Staff AppraisalForm
Document Type / Staff Appraisal FormAuthor / Chief Executive
Owner (Dept) / Human Resources
Date of Review / April 2014
Version / 1
Staff Payroll No:
Staff Appraisal Form
To be completed by Employee prior to review
Preparation for appraisal – EmployeeRefer to your job description and consider the key tasks and responsibilities of your role? In addition to this consider any individual objectives or staff development plans that have been devised with you.
Consider your performance and complete the following section below.
(The employee will retain the original of the form with a copy being held in the employee’s personnel file (See final page of this document).
If you disagree with the outcome or are unhappy with your annual appraisal findings you are entitled to an interview with your Manager/ Supervisor’s own Line Manager.
Consider your performance and complete the following:
- Which parts of the job have you performed effectively?
- Please explain why you think your performance in the above has been achievable
- Are there any parts of the job where you think you could have performed more effectively?
- Can you suggest what could be done to help you improve your performance?
Print Name:
Staff Appraisal form
To be completed by the Manager
Name of Employee:Position:
Date Appointed to this Position:
Period Covered by this Review: From: To:
Guidance for Manager
You must use the Employees’ current job description as reference for discussions
Ensure that you have considered the employee’s “Preparation for Review Form” prior to conducting and during the meeting
Review of Performance
Consider the job holder’s general work performance- and through consultation with the employee complete the following section:- Which parts of the job has the employee performed effectively?
- Please explain why you think the employee’s performance in the above has been achievable. Can anything be done to build on those strengths?
- Are there any parts of the job where you think the employee could have performed more effectively?
- Can you suggest what could be done to help the employee improve their performance?
Action Plan
Name of Employee (print):
Location: / Date of Appraisal Meeting:
Key Area / Action Plan to Follow / Target Date
Any Comment From Employee
Signature of Employee / Date
Signature of Manager / Date
Following Review a copy of this completed document should be sent to the Head of Department or Area Manager for their review.
A copy of the appraisal should be passed to HR for filing.
The original document is retained by the Employee.
Line Manager’s Signature / DateHead of Department or Area Manager’s Signature / Date
Comments/further actions required:
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