West Jessamine High School SBDM
April 11, 2011 Meeting
The tenth meeting of the 2010-2011 SBDM council was called to order at 4:05 p.m.
Members present: Marci Smith, Lyndsey Timoney, Hallie Brinkerhoff, Jeff Ball, Dede Conner and Ed Jones
Members absent: None
Non-members in attendance: Scott Wells, Jen Brown, and Nathan Barker
Communication to Council - Mr. Jones reminded members that our prom is scheduled for April 30th. KCCT testing will take place at the end of April. The WJHS Baseball team represented well at Cocoa Beach this past week. The spring musical will be performed early in May. The West Jessamine Choir has been invited to sing the National Anthem at Keeneland.
Announcements - Gay/Straight Alliance Club - Jen Brown. Attachment. Information presented shows that schools with the club may have less student harassment. East Jessamine High does have a Gay/Straight Alliance Club. There was some discussion over the wording of the mission statement. Jen Brown agreed to change wording from “fight” to “advocate against”.
Motion to approve as a new club: Hallie Brinkerhoff
Motion seconded: Lyndsey Timoney
Adopt Agenda - Motion to adopt agenda: Hallie Brinkerhoff
Motion seconded: Dede Conner
Approve minutes of the March 2011 meeting:
Motion to approve: Marci Smith
Motion seconded: Jeff Ball
Council Policies and Procedures - Budget Update - Ed Jones. Mr. Jones forwarded last year’s budget to parent representatives for input on possible cuts. Current proposals include larger cuts in library, guidance, technology, and the principal’s budget, and across-the-board cuts in all other departments. Budget committee will meet this Wednesday.
Technology Proficiency Policy - Scott Wells. Attachment. The purpose of this proposal is to have a WJHS policy that aligns with the current Board policy, and states that students must meet competency requirements in technology in order to graduate. Students must pass a district approved competency assessment, and if not passed, will take and pass Computer & Tech Applications/Literacy or a similar course that could be substituted for this requirement. Marci will ask follow up questions to District Technology Office personnel, such as assessing students who transfer in to our district and the funding for the courses. Voting on this policy proposal will take place after these questions have been answered.
Instructional Practices - PAS C Data Update - Scott Wells. Attachment. Test scores have improved in all areas. We need further improvement in math to meet AYP (annual yearly percentage) goals and are working to improve those scores.
KCCT Testing Calendar and Updates - Scott Wells. Attachment. Testing will begin April 26th and will run through April 29th, with make-up testing through May 5th.
Attendance update. Mr. Jones gave an attendance update. WJHS attendance has remained steady. Our attendance percentage has helped keep us from losing FTE’s.
Personnel Action - We have been able to keep the current number of teachers by cutting some positions down to .75, which is still considered full-time. We do have a vacancy for volleyball coach. Brock Sutherland has been hired as the boys soccer coach. Dede Conner asked how we gauge teacher performance. Mr. Jones answered that we consider classroom observations, formal evaluations, classroom management, content knowledge, dealing with parents and students, etc.
New Business - Discussion on SBDM election process and timeline.
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 5:32 p.m.: Jeff Ball
Motion seconded: Hallie Brinkerhoff
Next meeting: May 2, 2011
Meeting schedule: June 6, 2011