Indus River Valley Research Project Part 1

  1. Topic: Games and Toys
/ What toys did they play with? / Work and Play / Did Children Go the School? / Did people have pets? / Playing Games
  1. What Did They Do For Us?
/ The Ancient World and Us / Indus and Hindus / Living Together / The Indus and the Swastika / Dice and Chess
  1. Technology and Jobs
/ Making Bricks / City Plans / Mohenjo-Daro’s Great Bath / Tools and Jobs / Keeping Clean
  1. Food and Farming
/ What did People Eat? / Mystery of the Great Granary / Indus Valley Farmers / Crops and Farm Animals / Hunting and Fishing
  1. Discovery
/ Who found the Indus Cities? / How do archeologists explore? / Mohenjo-Daro Mound of the Dead / Harappa and the Ruined City / Mystery Skeletons
  1. Way of Life
/ What were the Indus Cities like? / Was there an Indus Empire? / Did they have soldiers? / Indus Gods/ Priest King / Burying the Dead
  1. Trade and Travel
/ What did they trade? / What were seals? / Traders’ Travels / Indus Valley Boats / Trade with Mesopotamia
  1. Land of Indus
/ Where is the Indus River Valley? / Why did they settle near a river? / Other Civilizations / How big was the Indus River Valley / Extra Information/ Fun Facts

Indus River Valley Research Project Part 1

Areas we will research:

Land of Indus, Trade and Travel, Way of Life, Discovery, Food & Farming, Technology & Jobs, What They Did For Us, Games & Toys


Step #1: Visit the website, find the information about your topic (tabs at the bottom), and complete your groups portion ofthe chart.

Step #2:

Step #3: Use PicCollage to Create a Presentation about your topic to share with the class. It must have all parts of your chart included in the presentation, as well as pictures.

Step#4: Create and Practice your group’s presentation.

Indus River Valley Research Project Part 2

Directions: You and your group are going to create a collage of information about the topic in the Indus River Valley you researched. You are turning the boxes of your research into sections of your collage.

Step #1 Label each section on the collage. Choose the background colors, fonts, ect.

Step #2 Fill in each section with the correct information that your group found/

Step #3 Add pictures to help explain your findings.

Step #4 Add style to your collage.

Step #5 PRACTICE! Your group will present these to the class.