Date:December 10, 2018
To:City Schools Principals
From:Michael Pitroff, Chief Information Technology Officer
Subject: The Enterprise Desktop Upgrade Project – Phase 2
The CITO has requested that the computer systems (desktops and Laptops) throughout the entire district be upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007. As a result, most of these systems will require a memory upgrade to support enhanced features of Office 2007. While Microsoft recommends a minimum of 1 GB memory for systems using Office 2007, we’ll be upgrading to a minimum of 2 GB to support Office 2007 and the other enterprise applications utilized throughout the district.
Phase 1 of this project has resulted in all systems within Central Headquarters being upgraded. Phase 2 will address school based administrative offices and remote administrative offices. The Phase 3 role-out will address computer systems in schools supporting instructional programs (classrooms, labs, media centers, and teacher laptops), school based support offices, and school based administrative offices not captured in Phase 2. The upgrades for Phases 2 will begin on 7/20/09 at 9:00 am – 4:00 pm with the following anticipated schedule:
Phase 2: 07/20/09 – 08/28/09
Phase 3: 08/17/09 – 11/20/09
The roll-out schedule, with the anticipated arrival date of ITD technicians for the Phase 2 roll-out, is attached. Please allow a 1 day before and after window for the arrival of ITD technicians supporting this project. We will contact schools via email or phone if we anticipate arrival outside of the scheduled date which includes the one day window. If timelines necessitates a revised phase 2 schedule, it will be posted to the principal’s weekly. The Phase 3 schedule will be provided to schools the 2nd week of August.
Our technicians will need to have control of your staff’s systems for 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete the hardware and software upgrade. Any staff with a laptop should have it available so that we can perform its upgrade concurrently with that of their desktop. We understand that work requirements may dictate that some systems be upgraded at a time more convenient to the user. If for some reason we are unable to upgrade staff desktops or laptops, we are requesting that those users open a service request with the Command Center to schedule a time more convenient to complete the upgrade. Please keep in mind also that laptops can be brought directly to the Remote Technical Services’ Laptop Services group for upgrades. The Remote Technical Services area is located within the Information Technology Department room 001A. Laptop Services will complete the upgrade and notify owners for pick-up usually within 24 hours (1 day).
For any computer systems that have yet to be inventoried, ITD will also perform an inventory of your systems during the upgrade. All systems will be entered into the District’s Computer Inventory under the organization (cost center) number from which they were purchased. Our lead technician for this upgrade will be requesting your organization number from principals and department heads. Your school’s or department’s computer inventory, if not already, will be viewable via the Principal’s Dash Board in the near future.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this City Schoolstechnology alert, please contact the CommandCenter at 443-984-2000 and then, press option 7 for technical requests. You also can reach the Command Center by sending an email to .