UNIT 1 – Spelling Words

Grade 2

Spelling List #1

1. sad

2. jam

3. fix

4. got

5. kick

6. plus

7. bend

8. stop

9. with

10. him

Spelling List #2

1. tape

2. name

3. plate

4. ride

5. bike

6. fine

7. smile

8. grade

9. have

10. nice

Spelling List #3

1. rake

2. cave

3. mail

4. paint

5. drain

6. away

7. clay

8. table

9. always

10. they

Spelling List #4

1. rice

2. tie

3. lie

4. night

5. right

6. cry

7. fly

8. find

9. tried

10. favorite

UNIT 2 – Spelling Words

Grade 2

Spelling List #5

1. maybe

2. green

3. deep

4. clean

5. team

6. theme

7. niece

8. relief

9. believe

10. cheese

Spelling List #6

1. wrote

2. phone

3. soap

4. goat

5. glow

6. throw

7. toes

8. hold

9. one

10. some

Spelling List #7

1. cucumber

2. rescue

3. using

4. used

5. value

6. few

7. fewer

8. mute

9. to

10. second

Spelling List #8

1. park

2. yard

3. sharp

4. farm

5. party

6. jar

7. large

8. start

9. want

10. watch

UNIT 4 – Spelling Words

Grade 2

Spelling List #13

  1. cot
  2. face
  3. cage
  4. city
  5. gave
  6. gym
  7. brag
  8. page
  9. special


Spelling List #14

  1. lamb
  2. crumb
  3. wrap
  4. wrist
  5. wrench
  6. knob
  7. know
  8. knee
  9. friend


Spelling List #15

  1. moon
  2. room
  3. pool
  4. noon
  5. wood
  6. took
  7. cook
  8. hood
  9. too


Spelling List #16

  1. tube
  2. flute
  3. grew
  4. stew
  5. blew
  6. glue
  7. due
  8. truth
  9. knew

10. into

UNIT 5 – Spelling Words

Grade 2

Spelling List #17

  1. stripe
  2. string
  3. scream
  4. scrap
  5. spring
  6. spray
  7. splash
  8. split
  9. school


Spelling List #18

  1. cow
  2. howl
  3. brown
  4. down
  5. count
  6. ouch
  7. ground
  8. mouse
  9. found


Spelling List #19

  1. foil
  2. join
  3. point
  4. noise
  5. enjoy
  6. toy
  7. soy
  8. avoid
  9. would


Spelling List #20

  1. care
  2. share
  3. square
  4. hair
  5. fair
  6. chair
  7. wear
  8. bear
  9. scared

10. where

UNIT 6 – Spelling Words

Grade 2

Spelling List #21

  1. after
  2. better
  3. never
  4. under
  5. paper
  6. winter
  7. summer
  8. butter
  9. were


Spelling List #22

  1. bells
  2. days
  3. names
  4. babies
  5. boxes
  6. kisses
  7. wolves
  8. leaves
  9. was

10. presents

Spelling List #23

  1. wanted
  2. liked
  3. missed
  4. clapped
  5. hugging
  6. sitting
  7. eating
  8. taking
  9. swimming

10. getting

Spelling List #24

  1. louder
  2. coldest
  3. higher
  4. tallest
  5. nicer
  6. easier
  7. biggest
  8. funniest
  9. other


UNIT 7 – Spelling Words

Grade 2

Spelling List #25

  1. year
  2. fear
  3. clear
  4. beard
  5. here
  6. deer
  7. cheer
  8. steer
  9. great

10. hurt

Spelling List #26

  1. I’m
  2. we’ll
  3. he’d
  4. it’s
  5. didn’t
  6. can’t
  7. that’s
  8. you’re
  9. they’re


Spelling List #27

  1. feet
  2. mice
  3. women
  4. geese
  5. men
  6. teeth
  7. people
  8. children
  9. them


Spelling List #28

  1. unlock
  2. unzip
  3. unhappy
  4. unsafe
  5. retell
  6. repaint
  7. remake
  8. reread
  9. upon

10. once