was it different from life for your average free person of the time period?

20. By 1665 Maryland and New York had

L ______S ______.

Three years earlier, Virginia passed a law that stated, all children born in Virginia shall be held“in bond” or free according to the condition of the

M _ _ _ _ _ .

21. Black families raised thousands of

M ______(also known as biracial) children; E ______owners sold away thousands of their own biracial

C ______no differently than any other enslaved person.

22. 1673 Court Records show EmanualDregez attempted to help his children by giving them … ?

23. Although Dregez could not free all of his biological children, his grandchildren were free – EXPLAIN.


Questions #24–#23 = 31:25-END

24.“In Virginia & other colonies Atlantic Creoles (aka biracial individuals) knew how to negotiate the system and make some gains. However, around this time their wasNOSPACELEFT to win some freedoms.” What does this quote mean?EXPLAIN.

25.The Virginia planters commit to the idea of racebasedslavery to increase their tobacco holdings. Virginia passes laws that state,

A) 1691,freeblacks are B _ _ _ _ _from

most VA counties.

B) African Americans are not permitted to

beE ______.

C) African Americans cannot move about

withoutP ______

D) Blacks cannot own P ______

26.Before this there were ways to gain freedom … Now, freedom is N _ _possible. People are now considered P ______.

27. The Carolina colony was the first colony where SLAVERY was the C _ _ _ _ _of the economy AND became the Carolina W _ _ of L _ _ _ .

28. How did the Carolina colony encourage slavery?

29. Watch the final 20 minutes of the documentary. On the reverse side, list 10FACTSabout slavery in colonial America.