Name: HR: Current Grade Level:

This application is for the following AP course: AP ENGLISH LITERATURE & COMPOSITION (typically for grade 12)


You will need to complete an application for each AP course you are interested in taking next school year. List all other AP courses to which you are applying:

I understand the following requirements for taking an AP course:

  • I have reviewed the course syllabi for this particular course (the syllabi are on the Palisades High School website go to high school, click student information, and you will see Advanced Placement Program)
  • I have a minimum/at least a B- average in the curricular area for which I am applying and have met all prerequisite course requirements and grades.
  • I understand the format and expectations of the AP exam and intensity of the course rigor as outlined on
  • I will complete all summer assignments and adhere to the deadlines set forth by the AP subject teacher. Failure to do so will result in a grade penalty for that assignment. This is not a valid reason to withdraw from the course.
  • AP courses require serious work ethic, active participation in class discussions and activities, effective time management and study skills, ability to accept and apply constructive feedback, and well-developed reading and writing skills appropriate to the subject matter for which you are applying.

I have reviewed the above conditions with my parents and agree to fulfill my responsibilities to the AP course for which I am applying.

Student SignatureDate

Parent SignatureDate


  1. Submit a five paragraph essay assigned and graded by your current or previous English or Social Studies teacher. An English class assignment is preferred. This graded essay should be from one of your most recent classes. Please photocopy the essay as it will not be returned to you. Be sure to submit the rubric and/or grade sheet with the marked essay. Select an essay that demonstrates your abilities as a critical reader and effective writer.
  2. Submit a typed one paragraph (5-7 sentences) response to the following question: What do you hope to achieve or gain by taking an AP English course?



Teacher name:


Evaluative questions:YesNo

  1. Do you believe this student has the time management skills necessary to be successful in this AP course? Make comments as necessary

  1. Based on your knowledge of this student’s work ethic, do you believe they will be successful in this AP course? Make comments as necessary

  1. Do you believe this student can accept constructive criticism and feedback from teachers and peers?

  1. Do you believe this student has the critical reading skills necessary for successful completion of this course?

  1. Does this student demonstrate effective writing skills necessary for successful completion of this course?

  1. Based on your knowledge of this student’s classroom interaction, do you believe he/she will contribute positively to class discussions and activities?

  1. Is the student’s written essay for this course appropriate for the student’s capabilities?

  1. Does the student’s written essay for this course demonstrate the skills necessary for the rigor of an AP course?

  1. As the classroom teacher, do you recommend this student for this AP course?

  1. Additional comments:

Most recent curricular teacher signature: Date:

(Please return this completed application back to the student. He/she will turn this in to the guidance office.)


  1. Comments from Department

  1. The department recommends this student for this AP course
/ YES / NO

Department Head Signature: Date: