Bucks County Fire Advisory Board Minutes for Jan 21 2010
Attending: Adam Selisker, Andy Wedman, Dennis Loux Sr., Glenn Baun, Ron Doster, Edward Copper, W. J. Carwithen, Mike Dydak, Scott Henley, Evan Resnikoff, Walt Hansell, Ryan Pankoe, Jason Dowd, Frank Cosner Jr. Peter Ference
Pete reviewed the some results of the coverage survey compiled by the consultant. Copies of the survey maps will be made available to board members by Pete.
Pete reported that the consultant’s final report should be out in the beginning of February and that it would first be turned over to the County Commissioners for review and acceptance before being released to the board members.
Glenn stated that emphasis must be placed on finding ways to finance any new fire company radios before any new system is adopted. Pete acknowledged the commissioners were well aware of this major concern.
A discussion was held over whether the new system could be in place by the FCC deadline of 2013. It was stated that this would not be known till the type of system is finalized and bids for any new equipment are received and the funding acquired. Then a time line for completion could be worked out. Adam requested the county put in to the FCC now for an extension to this dead line. Pete will look into it.
Adam relayed a concern brought up at the Chiefs – Firemen’s association meeting over the lack of adequate staffing at the 911 center. Mike reported the 911 center never drops below minimum personal standards. This is achieved by using overtime staffing to keep the numbers above minimum manning. He also reported that there are eight trainees do to be on board by the end of February with another six starting training February 16th to help the staffing situation. Pete also stated that he had requested ten new additional employees in his 2010 budget but was turned down.
Glenn brought up a problem with a “Mayday” incident at a fire call recently, and suggested the communications procedures be updated to better handle these types of situation. Mike will review and send out recommendation chances to the board.
Andy brought up for discussion an incident that happened at a rescue scene were the incoming Medivac helicopter lost communications with the ground. It was requested the procedures be reviewed and updated if needed. Mike will review them and report back.
Board members who terms are up this month and need to be reappointed or replaced by their respected organizations are Fire marshal rep Ed Copper, Fire police rep Dennis Loux, and two fire chiefs/firemens association reps, Glenn Baun and Frank Cosner.
No date was set for next meeting.