Common Core State Standards/Next Gen Science Standards

New Haven Public Schools Science

see also

Next Generation Science Standards

(see )

1 Scientific and Engineering Practices

  1. Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
  2. Developing and using models
  3. Planning and carrying out investigations
  4. Analyzing and interpreting data
  5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
  6. Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
  7. Engaging in argument from evidence
  8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

2 Crosscutting Concepts

1. Patterns

2. Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation Scale, proportion, and quantity

3. Systems and system models

4. Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation

5. Structure and function

6. Stability and change

3 Disciplinary Core Ideas

Physical Sciences

PS1: Matter and its interactions

PS2: Motion and stability: Forces and interactions

PS3: Energy

PS4: Waves and their applications in technologies for information transfer

Life Sciences

LS1: From molecules to organisms: Structures and processes

LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, energy, and dynamics

LS3: Heredity: Inheritance and variation of traits

LS4: Biological evolution: Unity and diversity

Earth and Space Sciences

ESS1: Earth’s place in the universe

ESS2: Earth’s systems

ESS3: Earth and human activity

Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science

ETS1: Engineering design

ETS2: Links among engineering, technology, science, and society

Common Core Instructional Shifts for ELA/Literacy:

1. Building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction and informational texts.

2. Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text.

3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary.

Common Core Instructional Shifts for Mathematics

1. Focus strongly where the Standards focus.

2. Coherence: Think across grades, and link to major topics within grades.

3. Rigor: Require fluency, application and deep understanding.


English Language Arts Common Core

READING (10 standards):

-Key Ideas and details ( 1. Read close, 2. Central/Supporting Ideas 3. Analyze development)

-Craft & Structure (4. Interpret meaning, 5. Analyze structure, 6. Assess point of view/purpose)

-Integration of Knowledge & Ideas (7. Integrate content, 8. Evaluate arguments/claims, 9. Analyze/compare)

-Range of reading and Level of Text Complexity (10. Complex text)

WRITING (10 standards)

-Text Types and Purposes (1. Arguments 2. Informative 3. Narratives)

-Production and Distribution of Writing (4. Coherent 5. Develop 6. Technology)

-Research to Build and Present Knowledge (7. Focused 8. Gather Info 9. Use Evidence)

-Range of Writing (10. Time/Task/Purpose/Audience)


-Comprehension and Collaboration (1. Collaborate 2. Integrate/Evaluate Info 3. Evaluate speaker)

-Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas (4. Present info, 5. Strategic Use of media, 6. Adapt to context)

LANGUAGE (6 standards)

-Conventions of Standard English (1. Grammar/usage, 2. Conventions)

-Knowledge of Language (3. Context)

-Vocabulary Acquisition and Use (4. Determine meaning, 5. Figurative language, 6. Acquire/use vocabulary)

See how science and literacy are related at



1. Make sense of problems and persevere

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively

3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4. Model with mathematics.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

DOMAINS (K-8):Counting and CardinalityThe Number System

Number/Operations in Base TenRations & Proportions

FractionsOperations and Algebraic Thinking

Expressions & EquationsFunctions

Measurement and DataGeometry

Statistics and Probability

HIGH SCHOOLNumber and QuantityAlgebra


GeometryStatistics and Probability


NHPS Mathematics and ELE/Literacy Curriculum transition:

11-12New for Grade K,1,2

12-13 New for Grades 3,6,9,10

13-14 New for Grades 4, 7, 11

14-15 New for Grades 5, 8, 12


Science: CT State Standards to Next Gen Science Standards:

8 Practices, Cross Cutting Concepts, Content Strands (Increase in content in physics, astronomy, earth science (some levels))


12-13No change in science content.

Use informational text readings in current elementary science kits (complex text). K-5

Use reading passages (critical text) in district science assessments 7-12.

Revise unit significant tasks (projects) 7-12 to incorporate research/writing/presentation standards. (21st century skills)

Add engineering/design tasks.

Align measurement tasks K-6 with Math measurement/data (K-5)

Align middle school labs with Math statistics/probability (6-8)

Align common use of data/regression with Math Modeling

13-14Begin NGSS content shift (grades K,3,6,9)

Align NGSS Practices with core significant tasks (commonalities with CCSS practices include: argumentation, discourse, use of evidence, modeling)

Revise units to include engineering/design principles.

14-15 NGSS content shift (grades (1,4,7,10)

15-16 NGSS content shift (grades 2,5,8, 11,12)

21st Century Competency / As demonstrated by a student’s ability to…
1 / Problem Solving and Critical Thinking / •Reason effectively
•Make insightful judgments and decisions
•Solve problems
2 / Accessing and Analyzing Information* / •Use research tools to access and evaluate information from multiple sources
•Organize and synthesize information using multiple methods
3 / Communication and Collaboration* (digital) / •Articulate ideas clearly and effectively to a variety of audiences using multiple modes
•Communicate effectively and work productively with others
4 / Creativity and Innovation / •Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work
5 / Initiative, Self-Direction and Accountability / •Set and meet high standards and goals for one’s self and others
•Manage time and resources to produce high quality results in a timely manner
•Take responsibility for one’s own learning
6 / Citizenship and Responsibility / •Exercise empathy and respect for diverse cultures and perspectives
•Contribute to and take responsibility for the larger community

New Haven Public Schools 21st Century Skills

plan: 11-12 9th grade (select 8th grade) for capstone projects in place in 14-15.

Next Generation Science Standards Core Ideas by EndGrade Band

PHYSICAL / Grade 2 / Grade 5 / Grade 8 / Grade 12
PS1 Matter (A: Structure and Properties, B: Chemical Reactions, C: Nuclear Processes) / Matter Types, Heating/Cooling, / Matter Properties, Conservation, Changes / Atoms, Phases, Chemical Changes, Energy, Fusion / Atomic Structure, Chemical processes, properties, Nuclear Processes
PS 2 Motion/Forces (A: Forces and Motion, B: Types of Interactions, C: Stability in Systems) / Push/Pull, patterns / Motion/Force patterns, gravity, magnetism, systems and changes / Newton's Laws, forces, Gravity, Field forces, stable/unstable systems / Newton's Laws, momentum, Coulomb's Law, Field forces, gravity/em/strong/weak forces, systems transformations/cycles/components
PS3 Energy (A: Energy Definitions, B: Energy Transfer, C: Energy/Forces, D: Energy in Chemical Processes/Everyday Life) / Sunlight, pushes and energy, friction / motion energy, basic energy transfer with forces, fuel, useful energy, / Energy types, potential energy, heat/temperature, energy transfer with forces,, biochemical energy, machine efficiency, / Energy conservation, Energy particles/fields, radiation, mathematical energy conservation/systems, energy transfer/fields, multistage physical and chemical processes, electricity generation, advantages/disadvantages
PS 4 Waves (A: Properties, B: Electromagnetic Radiation, C: Info Technologies) / Waves as patterns, Sound, Light, shadows, mirrors, Senses, sound, light, communication / Wave properties, interactions, earthquake waves, Reflection, Magnification, Lenses, Digitized info, / Wave properties, Frequency, Color, Refraction, wave model, Signal Devices, / Reflection, refraction, transmission, resonance, wave interference, Wave/Particle model, EM Radiation, atom emission, Wave technology, Tools, signals, Semiconductors, chips, lasers
LIFE / Grade 2 / Grade 5 / Grade 8 / Grade 12
LS1 Structures:( A: Structure/Function, B: Growth/Development, C: Matter/Energy Flow, D: Info Processing) / Organism external parts, uses, development stages, food, water, light, inputs / Parts, uses, functions, reproduction/life cycles, food, water, air, use and digestion, sense receptors, stimuli / Cells, structures, organs, reproduction, photosynthesis, chemical processes, receptors/stimuli/signal transfer. / Cells, genetics, chemical reactions, feedback, mitosis, meiosis, differentiation, chemical processes, energy transfer, aerobic/anaerobic respiration. Information transfer and processing in organisms
LS2 Ecosystems (A: Interdependent Relationships, B: Cycles of Matter/Energy Transfer, C: Dynamics, Functioning, Resilience, D: Social/Group behavior) / Animal/Plant dependence on surroundings, Group functions. / Food chains/webs, matter cycles, environment changes, Group members, functions. / Organisms/Population interactions/dependence, matter and energy transfer in webs, dynamic ecosystems, biodiversity. Group needs, signals, changes. / Carrying capacities, species and populations, mattter/energy transfer at each link, carbon exchange, Ecosystem functioning, anthropogenic changes. Group behavior, affiliations.
LS3 Heredity ( A: Inheritance of Traits, B: variation of Traits) / Characteristics / Characteristics inheritance and environment, variations. / Genes, chromosomes, traits, Variations, mutations. / DNA, codes, replication, environmental factors and mutations.
LS 4 Evolution (A: Evidence, B: Natural Selection, C: Adaptation, D: Biodiversity) / Extinction, environmental needs, Variety of living things. / Fossils, variation and traits advantage, environmental changes, Variety of living things, classification. / Fossils, history, similarities, species. Natural selection, affect on populations, Biodiversity and species, habitats, effect on humans. / Genetic history, dna /amino acid sequence, natural selection individual/population. factors leading to adaptation. Speciation/extinction, human impact on biodiversity.
EARTH/SPACE / Grade 2 / Grade 5 / Grade 8 / Grade 12
ES1 Universe (A: Universe/Stars, B: Solar System, C: Earth History) / Patterns of sky objects, sunrise/sunset, day/night cycles, events. / Sun as type of star, Earth/moon/sun motions, phases, seasons. Rock changes over time, layers. / Models to explain patterns of motion of sun, moon, stars. Big Bang, galaxies. Solar system motions, tides, seasons. Rock changes, history, periods,. / Stellar evolution, galaxies, star spectra/movements. Planet motions, gravitation, Kepler's Law, Earth orbit cycles. Radioactive dating, rock ages, tectonic processes, early Earth history.
ES 2 EarthSystems (A: Materials/Systems, B: Plate Tectonics, C: Water/Surface, D: Weather/Climate, E: Biogeology) / Wind/Water change land shape, maps. Water phases. Weather patterns. Organisms interaction with environment. / Geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere interactions, erosion. Location of earth structures/features, earthquakes, volcanoes. Water cycle. Weather measurements, Climate. Organisms and rocks/minerals, atmosphere. / Earth's processes and energy/interactions. Plate tectonics, movements, rock distribution. Complex water cycle, water movements/currents, weathering, erosion. Weather prediction, interactions. Ocean impact on weather/climate, greenhouse gases. Earth history and evolution/extinctions. / Earth's system and feedback, changes and time scale. Core energy, mantle convection. Water and earth energy. Global climate, em radiation, past climate changes, climate models. Biosphere/ Earth systems and feedback.
ES3 Earth/Human (A: Natural Resources, B: Natural Hazards, C: Human Impacts, D: Climate Change) / Natural resouces, human use, Severe weather. Reducing human environment impact (recycling). / Food, fuel and renewable resources, Natural hazardous processes. Human impact on Earth, effect of temp rise, reduction of impact. / Renewable/non renewable resources, distribution, technology, Prediction, mapping, natural hazards. Human population, negative impact on natural resources, Affect of fossil fuels, gases, climate science. / Resource availability and society development, Resource extraction cost/risks/benefits, technology, regulations. Natural hazards and human history, effect on populations, human impact. Society management of natural resources. Global climate models, informing decisions.
ENGINEERING / Grade 2 / Grade 5 / Grade 8 / Grade 12
ETS1 Eng Design (A: Defining Problem, B: Developing Solution, C: Optimizing) / Understand problem, Conveying designs and parts. Compare solutions / Problem and solutions/criteria, resources, Problem research, testing solutions/models, / Precise definitions of criteria/ constraints, Systematic testing, models, simulations, feedback. Systemic evaluation, iterative testing. / Design constraints, criteria, limits, risks, scale, challenges. Component problems, solutions, design improvement iterative procedures, use of technologies, presentation. Complex design evaluation, trade-off matrix, relevant consideration and impacts.
ETS2 EngSociety (A: Interdependence of Science, Engineering, Technology, B: Influence on Society/Natural World) / Tools, observations, measurements. technology and humans. / Tools, instruments, and engineering design. Improving technologies, changes. / Technology/science and society development. Technology consequences, uses. / R & D projects, technological innovation, civilization and development.
