The Club runs 16 teams/age groups involving over 350 players but with limited playing and changing resources. The aim of this policy is to set the principles and priorities for the training and playing of rugby throughout the Club.
It covers -
2.1All Coaches within the Club have a responsibility to be sympathetic to the condition of “The Grass” prior to commencing any match or training session. All Coaches must remain fully aware that any serious damage caused to the pitch by playing or training on a waterlogged pitch during the winter months will not be recovered until the following spring when the grass starts to grow. Hence even if a coach is due a match or training session it remains his responsibility on any particular day or evening to cancel or move depending on the condition of the ground.Please use common sense – short term gain is long a long term loss.
The rugby committee will bring to the Management Board any offenders of the policy for disciplinary action.
2.2All coaches have a responsibility to keep the scrummaging machine off the pitches. The driving of this machine across the pitch has caused serious damage in the past. There is a dedicated scrummaging area behind the goal at the end of the pitch 2 and at the bottom of the tag pitches. All new Coaches must discuss the use of this equipment with the Head Coach of the age group team or the club coaches co-ordinator before using it.
2.3Fitness exercises should take place off pitches as much as possible, particularly repetitive exercises such as shuttle runs, burpees etc.
Repetitive Drills MUST NOT take place on pitch surfaces this to include “In goal areas” – Repetitive drills to include repeat lineout drills in the same area. There is enough grass space away from pitch surfaces to set up drills.
2.4When Mini rugby training or matches are played across pitches spectators should not stand across the pitches as this will cause more damage than the players.Please do not walk across playing surfaces – walk around the outside
2.5 Any severe damage to pitches will be charged for by Hereforshire Council as they are the Landlords. This cost will be passed onto those responsible and will not be paid for out of club funds!
3.1 The Club provides four pitch-size playing areas
- Pitch 1– in front of the clubhouse
- Pitch 2 – behind the pitch 1
- Pitch3 – along the bottom of pitch 1
- Pitch 4 – below pitch 2
- Pitches 5 & 6 - behind hedge
- Tag pitches - behind hedge
3.2This part of the policy is designed to indicate which team has priority usage of pitches for matches. At all times, however, commonsense must prevail to avoid overuse of pitches.
3.3The final word on which team plays on which pitch is with the Club Director responsible for Rugby (or delegate, such delegate to be identified at the beginning of each season).
3.4The Club Referee Co-ordinator may advise on the fitness of the pitches and, although he has no authority, as such, to cancel games, his advice should normally be heeded.
3.5The priority for pitches will generally follows the team hierarchy i.e.
1st teamColts/Under 17s
2nd teamU16s
3rd team Under 15s down to Under 13s
Vets Mini/Midi age groups
3.6The Priorities of Pitch allocation may be adjusted by the Club Director responsible for Rugby (or delegate, such delegate to be identified at the beginning of each season)based on the status of any particular game at any time.
3.7The 1st XV will have priority for any match on any day. The 1st XV management team may forego this priority in exceptional circumstances.
3.8Otherwise, on a Saturday, priority follows team order except that the 3rd XV can take priority over the 2nd XV if they are playing a merit table match and the 2nd XV are playing a friendly game.
3.9When any team, other than the 1st XV, is the only team at home the match should be played on the second pitch.
3.10For Mini and Junior matches on Sunday mornings, pitch allocation will depend on the teams at home and the opposition but under the following guidelines –
- Priority follows team order.
- The first pitch will only be used by a Junior team if more than two matches are at home. Exceptionally, a junior team may play on the first pitch in the later stages of a cup competition if agreed previously by the Head Coach.
- Mini teams will not use the first pitch at any time.
3.11Any team that was due to play away will not take priority over a team that was due to play at home, subject to para. 3.8
4.1As a general principal, the Men’s, and Colts/U17 teams train during the week and play at the weekends. Junior teams may train mid-week subject to the conditions set out below and without interfering with senior training and in liaison with other Junior teams. There will be no mid-week training for the Minis/Midis.
All Training must be mindful of and adhere to relevant guidance e.g. RFU continuum, structured season. More importantly all training plans must be player centred with all aspects being appropriate to the capacities of the participants. These capacities are Physical, Tactical, Mental, Technical and Personal / lifestyle.
The Long Term Athlete Development (LATD) Model further underpins the appropriate priority's for each training stage.
4.2Senior Mens’ Rugby
Senior Men’s Rugby will train every Tuesday and Thursday evening from the 1st July to the last game in May. Senior Men’s Rugby will take first priority for the use of all available “Grass” on Thursday nights from 19:00 to 21:00 for the whole of the year when they will run patterns and team skills for the forthcoming Saturday Game. On Thursday nights Senior Men’s Rugby will share the grass with the Colts. Senior Men’s Rugbywill have first choice of the “Grass” available to run patterns etc. Senior Men’s Rugby will undertake individual skills and fitness training on Tuesday nights. The club will try and arrange respite training for the Senior Men’s Rugby during the winter period using an indoor facility on some nights.
4.3The Colts/U17
The Colts will train as required on one or two evenings a week fitting in with the Senior Men as in para 4.2. There may also be Sunday Training on non-match days but will not take any priority over Mini/Junior activities.
4.4Overview of Junior Rugby (U13 To U16)
The Training for Junior Rugby should wherever possible be undertaken on a Sunday morning with the RFU Youth Structured season being adopted with suitable training days being made available in the fixture diary. It must be the joint responsibility of the senior coach of each age group along with the fixture secretary to ensure adequate training days are available.
The RFU structured season indicates an approximate balance of 17 training weeks and 17 match weeks. Mid-week training can take place as indicated below but no matches should be played on a training week i.e. mid-week training must not take the place of Sunday training to fit in another match.
Any mid-week training that does take place is non-compulsory and non-selective. If any training takes place off site it must be with the knowledge and agreement of the Chairman of Youth Rugby.All training that takes part during the week must have the approval of the Chairman of Juniors and the Rugby committee.
Coaches must bear in mind the conditions and time of day e.g. an evening session on a muddy pitch after a long day at school is different from a Sunday morning on a dry surface.The temperature on an evening is most often colder than during the day it is your duty of care to look after those who are in your group – Be sensible and considerate.
Coaches must also bear in mind that the players in these age groups are going through their growth spurt and often at different times so sessions should be adjusted accordingly.
All managers should keep a record of player’s game time to avoid over playing/training the best players.
Coaches must ensure that all players have suitable warm clothing for training and a change of clothes.
The U13, U14, U15 and U16 teams may train for one 1½ hours session during the week subject to the availability of space and the condition of the grass. The teams will be able to train at times as agreed with the Club Director responsible for Rugby. The mid-week training sessions between 1st November and 1st March will not be available as a right and will be subject to cancellation with one weeks notice should the condition of the pitches deem this necessary. Such sessions should if possible be over before older age groups start their sessions (normally 7pm)
Training may be cancelled at very short notice due to pitch conditions and weather implications!
4.6MINI - MIDI RUGBY (U6 – U12)
All mini-midi rugby coaching and playing takes place on a Sunday and there is no provision for mid-week training except prior to festivals and during September with the agreement of the Junior Chairman and Player Development Co-ordinator.
The Mini-Midi Rugby season starts on 1st September each year. Fixtures and Festivals may only take place during the period commencing on the 5th Sunday of the season and ending on the Mayday Bank Holiday Monday. Outside this period, players may only participate in recruitment initiatives.
Club policy in respect of playing up age groups (1 or 2) is not permitted between U7’s and U12’s unless a squad is short for a match and the player is deemed physically able to do so by the coaches. Note: U7s and 8’s cannot play up at any time due to the tackle regulations at U9 and above.
Each player is limited to playing in not more than -
(a) 17 Club Fixtures and/or Festivals during a season in addition to any Fixtures and/or Festivals played by them for their Schools;
(b) 1 Festival during the same weekend, during which teams are only permitted to play in a maximum of 5 games (as per the RFU Regulations).
Fixtures, coaching and training sessions (including time devoted to match play) must last no longer than the following:
Under 7 and Under 8: 60 minutes;
Under 9 and Under 10: 90 minutes;
Under 11 and Under 12: 120 minutes.
All coaches and Managers must be aware that the Club insurance only covers them and their players if these policies are followed and if all training and match arrangements follow RFU Regulations and guidelines.
6.1If there is doubt as to the grass being in a suitable condition for use the Team Coach should obtain the permission to use the grass from the Club Director responsible for Rugby (or delegate, such delegate to be identified at the beginning of each season).
6.2If the Team Coach still believes he is being unreasonably prevented from training his team he is to present his findings to the Rugby Executive for a full and final decision on the matter.If the Club Board or Club Rugby Committee makes a descision on pitch use this is final and not open to change.
7.1Whilst the Club will do what it can to accommodate County requirements we cannot allow over use of the grass.The Club reserves the right to stop all pitch use at any time without prior notice.
7.2Priority will be given where possible for the County Under 13s who are the only County Team Ledbury RFC host.
7.3Other teams may be accommodated in order of descending age groups but with the overriding principle of maintaining the pitches in best orderand subject to other users and bookings. Ledbury RFC have priority over its pitch use.
7.4Training facilities should not be made available to any side without the actual matches being hosted.
7.5All outside requests must be referred to the Club Director responsible for Rugby
The Junior Committee has the power to amend any decision in respect of Junior Rugby. The Board and Rugby Committee have the power to overrule any decision and to set in place from time to time any Club Policy that may affect and or change this document.