Summary of November 14, 2005 Staff Senate Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chair Forman at 2:35 PM.
Student Government Report- Sowmya Srinivasan
- Restructuring SGA along with a new logo and a new slogan. Theface of SGA is changing
- There are several projects SGA has in the works
- A 24 hour Dance Marathon is being planned for March or April 06 as a fundraiser for Kosair Charities. Dancers will gather sponsors to pledge money in hopes of raising about $50,000
- Evaluating the campus radio station – How can SGA improve it?
- A “Finals Fiesta” is being planned for 7 – 10 PM December 6th
- Bus Shuttles using TARC buses from Campus to Freedom Hall for basketball games– with an ID, students, faculty and staff will be able to ride for free
- Lighting the Clock Tower red and enable it to play the fight song
- Successful activities will continue like “Listen-up Legislators” Day and Movies on weekends.
Faculty Senate Report - Robert Staat
- The Faculty Senate meeting was held at the HSC. Dr Clover reported that the first class of MPH students has been enrolled
- Faculty heard a presentation on the Gheen’s Center on Aging by Dr. Wang – the core of the Center will be Molecular Biology based, social services, and geriatrics services.
- Dr. Willihnganz reported for the President and Provost
- Presidents Report
- Benchmark funding – U of L us $52 million below the average of out benchmarks budget will ask for $13 for each of the years in the coming biennium and a similar request for the following biennium.
- Capital construction funding HSC Research III – location will be changed to east of the hospitals. There will be a Doctors building built in the Dental School Parking lot.
- Special Initiative requests to improve undergraduate retention and Public Health initiative. The State is not expected to fund this.
- Trust funds i.e. “Bucks for Brains” $12 million $8 million to UK and $4 million to U of L
- One time infrastructure funding monies are $18 million , may be split 1:1 with a possible $4 million in recurring funds.
- CPE budget may come with performance-based goals like meeting the median for our benchmark institutions like retention and graduation. Graduates per FTE (full-time equivalent) is a possible optional benchmark. Another is “total graduates”.
- U of L Administration may back expanded gaming if the funding is set to go to Education. If you have comments, send them to Dr. Staat via email.
Provost’s Report – Dealt with campus issues. She is considering forming a number of planning committees, which may include:
- Budget Advisory Committee–constituent input into the process
- Faculty and Deans – planning the course of the University for the next 10 years.The Provost and Deans are committed to the undergraduate experience!
- A committee to examine the budgeting process rather than just building on last year’s budget
- Faculty Senate and Dean’s Group to explore ways to find an equitable split between research and teaching
- There is a plan in the works to clearly define “Interdisciplinary Studies” and where groups like Public Administrationshould be housed? What are the options?
- Nancy Martin has resigned and wanted to get back to research and writing
- GraduateSchool is under review – what is the role? Boundaries? Cleaner definitions forthcoming.
What is our graduation rate? - Our benchmarks graduate 52% we’re about 37%
What happened to the 4 disputed benchmarks? CPE threw out two of our benchmarks –UCLA and one on the east coast. It is a mix of campus types about half are residential campuses.
What are the Aspirational Benchmarks?– the institutions that we want to be like.
If U of L is going to back gaming, could they decrease funding from the general fund? Until state revenues increase…we are not going to get more money.
Chair’s Report - Bill Forman
- Executive Committee Meeting – how are standing committee meetings going? Attendance is better this year! Most of the work that the Senate does is in the standing committees. Please keep it going!
- We had a second listening session that was small – that can be improved! November 29this the next session, please promote to your constituents. Robin will notify the Senators of the planned VP & Deans units.
- Bob’s report was similar to Bill’s – they have been at many of the same meetings with the President and Provost
- CPE – making those recommendations to the upcoming general assembly – Dr. Ramsey did say that the projected 1stquarter revenue growth would be 0.9% for the coming year…the second quarter is projected at 4%.
- Bucks for Brains - was $120 million UK – 66% U of L 34% - CPE proposing $12 million must be matched by the institution. UK has failed to match $50 million, so why would the CPE recommend that much again? U of L will have matched everythingwe have been given by June of 2006.
- Julien Carter is leaving U of L to take a similar job at the University ofTexas, Austin – that adds to a long list of searches
- Deans for the LawSchool, the DentalSchool, and theMedicalSchool
- Executive Vice President of Research
- SHARE Food Bank – is it wise to store the food on campus? Felt like Kroger cards or gift cards are a better choice for a variety of reasons. The President and Provost wanted to see a proposed budget from SHARE.
- Trustees –
- President of Jefferson Community and TechnicalCollegemade a report – they have grown to 15,000 students
- Dan Hall – community outreach program – targeted at the west end of Louisville where 65% of the population is without a HS diploma. Unemployment is also a major issue. Outreach is moving along slowly with new initiatives. They want to increase the volunteer network – everyone Reads Program – if you want to volunteer…
- Al Herring, Director of the Muhammad Ali Institute – a different entity from the museum – in charge of peace and justice initiatives. Trying to mend some fences.
- Questions – Food Bank people may not qualify for the share program, but they may be out of food just the same. Logistics of where stored…who does what…If SHARE has resources – Kroger food cards may be a better idea. University could manage the gift cards. President Ramsey and Dr. Willihnganz believe that there should be some University response. SHARE meeting tomorrow to draft a proposal to Dr. Ramsey.
- Valerie Casey was asked to bring opportunities to volunteer to the Senate– Call Brenda Gunn or Valerie if you are interested.
- Long Term – if employees that are so underpaid, what is the Senate doing to create long term solutions? Right now the Senate is only addressing this as an awareness of the issue…
- Are we getting more requests for assistance? If people don’t meet the guidelines, do guidelines need to be changed? It is not a welfare office – it is a long-term problem. Look at what we are paying people. Co-pays are going thru the roof…
- Has illness always been a part of the SHARE guidelines? Fire, illness, RIF – Layoff… A major event that affects tour economic welfare.
- Are we doing anything for LG&E Bills? Heating homes other than gas heat…we need an education program. LG&E has all kinds of programs available. How to seek assistance is what the Senate should promote. A Senator asked that Bill remember these conversations when it comes time to ask for raises at the Board of Trustees Meeting.
- EAP Financial counseling and Pharmacy Coordinator - there are other forms of assistance available.
Standing Committee Business – Vice Chair, Bev Daly
Credentials & Nominations – Valerie Browning
- Loren resigned as Chair and Valerie was elected to replace her. Libby White is new Vice Chair –
- Elections coming up at MedSchool – Ballots should go out this week
Executive Committee – Bill Forman
- The Committee has had 2 Meetings –
- Mike Curtin and the Budget. They were on the 5th or 6th version, but Dr. Ramsey wants Staff Senate’s input into the process all along the way! They are reconstituting the Planning and Budget committee of the Provost… The Executive Committee needs to know in November and January and before the Trustees get it.
- Look at the Open Spaces Results – took each of the topics and we are passing them back to standing committees or the convener to look at the issues. SPR got most of the topics – then go back to the passionate conveners
- In January, we are hoping to have a Staff Senate Diversity Training – an extra meeting. Stay tuned, more will be coming!
Finance & Economic Welfare – Martyna Warren
- Went over the goals and objectives and submitted them to P&P – omitted some and rewrote others.
- Carol Davis is liaison to SPR from FEW
- Travel Reimbursement Disparity – how can those best be handled?
Answer – PO group of 4 or more if hotel approves. MLS will send to listserv.
Bowl Game Planning – Three bowl possibilities – Athletics is planning ahead to look at all sites and putting together a variety of travel packages.
- Important to get fan support.
- University celebration – not just an athletic event…They want to work with staff senate to get staff to attend.
- Incentives to intend are being discussed
Plans & Policies – Beverly Daly
- Canceled this weeks meeting and hope to reschedule to meet next week
- Last month worked on goals and objectives
- HR Strategic Plan – looking it over
- Will be reviewing the Staff Senate Budget
- Travel reimbursement policies
- Sent some things to different committees.
Services & Facilities – Angela Lewis-Klein
- Met on Oct 20th on HSC – mostly a housekeeping meeting, the UPDC meeting attendance was scheduled for all members to have a chance to attend.
- Child care proposal in fund for 2006.
- Parking issues – Dental school parking - is staff being bumped to the upper floors of the garage? What about the Green parking at Hancock St. Lot. New employees cannot buy Green Parking but employees with Green Permits can keep them.
- E-mail traffic about employee family use of fitness facilities – we are not set up to accommodate minors…employee continuing to pursue. Students pay for that – but it is a liability issue to have children use University facilities.
Staff Grievance – Marsha Shields
- Has not met
Staff Policy Review – Bridget Burke
- Met last month 27th reviewed the Draft PTO policy and sent questions to JC. SPR responses back to Julien. Hopefully bring the PTO policy back to the Senate in Dec. Jan or Feb
- Update to Chapter 2 of the Redbook – approved changes
- Chapter 5 of the Redbook – change any conditions in response to grievance – Julien provided information of condition of employment – SPR does not support the change.
- Meeting On Nov. 17th at DEHS
(Minutes for all standing committees should be filed on Docushare)
University-Wide Committees(Minutes or a meeting summary for all university-wide committees should be filed on Docushare)
- SHARE – Senator Meier reported that the committee had met and edited the SHARE brochure. They had discussions about the food-bank versus gift cards. The Soldier Care Campaign in underway again. SHARE has purchased items for 5 or 6 soldiers and committee members have donated additional items. The committee is meeting Friday to draft proposal for Gift Certificates
- Dining Services – Senator Kalbfleisch reported that a new dining facility is being planned for the future on the west side of campus. It is probably 3 years off and may be located in a new residence hall or it may be in a building of its own.
- Task Force on Budgeting – Senator Shuter reported that the group is looking at different budget models and should make a recommendation to the Provost by February.
- COSW – Senator Shields reported that the Commission on the Status of Women meeting summary is on Docushare.
Vice President for Business Affairs - Larry Owsley
Mr. Owsley reported on the following topics:
- Julien Carter will be leaving U of L taking a job at the University if Texas at Austin, January 9th. His last day with us will be January 4, 2006. In appreciation for the tremendous job he has done for us, there will be an event at the University Club from 3-6 PM on December 14th.
- In the transition, there will be a national search for the new AVPHR. There will be a small committee and several advisory groups like the last time. The video process will also be used to screen candidates initially. He would like to have someone on board by April 1, 2006. He and Julien are meeting to plan for the transition and create a six month plan to continue the forward momentum. Mr. Owsley will be actively involved with HR for a while and hopes to name an Interim AVPHR later this week.
- In talking with different people and groups, if people have concerns or questions, please send them to Bill Forman.
- Weekday football games and parking issues – Things went much better this past Friday than the Thursday game a week prior.
- Open Enrollment – Are Senators hearing anything?
- A Senator asked about the Norton/Humana Controversy – If they cannot come to an agreement, under our contract, U of L employees are covered at Norton’s facilities through the end of 2006. At that time, the University may have to go out for bid again.
- A Senator asked if the University could do anything to keep insurance premiums the same for employees for more than one year? If that was done, other areas may suffer…the University must evaluate that annually.
- A Senator asked who decides what is covered and not covered. HR’s benefits consultant reviews the plan along with what other employers are doing. HRAC also brings items to the table that they would like to see included in the plan. The plan is then sent thru Mr. Owsley to the President for approval.
- 60 Minutes – Only one Senator reported seeing the report on our Campus Health Initiative, and she did not think that U of L looked very well. She thought that we were put in the context of the man profiled – an evasion of privacy issue.
- Dining Facility – Student Affairs is looking at existing facilities and what they would cost to renovate. They are looking to build a cafeteria style dining facility but have to decide what U of L can afford. There is a need for more dining, but no decision has been made yet.
- Parking at HSC –The Biomedical Research III building is designed and funded. The HSC also would like a MedicalOfficeBuilding near the hospital. Sites are being evaluated. We also have authorization for an additional parking garage at HSC. An update to the Master Plan for HSC is in the works and parking is a large part of that, adding U of L Hospital Parking into the mix. They have to match the spaces with the category of people who need to park and develop a plan that makes sense.
- A Senator asked what is CommunityPark? It is a Residence Hall under construction on Fourth Street. It is not exclusively Greek, but will have Chapter Rooms at the corners of the building. It will have 260 beds and should open in August.
Associate Vice President for Human Resources - Julien Carter
Mr. Carter began his report by noting that open enrollment started today. It is going well but it has been quiet so far. HR is working thru issues with Gordian and confirmation pages. He encouraged everyone to go on line and make their selections – they can be changed all week long.
- There will be a confirmation mailing to employee’s homes in early December to confirm their selections or what they were defaulted into. There will also be pictures of the different cards so people can be looking for them and not throw them away.
- Default Health Plan – is the one that you are in this year.
- Dental Plan – if you want Dental coverage, you must enroll.
- Flexible Spending – If you are not a waiver participant, you must enroll.
- Vision Plan – This is a new plan so you must enroll.
- A Senator asked about a link for Certificates of Coverage – Mr. Carter will email the link.
- HR is also busy working on year end items – reporting and getting W2s.
- Peoplesoft Upgrade – There will be new functions in 2006. We will notice differences in how jobs are posted, how much easier it is to apply, it will be more user friendly. People will now be able to save on-line applications.
- Supplemental Benefit Open Enrollment will occur in May, 2006.
- If people note any problems on their selections when they receive their mailings, report them ASAP so HR can fix them before the end of the year
- Get Healthy Now – Waiver participants can now join for $20 a month. Spouses can also participate in this as long as both are in the Health Plan.
- A Senator asked if she had to go back to the Doctor for approval to participate again next year? Call Patricia Benson to make sure, but participants should not have to get another approval.
- Another Senator stopped to say THANK YOU for not changing the last pay period of the year this year
Other Business
There was no other business.
Noting no further business, Chair Forman asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was unanimously approved and the meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
Staff Senate Officers for 2004-05
Chair – Bill Forman 852-0996
Vice Chair – Bev Daly 852-8360
Sec/Treas. – Brent Fryrear 852-2956
Senate Office - Robin Emond-Durham – 852-6713
Staff Senate Collection on Docushare: