NOVEMBER 2, 2009 AT 9:00 A.M.
COMMISSIONERS: Gene R. Beck, President
Kristina Warren, Vice President
James R. Baird
ATTORNEY: Scott Hoff
AUDIENCE: 11 Individuals
The Putnam County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on November 2, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. at the annex. The pledge to the flag was given.
Jim Smith, Co Highway Supervisor presented a contract for Bridge 248. He stated Scott Hoff has reviewed it. Gene Beck made a motion to approve and sign. James Baird seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Kim Hyten presented a spreadsheet of the breakout for the sale of personal property items from the County Home. The check he gave the Auditor’s Office was for $7,793.67. He stated $6,262.67 was from the sale of items at the County Home and $1,531 from items at the Sheriff’s Department. Discussion was made on photos of the County Home.
Gene Beck presented the loan agreement the county would have with the Museum. The agreement concerned the items at the County Home that the museum had requested for an exhibit.
Mark Falahee and Mark Hunter were present to introduce their company. Mr. Falahee explained they had done a walkthrough of the county facilities looking for potential energy savings. He stated he had met with Bill Dory and stated Mr. Dory has access to resources for the county. Mr. Falahee stated they use the same criteria as the US Department of Energy.
Mr. Falahee presented the Commissioners with a packet that detailed the estimated savings for the county. Discussion was made on grant money that is available. He stated Putnam County meets the criteria for a lot of it. The applications have to be in by December 7th. Mr. Falahee suggested getting in touch with Legacy, a grant writing firm. Discussion was made on IC codes.
Mr. Falahee stated he would like to receive the Commissioners blessing to continue analysis. He stated he will not charge for any services provided so far. Gene Beck stated they cannot say anything right now, they will have to review the information they had just received.
Kim Hyten stated the only immediate concern is the jail’s chiller. He would like to see if there a grant available. James Baird stated if they wait until the next meeting they would be cutting it close for the grant writing. Mr. Falahee stated that he could give the grant writers a heads up.
Gene Beck made a motion to table until the next meeting. James Baird seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Kim Hyten presented the Commissioners with a list of property owners that surround the County Home property. He stated notification is required by law to be sent to them since the County Home property was being auctioned off.
Kristina Warren made a motion to approve sending notification to the received list of property owners. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Doug Nally with the Sheriff Department stated they would like the Commissioners approval to replace a vacated full time position within the department. James Baird asked if they would be reducing any salary or money. Mr. Nally stated they were replacing the full time position with someone that is currently part time. They do not plan on replacing the part time position, therefore reducing the part time money and the salary will be reduced for the full time position.
Kristina Warren made a motion to approve replacing the full time position at the Sheriff’s Department. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Kristina Warren stated the matter of the Sheriff Department changing Sheriff’s sale companies was tabled from the previous meeting. She asked Chief Deputy Doug Nally to please clarify if they wanted to switch. Chief Deputy Nally said the Sheriff’s Department wanted to remain with Liebermann. They were not interested in switching companies.
Kristina Warren made a motion to stay with Liebermann for the Sheriff’s sales. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Dahna Sanders was present to receive the Commissioners blessing to offer county employees the opportunity to open an account with National City Bank. She stated it would be completely free and she would coordinate times to meet with each department. The Commissioners agreed to let a representative from National City Bank approach county employees with their program.
Wanda Elkins presented title work to the Commissioners requesting a permanent easement for property owned by Kiger. Scott Hoff stated they have had expenses involved in receiving a survey to get the easement. Kim Hyten explained where the easement should be and that Dave Penturf, County Surveyor should look at it. Discussion was made on selling a small portion of the land or just granting the easement. Gene Beck stated he would rather just do an easement. James Baird stated he thought they should put the easement in a different location.
Mrs. Elkins stated she spoke with the Greencastle City attorney about purchasing two unused easements belonging to the city and was told the city would not be interested in selling the easements. Scott Hoff stated they would need to receive a written legal before approving. Mr. Baird stated they should see David Penturf and then city planning department.
Kim Hyten stated the construction on the Westside courthouse steps has started and the State Highway permit is located in the Auditor’s Office.
James Baird made a motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Kristina Warren made a motion approve. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Kristina Warren stated the Commissioners need to tell Scott Hoff exactly how they want the money to be distributed so he can draw the ordinance up. She stated it has to be done by the end of the year so the Auditor can move the money out of the clearing account. James Baird suggested giving $5,000 of the EDIT money to Ivy Tech. Gene Beck stated a lot of county residents will benefit from the school.
James Baird made a motion to give $5,000 of EDIT money to Ivy Tech. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Gene Beck stated that the Health Department was requesting permission to use the Annex gymnasium on November 4th and 5th for the H1N1 clinic. Gene Beck made a motion to approve. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried.
Kristina Warren made a motion to acknowledge the mail. Gene Beck seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
1. County Home Appraisal by Nancy Fogle
2. IDEM – Lone Star Industries
3. IDEM – Chiyoda
4. Microfilm Report – October 2009
5. Floyd Twp. Fire District Meeting minutes – October 7, 2009
6. IDEM – Town of Bainbridge
7. Clerk Monthly Report – September 2009
8. Treasurer’s Monthly Report – September 2009
10. AR Appraisal Services - Invoice
Gene Beck made a motion to allow the Health Department to utilize the gym at the annex for an H1N1 vaccination clinic on November 4 & 5. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Gene Beck made the motion to adjourn. Kristina Warren seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Gene R. Beck, President Kristina Warren, V. President
James R. Baird Attest: Evelyn Owens,
Deputy Auditor