CoC Check-up: Key Points for CoC Leads & Local Stakeholders

This document is intended to provide Continuum of Care Leads with a common understanding of the CoC Check-up process as well as common language for describing the CoC Check-up toCoC stakeholders invited to complete the self-assessment. HUD encourages CoC Leads to call prospective respondents before they are selected to complete the self-assessment tool and explain the importance of the process.

Purpose of the Check-up

The CoC Check-up serves multiple purposes:

  • To determine the current functional capabilities of each CoC, and the degree to which CoCsare prepared for HEARTH implementation.
  • To help CoCs identify areas for improvement.
  • To serve as a tool for continuous improvement by helping CoCs identify (and track progress against) specific goals and action steps that will be documented in a CoC Action Plan.
  • To help identify areas for possible technical assistance.

Talking Points

  • HEARTH and the new Federal plan to prevent and end homelessness (“Opening Doors”)present a unique opportunity to assess capacity and plan for the future. As HUD and CoCs prepare for implementation of the Federal plan and changes to the McKinney-Vento Act programs as a result of the HEARTH Act, there is a great opportunity to assess CoC strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to improve our capacity and performance.
  • The Check-up is an opportunity for CoCs to assess how they function across a wide cross-section of CoC accountabilities. These accountabilities are organized into the following four domains, each with their own sub-elements and corresponding indicators:
  • CoC Governance and Structure
  • CoC Plan and Planning Process
  • CoC Infrastructure and Administrative Capacity
  • CoC Housing and Services
  • As a key stakeholder in the community, your participation in the CoC Check-up is essential to measuring and ultimately strengthening the performance of our CoC. Your experience and knowledge will provide significant insight to the Check-up process. As a respondent you will be asked to complete the self-assessment tool before the close date of January 13, 2012.

Please look for an email containing basic instructions along with a link to the on-line self-assessment tool. Furthermore, please refer to the “Introduction to the CoC Check-up”webinar for detailson how to access and complete the Assessment. Thank you again for your time and effort in this important matter.