Syllabus for CIS 466 Senior Project
Winter, 2014, TTh 3-5pm, 98C 4-27
Dr. Guthrie ()
Course Description
Application of software engineering concepts, principles, and practices in the development of computer-based information systems. The application of technical, managerial, communications, and interpersonal skills to a realistic business project in a team environment.
Successful completion of 3 upper division CIS courses or instructor’s permission.
Required Materials
- Any materials, manuals or development environment outside of what you would normally have access to should be supplied by the client.
- Copies of Visual Studio and other Microsoft applications are available through the MSN Alliance server. Use your CP userid and password to sign on. If your final implementation requires a cost for hosting, a server, software…etc., you need to make the client aware of this.
- Many students learn a new technology during senior project (ex Php) because customers want to use it or because team members have expertise in a technology that works for the solution.
- Free technology books are available at Safari Books through the Cal Poly library. This provides 24X7 access to technical topics, anytime, anyplace.
- The team will need to set up a group workspace to share information (Yahoo Groups, Google Docs, Dropbox…etc.). Centralizing formal documents and software versions can help to communicate with team members and customers.
Weekly Schedule
Students are expected to work a minimum of 10 hours per week (outside of class meetings). Students commit to a meeting schedule prior to selecting a client.
On a weekly basis, teams (particularly the project manager) are expected to:
- Update the SCRUM Backlog and Hours
- Track status on the Sprints and Burndowns
- Track Action Items
- Track the Bug Backlog
- Track Timecards
Week 1 – Choose teams and clients
- Select team names, roles and responsibilities
- Team Commitment Contract
- Select a client
- Prepare for JAD 1
Week 2 – JAD 1
- Develop Team Norms, Website, Resumes
- Meet with client to work on requirements
- Summarize and communicate findings
- Develop SRUM Backlog and Hours
- Develop Preliminary Sprints
- Investigate Alternative Solutions
- Begin Weekly SCRUM Meetings and Timecards
Week 4 – JAD 2
- Meet with client to further understanding of requirements and communicate schedule and functionality to be achieved at each milestone
- Summarize and communicate findings
- Redo SCRUM Backlog and Hours
- Finalize Sprints and Develop Burndowns
- Start Tracking Action Items
- Start Bug Backlog
Week 6 – Prototype 1
- Meet with client to demonstrate finished Sprints
- Summarize and communicate findings
- Update Action Items and Bug Backlog
- Revisit SCRUM Backlog and Hours
- Track Burndowns
Week 8 – Prototype 2
- Meet with client to demonstrate finished Sprints
- Summarize and communicate findings
- Update Action Items and Bug Backlog
- Revisit SCRUM Backlog and Hours
- Track Burndowns
Week 11 – Final Presentation and Delivery
Students will be evaluated by clients and team members.