Minutes of the last branch meeting


Registered Charity Number 219279

Tuesday 20th June 2017 7.30 pm Warminster Conservative Club

Exhortation and Act of Remembrance by Chairman Bob Wright

Opening Message from Chairman to members present that Roger Kingshott our secretary is in Salisbury Hospital following a bad fall and is having emergency surgery to repair the damage.

Members Present Br Darvill, Bl Darvill, D Atkinson, R Atkinson, K Green, R Courtney, J Cobbold, E Martin, G Starling, A Clark, B Adams, M Walsh, E Phillips, J Morrissey, C Morrissey, S Bohana, C Bosley.

Apologies Pip Ridout, Simon Moss, Heidi Moss, Brian Loveday, Hazel Loveday. Gwen Hooker, L Fudge, A Potter, R Kingshott, V Kingshott, M Lawton F Lawton, R Crawford, S Peckham, A Aiken, M Aiken, J Bosley, T Wilson, J Wilson, P Marsh.

Minutes of last meeting 16th May 2017 proposed to be a true record of the meeting by Brian Adams and seconded by Andy Clark. Accepted unanimously.


Thank you letter to Hawkeridge Congregational Chapel, in memory of the late Mr Brown with donation of £15 to branch.

Chairman’s Report

The Annual Black Tie dinner venue vote. 2 members replied to the question circulated in the May minutes, one in favour of the George Inn and the second in Favour of the Conservative Club when put to the floor after discussion it was unanimously agreed that the Venue would be the George Inn at Longbridge Deverill.

The Selwood Steam Fair 26-29 May

Was as a success even though the weather was unkind. Thank you to all those members who attended and made it a success. Thanks Have to go to our chuck Wagon team of Val and Roger for the constant supply of tea coffee cakes and sausage rolls throughout the event. £168 was raised for the Branch Poppy Appeal. A special thanks to the members of the Riders Branch who came on all three days and provided huge entertainment.

Area Advice and Information Officer

Gemma Carter our (AIO) left the Royal British Legion to take up another role in the charity sector. She sent a personal message of thanks to us for the help and support that the Branch had given her whilst she was in post.

Chair & Secretary’s Seminar Tedworth House Tidworth.

Roger Kingshott Derek Atkinson and I attended this even, it was a long and very hot day but we did come away with a better knowledge of some of the issues facing such a large charitable organisation

Branch Community Support (BCS)

The main point of the seminar focused on this is an initiative that we and most other Branches do as part of their everyday activities.

Just to put it in layman’s terms the committee and members all play a part by helping others either by visiting someone who is ill or in hospital or just needs to chat, telephone someone for the same reason. Bereavement support by Parading our Standard and attend the funerals for those who pass on be they members or just veterans. Previously these voluntary actions had never been recorded. When the Legion first asked for this information to be passed on it was treated with suspicion as it was thought that this was just another way for the people at Haig House to increase their statistics to show how well they are supporting the veterans and their families. In fact it is the opposite as they now recognise what we ‘the volunteers’ do. In turn this has enabled a better perspective of where support (help) is needed and putting strategies in place to address the needs fully.

The Veterans Hearing Fund (VHF)

There is a rumor (not confirmed) that this fund is to be stopped. The reason seems to be the lack of take up by veterans of this initiative. This is in my view only down to the poor signposting of this to Branches and relying purely on having to get all the information on line. We have pushed it hard within the Branch and had a very good response with several members having really top quality hearing aids at no expense to themselves. 4 members took applications forms away after the meeting. If anyone needs more information or assistance please contact Roger, Brian, Andy or me.

County Parade and Redication Service

Our Standard Bearer Allan Aiken accompanied by Margaretta and me attended the Parade and Rededication Church service at Royal Wotton Bassett on Sunday 11 June. The County asked if Warminster could provide the Union Flag to head the parade as the one held by them needed replacing.

The Union Flag therefore took pride of place at the head of the parade. The Shrewton Silver Band headed the parade through the centre of the town to and from the church. A lovely buffet was provided at the conservative club afterwards. Very enjoyable and emotional occasion.

Drum Head Service Fovant Badges 2 July

14.45 hours (2.45 p.m.) Assemble at East Farm Fovant

This annual event has been running since 1961 on the first Sunday in July as the closest to the 1st July the first day of the battle of the Somme. It is a very moving service being attended by many standard bearers of the Royal British Legion. There is usually an honor guard from a regiment of the army and a contingent from the Wiltshire Army Cadet Corps. Representatives from the armed services and the Australian Army also attend. Around 400 members of the public attend. The Shaftesbury Silver Band has provided the music for many years and afternoon tea is provided in the garden of East Farm by the Ladies of Fovant.

Army Air Corps Open Day Middle Wallop 22 July

Very short on information on this event at present other than we will be in attendance with our marquee purely to promote the British Legion and give out information and advice on issues relating to veterans, membership etc.

Corsley Show August Bank Holiday Monday 28 August 2017

Great day out for everyone and especially a good place to take the children/grandchildren. Marquee set up with information and gives the Branch the opportunity to meet the public. Its events like this that help us raise money for the ‘Poppy Appeal’, and an opportunity to enlist new members and younger people to join.

Carnival Fun day in Warminster Town Park 10 September 2017

This is another event to keep the Branch in the public eye, and hopefully attract new and younger members.

Warminster Carnival 28 October 2017

We urgently need active members to support us this year. Last year we lost out because there were not enough people to carry buckets in which to collect donations. Remember the Carnival procession collects monies for all Warminster based charities’ that includes the British Legion.

Vice Chairmans Report

Heytesbury Water Point 28 May 2107

Brian thanked those members who supported the event. It was the largest field of runners and also the warmest weather, with one young lady actually doing the whole course in WW1 & WW2 Battle dress.

He asked for help and support at The Armed Forces Day event in Trowbridge Park on Saturday 24 June.

He also reminded members that our own Armed Forces Day service would be held in the Chapel of St Lawrence on Sunday 25 June at 1530 hours. This is an annual event organised by Keith Rattray who is the steward of the chapel.

Branch Secretary’s Report

Chairman filled in for Roger due to him being in hospital.

Next Skittles and lunch is on Friday the 28th July (Club has another event on the Thursday)

The Branch has had a number of caps made bearing the Warminster Legion Logo at £8 each.

Prices and production of T Shirts & Polo shirts bearing the Warminster Legion logo are also being investigated.

Grand Pilgrimage 90

The Branch has signed up for the Grand Pilgrimage in August 2018. In 1928 (90 years ago) thousands of veterans met and marched with Standards at the Menin Gate, to remember the loss of life and cost of human suffering from those who fought in the War to end all Wars. The Branch Standard bearer and one other are booked to attend and their costs are met from Branch funds £1000. This money covers all transport, hotel, food and excursion costs for the event. The proviso is that both members attending have to be physically fit to march and stand the pace on what will be a long day.

There is a substitute program running alongside of the main event for people who wish to attend. The cost of this is £450 and covers the cost of hotel (B&B) and excursions. Monthly updates are planned so a full information pack and itinerary will be available in due course.

Annual Conference 2017

Branch Delegate & vice President Dr Richard Crawford report

Richard sent his apologies that he could not attend the meeting but managed to email his report, this is attached to these minutes for your information.

Tonight’s Speaker

Apologies from Ted Wilson as he was unable to attend the meeting and give his talk

Poppy Appeal Organiser (PAO) & Case Worker report.

Nothing to report on the Poppy Appeal 2017 yet.

Currently no case work.

Branch Treasurers report

No income or expenditure for the current month.

In the bank £4204.27

BFI £7796.73

Total £12001.00

The account is to be finalised at the end of this month for audit.

Membership Secretary’s Report

Membership reported to be fairly steady at 409


Questions were raised from the floor regarding the annual remembrance parade.

This event is organised by Warminster Town Council with liaison and support from the Military Garrison. The main point was the absence of a band or at least a drummer who knew how to play and march at the same time. The second point was could we approach the GSM and see if a serving soldier could march with the Legion contingent to give the words of command when needed.

The third point was where we would be located at the war memorial.

The chairman & vice Chairman will attend the planning meetings for this year’s event and ensure we cover all these points with the organising committee.

Speaker at next meeting

Matt Flynn Clinical Operations Manager

NHS Transition, Intervention and Liaison Veterans Mental Health Service (South West)

Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust

The meeting was closed with the Kohima Epitaph