Peer Observation Review Form

Department of Parks and Recreation – 1 hr review

Observer Name: ______Date: ______Duration of Review: ______- ______

Program and Location ______Program Supervisor: ______

Welcome Table
Were the following posted: / Yes / No / Comments
  1. Emergency phone numbers (including camp cell phone)

  1. Location Dial (a way to locate the camp)

  1. Camp calendar

  1. Parent letter

  1. Playground Safety Plan (tot, elem)

  1. Suggestion box and cards

  1. Sign In/Sign Out Sheets

  1. Signage locating the camp

Program Record Notebook
Were the following included: / Yes  / No  / Comments
  1. Accident/Incident Forms

  1. Budget Logs

  1. Staff and Volunteer Information Records

  1. Field Trip Checklists

  1. Completed Roll Call

  1. Medication Administration Forms (applicable only to camps with campers requiring medications)

  1. PPST

Field Trip Notebook
Were the following included: / Yes  / No  / Comments
  1. Participant Information Records

  1. Staff and Volunteer Emergency Info

  1. Field Trip Roll Calls

  1. DPR Phone List

Was the camp environment: / Yes  / No  / Comments
  1. Free of hazardous materials. Should be out of reach of campers and/or locked when appropriate?

  1. First Aid kit labeled and available?

  1. Free of trip hazards such as wet floors or scattered toys?

  1. Within the appropriate ratio/supervision

Total: Add checks for each column
Leadership - rate your agreement with the following statements /  /  / + / Comments
  1. A staff member welcomed you upon your arrival in a positive manner.

  1. The staff members were engaged with the campers.Director and/or assistant director may not be engaged due to their responsibilities.

  1. Staff members were role modeling safe, respectful & responsible behavior.

  1. Staff members were communicating with each other and with campers using appropriate tone, language and body language.

Programming - rate your agreement with the following statements /  /  / + / Comments
  1. The camp environment was age appropriate, fun, welcoming, clean and creative? Within the camps limits.

  1. The activities were age appropriate, and challenging. The PPST is complete. (activities planned were activities that all kids could engage in, check PPST)

  1. The activities that are being implemented are the ones listed on the calendar and/or structure.

  1. The participants were all engaged, interacting and having fun. Address here if a child is off to the side, not engaged, could be an inclusion issue.

Total: Add checks for each column
Overall Comments and ANY Areas Identified as “Best Practice?

C-5a- Peer Observation Eval Form