St. Joseph’s Newsletter – 17th September 2017
Bonus Ball Winner: 27 – Maria Stockton, Kath Lawler
Offertory - £1617.50 (inc. standing orders)
CAFOD – £39 (2 weeks)
Sanctuary Lamp
Piotr Chodzko-zajko
(Prayers for Recovery)
Marian Candle
Josephine Black
(Anniversary Remembrance)
Lately Dead
Dave Cooper (59), Joanne Hartley (47), John McCartney, Christopher Makinson, Pauline Percival, Eileen Farrington
Thursday 21st September UCM Meeting
UCM Birthday Celebration Raffle raised £112.10
Wednesday 27th September – Bi-Monthly Mass 70th Anniversary St. Paul’s, West Derby.
Will You Help Me?
Will you help Me love your fellow men, as much as I’ve loved you
And will you try to look at life from your Saviour’s point of view?
Will you help Me with the young and old and everyone between
Will you give them more than handouts and shun a thought that’s mean?
Will you help Me free a sinner, from his life of fear and pain
Will you help Me to correct him, so he will not sin again?
Will you hold each one inside your heart and never turn away.
And every day, remember them, when you kneel down and pray.
Will you help Me when you come to Mass, by listening carefully?
And keep in mind, that you have come in memory of Me.
Will you greet your brothers with a smile and never take the view
That God has make His precious Earth, for only just a few!
He made the Earth for everyone and loves us each one the same.
Yes, He loves every one of us and knows us all by name.
Try your best to help Him, by keeping free of sin
And one day, He will thank you, for the help you gave to Him.
PW 2017
Grandparents Group
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 26th September in the small meeting room in St. Joseph’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
We have had several requests to take Communion to our sick and housebound parishioners living in Penketh and Great Sankey. If any Eucharistic Ministers from St. Joseph’s would be willing to help, please call the Presbytery on 722105. Thank you.
Legion of Mary
The Mass & Blessing for the Sick and Housebound will be held at St. Joseph’s Church on Wednesday, 27th September at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre afterwards. All Welcome.
Job Vacancy
A person is required to clean the Loreto Centre for one hour a day, Monday to Friday between 9am and 1pm during term time only. For more information please contact the Parish office on 01925 722105.
St. Joseph’s Parish Council
Meeting Wednesday 20th September at 7pm in the Presbytery.
Friday 13th October. Dance the night away to “The Humbuckers” a foot tapping duo playing 60’s and 70’s music. Tickets will be £6 each. Bring your own food.
If you’ve got any ‘bell bottoms’ ‘penny rounder’ shirts, or ‘platform shoes’, get them out of the loft and get dressed up for the occasion! (This is optional )
Starts 7pm till midnight!!
Rosary Group will meet again at 130 Meeting Lane on Tuesday, 19th September at 7pm. For further information please call Lynn on 01925 263905.
St. Joseph’s Toddler Group (from birth to school age) every Thursday during term time. Starts at 9.45am until 11.30am. All very welcome, cost £1.50. For further details please ring Angela on 723951.
Church Carers at St. Joseph’s
Please note Church Cleaning on 14th and 22nd September will start at 9.00am.
St. Joseph’s Church Gardening will take place on Saturday 30th September. Usual T’s & C’s apply (e.g. bacon buttie) For catering purposes, please let Andy James know on 493360 by Monday 25th if you are able to come. Thank you.
Comedy Night at St. Joseph’s Parish Centre – Friday 22nd September
Tony Roscoe Fantastic Comedian PLUS ‘The Promotions’ excellent Male Soul/Motown Duo plus DJ! Tickets only £10 which includes light refreshments, are available from behind the bar or the Presbytery. All profits to Warrington Disability Partnership. Tickets selling fast – don’t be disappointed get yours now!!
St. Joseph’s was consecrated in 1923, therefore we will be celebrating this wonderful event with Mass at 7.30pm on the eve of the consecration on Friday, 22nd September.
Jimmy Cricket’s Laughter Show is coming to Blessed John Henry Newman Church, Knutsford Road, Latchford on Thursday, 12th October at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from St. Joseph’s Piety Shop at £10 which includes light refreshments. Please come along and support St. Joseph’s Family Centre Warrington and St. Francis House Hospice Manchester.
Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland
Fully escorted 5 Night Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine, Ireland, 15th October 2017. £699.00 per person sharing.Price includes flight with 15kg checked in bag, all taxes, luxury transfers, 5 nights’ in newly refurbished Knock House Hotel with full Irish Breakfast each morning and 4 Course Dinner each evening. All entertainment, excursions and guided tours included. We will also visit Ballintubber Abbey, Westport, Foxford Woollen Mills. Wheelchair accessible rooms in the hotel. Limited single rooms at supplement of £60. Groups and Individual bookings welcome.Contact Patricia anytime on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557. Email . Knock Pilgrimages is fully protected by ATOL T7613.
Gospel Reflection for the Twenty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Our Turn to Forgive
Forgiveness is difficult. We read about the victims of horrendous crimes and wonder how those people could ever begin to forgive - we even question why they should have to. Most of us know how hard it is to forgive even a small grudge once it has been left to fester. Many of us know what it is like to excuse ourselves with "…Well she started it so she should really apologise first," or, "It’s his problem not mine." There are limits on our forgiveness. Why should we accept the apology of someone who has let us down repeatedly? Why if we have given someone every last chance should we be expected to forgive yet again? Yet Jesus tells us that we must forgive "…not seven times, but seventy seven times.”
If there should be no limits to our forgiveness perhaps we should begin by looking at what makes it so difficult to grant genuine forgiveness. Anger probably comes top of the list. We don't want people to get away with hurting us. Pride often stands in our way too. Forgiving someone often involves an element of 'climbing down'. Also close to the top of the list of obstacles comes a lack of understanding. When we hear of a crime, whether it is small or large, we always ask "Why?" It seems that in order to forgive, we must first understand what has made the other person do what they have done.
Today's readings suggest that in order to make it easier to forgive others, we should look at how often we have asked God to forgive us, often for the same failing. This is the lesson in today's gospel; Jesus is reminding the servant who was unable to forgive that he himself was forgiven. How could the servant expect his master's forgiveness if he could not forgive others? Remembering how we have been forgiven makes us more compassionate when it is our turn to forgive.
Home Mission Sunday 2017 (England and Wales)
17th September
On the third Sunday of September the Catholic Church celebrates Home Mission Sunday. This is an opportunity to inspire Catholics and help them to engage with the mission of the Church, whilst supporting the work of the Home Mission Office.
Often when we hear the word ‘Mission’ it is associated with the valuable work of sharing our faith and helping people in other countries. Whilst this is still important, the Home Mission Office helps Catholics to share their faith with those they love, know and meet on home turf. If home is where the heart is, the best place to start sharing our faith is with the people we carry in our hearts.
Many people find the idea of talking about their faith to others daunting, but we can take comfort from knowing that it is the Holy Spirit who will spark an interest in the hearts of those whom we long to know the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our first step is therefore to pray for those we love and care for, that they be open to the Holy Spirit.
St Matthew
21st September
One day, as Our Lord was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw, seated in his customs bureau, Levi the publican, whose business it was to collect the taxes from the people for their Roman masters. Jesus said to him: "Follow me," Leaving all behind, Matthew arose and did so, thereby giving us all an example of the way in which we should respond to grace. The humble Matthew, as he was thereafter called, tells us himself in his Gospel that he was Levi, one of those publicans abhorred by the Jews as enemies of their country, outcasts and notorious sinners, who enriched themselves by extortion and fraud. Other than this, we know little about St. Matthew as a person, but we know for certain that he was a worthy and faithful disciple, unquestionably a gifted writer and one of the better educated of the apostles.
International Day of Peace
21st September
The UN International day of Peace was formally established as an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence.
Think of one ‘peace making activity’ with which you could engage on this day. This doesn’t have to be about resolving conflict, it might be much more about tackling the root causes of conflict. Conflict begins where injustice is perceived. It goes without saying that as Christians we need to nip injustice in the bud. There is something we can all do when it comes to addressing poverty, religious freedom and cultural ignorance.
World Car Free Day
22nd September
We weren’t born with four wheels and a tin roof, and yet living for a day without our cars fills us with consternation! Doing without our cars has all sorts of benefits for our wellbeing, for our bank balances and for our planet. Start to think about the journeys for which we genuinely need our cars, and the shorter journeys for which we most definitely don’t. Think before you drive!
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
Lewis B. Smedes
Mass Intentions for week commencing 18th September 2017Monday 18th / 9.30am / No Mass
Tuesday 19th / 9.30am / No Mass
Wednesday 20th / 9.30am
7.00pm / No Mass
Deacon’s Admission to Candidacy
Thursday 21st / 9.30am / No Mass
Friday 22nd / 9.30am
7.30pm / No Mass
Anniversary of the Consecration
Of St. Joseph’s
Saturday 23rd
Sunday 24th / 8.30am
4.00pm / Len Bate (3rd Anniversary)
Maureen Parker (80th B’day)
People of the Parish
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Joseph’s will take place this week on Wednesday only from 8.30am until 12 Noon.
There will be a Requiem Mass at St. Joseph’s on Tuesday, 26th September at 11.30 am for Dave Cooper.