Pride, Commitment, Respect, and Unity




Table of Contents

Who to Ask for Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….3

Graduation Requirements 4

Honor Roll 4

Course Weighting 4

Gettysburg High School Planning Guide 5

Class Rank 6

Advanced Placement Courses 6

Dual Enrollment/College Opportunities/Early Graduation 7

Independent Study 8

Scheduling Guidelines 8

Student Schedule Changes 9

NCAA Eligibility, Rules, and Approved Courses 10

Course Descriptions

Agriculture 13

Art 18

Business and Computer Education 22

Career and Technology Education 28

Family and Consumer Science 35

Health, Safety, and Physical Education 37


Language Arts 41

Mathematics 46

Music 53

Science 55

Social Studies 59

World Languages 62

Adams County Tech Prep Consortium 67

Gettysburg Area Virtual Academy/VLN 74

Who to ask for Information???

Administrators and Secretaries

Mr. Blanchard, Principal / Mrs. McDannell / Ext. 26252
Mr. Lewis, Asst. Principal / Ms. Keller / Ext. 26253 (Grades 9 & 10)
Mr. Lusk, Asst. Principal / TBD / Ext. 26282 (Grades 11 & 12)
Mr. Williams, Athletics / Mrs. Myers / Ext. 26225

Guidance Counselors

Leigh Walton / Grade 9 TBD Grade 10 A-E Grade11 A-HA,12 A-G
Beth Polk / Grades 9TBD Grade 10 F- Q Grade 11 HB-M,12 H-O
AP and Testing Coordinator
Anna Palmer / Grades 9TBD Grade 10 R-Z Grade 11 N-Z ,12 P-Z
Mrs. Yingling / Department Secretary

Concerns and Who to See???

Absences / Mrs. Kress - Ext. 26280 / Ms. Keller - Ext. 26253
Academics / Guidance Office/Counselors / Mrs. Yingling - Ext. 26248
Agenda Books ($5.00) / Attendance Office / Ms. Keller - Ext. 26253
Athletics / Mr. Williams - Ext. 26225 / Mrs. Myers - Ext. 26225
Bus Information / Mr. Bowling / AdminBuilding - Ext. 1263
Change of Address/Phone / Mrs. Yingling / Ext. 26248
Copy of report card / Mrs. Yingling / Ext. 26248
Early Dismissal / Mrs. Kress - Ext. 26280 / Mrs. McDannell - Ext. 26253
Emergency Card / Mrs. Yingling - Ext. 26248 / Mrs. McDannell - Ext. 26252
Employment/job concerns / Mrs. Miller / Ext. 26160
Family Access / Mrs. Yingling / Ext. 26248
Free or reduced lunches / Mrs. Weikert or Mrs. Johnson / Ext. 1204
Friend in Trouble / Guidance Office / Ext. 26248
Health Counseling / Mrs. Neely / Ext. 26257
Homebound Instruction / Guidance Office / Ext. 26248
Home Schooling / District Office / Ext. 1212
Late to School / Mrs. Kress - Ext. 26280 / Ms. Keller - Ext. 26253
Library / Mrs. Saltzer or Mrs. Buxton / Ext. 26256
Locker Problems / TBD / Ext. 26281
Long Term Absences / Mrs. Kress - Ext. 26280 / Ms. Keller - Ext. 26253
Moving to a New School / Mrs. Yingling / Ext. 26248
Obligations / Mrs. Kress / Ext. 26280
Parking Permits/Parking Tickets / Mrs. Kress / Ext. 26280
Prearranged Absences / Mrs. Kress / Ms. Keller - Ext. 26253
SAT / ACT / Guidance Office / Ext. 26248
Schedule Change / Guidance Counselor / Grade Level Principal
School Pictures / Ms. Keller / Ext. 26253
Transcripts / Mrs. Yingling / Ext. 26248
Work Permit / TBD - Ext. 26282 / Mrs. McDannell - Ext. 26252
Yearbook / Mr. Laing - Ext. 26172 / Mr. Deckert - Ext. 26195

Gettysburg Area School District

Telephone: (717) 334-6254 x26252

Fax: (717)334-9190 or 337-4439

The Gettysburg Area School District is located in rural Adams County and includes the Borough of Gettysburg and its surrounding townships. Located within 35 miles of Harrisburg and seventy miles of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, MD, Gettysburg is home to a diverse population. Although tourism and agriculture are the major industries, people are also attracted to Gettysburg by Gettysburg College, Lutheran Seminary, and the Gettysburg Hospital. Gettysburg is also the county seat.

Graduation Requirements

Minimum requirements for graduation from Gettysburg Area High School (grades 9-12) are:

English 4.00

Mathematics (a) 3 or 4.00(b)

Science (a) 3 or 4.00(b)

Social Studies 4.00

Fine Arts/Practical Arts/Humanities/Vocation 2.00

Health 0.50

Physical Education 2.00

Safety Education 0.50

Selected Electives 6.00

Freshman F.A.C.S 0.50

Information Tech / Career and Work Research 1.00(e)

Personal Finance 0.50

Personal Choices for Wellness (f) 1.00

Total Credits for Graduation 28.00

(a) All students must meet proficiency standards for Algebra 1/ Geometry in math and Earth Science / Biology in science.

(b) Students must complete 3 or 4 credits of math and science for total of 7 credits

(e) The Information Technology requirement is being replaced by a Career and Work / Research requirement for the Class of 2018

(f) May be selected in place of Personal Finance and Physical Education for grade 12.

Honor Roll

In order to be eligible for inclusion on one of the Honor Rolls, a student must be an enrolled full-time student. This includes Seniors who are enrolled in Diversified Occupations and are employed for credit. GAHS has two levels of Honor Roll. The criteria are as follows:

High Honors GPA 94-100% and no course grade lower than 94%

Honor Roll GPA 85-93.99% and no course grade lower than 83%

Course Weighting

For the purpose of calculating class rank, final course grades will be on a 100 point scale and weighted with additional quality points according the following:

Advanced Placement = 1.1 College in the High School=1.1 Accelerated=1.03

Gettysburg Area High School 2016-17 Course Selection Guide Page 21

Name: / Post Secondary Goal: __ Entry-Level Job (workforce)
__ Technical/Trade School
__ Military
__ 4-year college
Career Goal:
Credit Requirements:
(28 credits minimum) / Grade 9
(9.0 credits) / Grade 10
(9.0 credits) / Grade 11
(9.0 credits) / Grade 12
(9.0 credits)
English (4 credits)
Social Studies (4 credits)
Mathematics (3 or 4 credits)*2 Math credits recommended in 9th grade)
Science (3 or 4 credits)*
Physical Education
Wrap Around Courses
(4 credits) / F.A.C.S. (.5 cr.) / Safety Education (.5 cr.) / Health (.5 cr.) / Personal Finance (.5 cr.)
Information Technology
(1 Credit Career/Research) / Careers/Research Writing
* A MINIMUM total of 7.0 credits are required between Mathematics and Science. Three credits in the one subject and four credits in the other. (Student’s choice).
*** It is possible to earn a maximum of 36.0 credits in grades 9-12, which allows the students to have 12.0 credits in elective courses.

Gettysburg Area High School 2016-17 Course Selection Guide Page 21

Class Rank

Class rank will be determined using final percentage grades (rounded to three decimal places) in all Gettysburg Area School District courses for which graduation credit is awarded. Once rank is determined, students will be grouped in deciles with the first decile to include students ranked in the top ten percent, the second decile to include students ranked in the second ten percent, and the third through tenth deciles to include the relevant ten percent of the class for each decile. Gettysburg Area High School does not recognize a Valedictorian and a Salutatorian. All students in the top decile will be recognized at graduation by name and with a medallion.

College level courses taken outside of the high school and taught by teachers not employed by the Gettysburg Area School District will not be included in the class rank calculations or subsequent decile placements. Independent study, test out courses, college audit, and foreign study credits will also not be included in the class rank calculations and subsequent decile placements. Students transferring to Gettysburg Area High School from other high schools will receive credit for work completed elsewhere. However, final grades for those courses will not be included in class rank calculations and subsequent decile placements.

Advanced Placement Courses

All Advanced Placement (AP) courses are college-level courses designed to prepare students for Advanced Placement tests. Depending upon how well a student does on the respective AP examination given in May, he or she may receive college credit in a particular subject area. Students electing to take an AP course are required to take the examination and pay for the cost (approximately $91.00). Students may apply for financial assistance. Payment of the fee can be made in three installments. Failure to pay the fee will result in an Incomplete being assigned for the class grade until the fee is paid.

Students desiring to take AP courses need to be highly motivated and should have experienced a high degree of success in non-AP versions of the course. Students will be required to do a great deal of reading, writing, and high-level problem solving.

In addition, students enrolled in AP courses are also required to complete summer assignments. Please see each individual course description for guidelines regarding summer work assignments. Assignments should be given directly to the teacher of the AP course. Exceptions may be granted by the teacher with the approval of the administration for extenuating circumstances only.

College Credit Opportunity

Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC)

College in the HIGH School (CHS) / Early college academy (ECA)

Gettysburg Area High School has partnered with Harrisburg Area Community College in order to provide college level courses and credit for eligible students in grades 11 and 12. College in the High School courses, offered at a reduced tuition rate ($150 for 2015-16) for eligible students, are courses taught by HACC certified teachers at the high school, offering the same course content as that offered at HACC. These courses offer an opportunity for GAHS students to earn both high school and college credit. Early College Academy courses are courses taught on campus at HACC but available to our students (regular tuition rates apply). At the conclusion of the course, students will receive a transcript from HACC. These credits transfer to many colleges and universities including Penn State University and the State System of Higher Education colleges (depending upon the selected major). There is a registration fee for CHS courses.

College Credit Opportunity

Delaware Valley College

Gettysburg Area High School has signed an articulation agreement with Delaware Valley College for students to receive college credit for one of three courses offered at the high school. The courses include: Concepts of Biotechnology, Environmental and Plant Science, and Animal and Veterinary Science. Acceptances of credits are dependent upon students completing the courses with a B average or better. The courses may only apply at Delaware Valley College.

dual Enrollment / Course Audits

In cases where an 11th or 12th grade student is on schedule in meeting graduation requirements, he or she may choose to enroll in college course(s) at a local college with recommendation of the school counselor. Tuition, scheduling, and transportation are the sole responsibility of the student.

Early Graduation

Gettysburg Area High School offers Senior students the opportunity to pursue early graduation by finishing their course work at the end of the 1st semester of their senior year. In order to be eligible for early graduation, students must:

1.  Notify their guidance counselor of their intent when scheduling during spring semester of Junior year.

2.  Have completed 24 of the 28 required classroom credits by the first day of school of their senior year.

3.  Have demonstrated a score of Proficient or Advanced on all Keystone Exams (currently Algebra 1, Biology, and Literature) or demonstrating Proficiency on the Project-Based Assessment. Students not scoring Proficient or Advanced are not eligible.

4.  Complete their Graduation Project by December 1st. (For the Class of 2016)

5.  Pass all four courses during the 1st semester. Students not passing a course during the 1st semester will be expected to schedule classes during the 2nd semester. Correspondence courses and/or dual enrollment courses will not be accepted when a student could enroll in courses at GAHS.

Students who meet these eligibility requirements and complete the necessary coursework will not be required to attend GAHS during the 2nd semester of their senior year. Students who choose to do this will not be eligible for participation in school sports (per PIAA rules) or activities (with the exception of Prom, Senior Trip, and Graduation). Students will not receive a diploma until after the graduation ceremony.

Independent Study

Gettysburg Area High School offers Senior students the limited opportunity to schedule an independent study for an elective credit. In order to be eligible for an Independent Study, students must:

1.  Have Senior status

2.  Have demonstrated a score of Proficient or Advanced on all Keystone Exams (currently Algebra 1, Biology, and Literature). Students not scoring Proficient or Advanced are not eligible.

3.  Possess a GPA of 3.0.

4.  Have demonstrated reliability through the absence of attendance and/or discipline referrals.

In order for a proposal to qualify for an Independent Study:

1.  A student must complete the necessary application with his/her school counselor.

2.  The course must be an Elective credit.

3.  The course must demonstrate daily documented work.

4.  The course must be in a field of intended post-secondary study for the student.

5.  The course must have clearly defined assessments.

6.  A certified staff member at GAHS must agree to serve as advisor for the study. The student will report to that staff member’s class room each day during the designated period.

7.  All Independent Studies must be scheduled and approved by the end of the first week of school in August. No independent studies will be approved at the semester break in January without extreme extenuating circumstance.

Scheduling Guidelines

1.  All students must schedule nine credits for the school year.

2.  Every course offered at Gettysburg has a credit value. Credits are earned from both required and elective courses

3.  Some electives may not be taken unless the student is an upper classman. There are also some electives that students may not take unless they have taken the prerequisite courses.

4.  Some electives require a fee to be paid to help offset the costs of materials used to create student projects (indicated by a “$”)

5.  Keystone Exams and/or standardized benchmark test results may be used to determine student placement in courses. Students not scoring at a Proficient level will be scheduled into extra courses for Math and/or Reading.