Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council
Minutes of the meeting of FULL COUNCILheld at the
Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 8June 2010
Chairman:EJ Gale
Councillors:E M Aldworth,D Barry, D J Davies,J R Davies,D Havard,
B James, R Otter, G Hollywell, RT Davies, P Matthews,
W Thomas
Also Present:Sally Chick (Clerk),Tara Dury(Assistant Clerk)
Prior to the meeting starting, representatives from GAVO; Sandra Davies and Rob Gough, spoke on what is required in order toapply for funding for the Workmen’s Hall. They have been invited to attend the meeting on 22 June in order to go into more detail and answer any questions Councillors might have on this subject.
- There were no apologies for absence.
- Interest was declared by Cllrs Otter, Aldworth, Havard andBarry for the Planning Application on Graig Y Rhacca Community Resource Centre.
- The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record.
- The Chairman reported that she had attended the opening of the BTM Band Hall and it is a wonderful facility which is also available to the community for use.
- The Clerk passed on a request to Council that BTM be allowed to use our Council Office Car Park when they have rehearsals. RESOLVED: An agreement letter giving permission to be sent stating that we are not liable for any damage caused to vehicles – this to be signed by BTM Band official and returned to us.
- Councillors had all received an email from the previous Clerk, Derek Allinson regarding the information sent about the overpayment on his gratuity. It was agreed that a reply letter be sent to him on this matter and also that a letter be sent to Mazars requesting advice on the matter.
- All Councillors were given a copy of the Charter agreement with CCBC. This document is currently being updated and suggestions for amendments are requested from Councillors. This item will be discussed further at the next Environment & Leisure Committee meeting.
- The Clerk received a call from a resident expressing an interest in running a Summer Play Scheme in Machen area. RESOLVED: Clerk to invite Mrs Draper to attend the Environment & Leisure Committee meeting on 22 June to explain to Council what provision would be made.
6.30Cllr R T Davies arrived
257.Cllr Barry enquired what Condition 3 referred to in Planning Application 10/0231/NCC. Clerk reported that this stated use shall be limited to care for persons no older that 19 yrs of age and for periods not exceeding 3 weeks.
Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen CommunityCouncil
Minutes of the meeting of the LAND & BUILDINGS COMMITTEE
held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 8 June2010
Chairman:D Barry
Councillors:EM Aldworth, D Havard,P Matthews,D J Davies,J R Davies,
E J Gale, B James, R Otter, G Hollywell, RT Davies,
W D Thomas
Also Present:Sally Chick (Clerk),Tara Dury(Assistant Clerk)
258.The Chairmanreported that he had attended a Speed Funding Day organised by GAVO. The Coalfields Regeneration would seem to be the best option for funding assistance.
259.The Clerk referred Council to the updated quote for a boiler replacement.After some discussion it was proposed and agreed by a majority vote that we order the new system, and once it is in place, get a maintenance plan in place for the future. Clerk to look into the possibility of a loan from the Carbon Trust.
260.Cllr Barry notified Council that due to personal circumstances, he is no longer able to represent Council on One Voice Wales. It was agreed that Cllr Matthews replace him as representative.
Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council
Minutes of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 8June 2010
Chairman:D J Davies
Councillors:EM Aldworth, D Havard,P Matthews,R T Davies,J R Davies,
E J Gale, B James, R Otter, G Hollywell, RT Davies,
W D Thomas
Also Present:Sally Chick (Clerk),Tara Dury(Assistant Clerk)
Declaration of Interest:None
261.The Clerk reminded Council that the Inter School Sports Day is to be held on 8 July this year. Council agreed to fund the medals as in previous years.
- The situation regarding the overpaid gratuity was discussed in the Full Council meeting.
263.The RBS Software system is now installed and training has taken place. The office staff are in the process of inputting data and Council RESOLVED:that Asst Clerk should have extra hours in order to complete this process.
264.Cllr Otter queried that 2 identical payments had been paid to CCBC for the
W M Hall gas bill. Clerk to investigate this.
265. Payment since last meeting – Members noted the payments made since the last meeting.
266. The Ward Project expenditure was noted.
- Applications for Financial Assistance
The Malcolm Uphill Commemorative Committee– £150 (£50 from each Ward)
BedwasMountain Race - £450 (£150 from each Ward)
Summer Scheme – Council decided they were unable to support this
Trethomas Bluebirds AFC - £250 (Trethomas Ward)
Machen Over 50’s Club - £200 (Machen Ward)
The Bedwas Writers Circle - £250 (Bedwas Ward)
Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 8 June 2010
Chairman:G Hollywell
Councillors:P Matthews,D J Davies, J R Davies, E J Gale, B James,
R Otter, R T Davies, D Barry, W D Thomas
Also Present:Sally Chick (Clerk),Tara Dury(Assistant Clerk)
- Interests were declared for all items by Councillor D J Davies.
- Applications for Planning were decided as follows:
Case Ref. 10/0254/FULL
Location: Ty Penywaun Mountain Road Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8ER
Proposal: Erect agricultural barn
Applicant: Mr G Toms Ty Penywaun mountain Road Bedwas Caerphilly
Case Officer: Mr C G Grimes _ 01495 235124 _
RESOLVED:No Objection
Case Ref. 10/0259/FULL
Location: Graig-Y-RhaccaCommunityResourceCentreGraysGardens Graig-Y-Rhacca Caerphilly CF83 8TQ
Proposal: Erect conservatory and extension to provide covered waiting area and meeting room
Applicant: Graig-Y-Rhacca Community Partnership Mr I Racz 61 GraysGardens Graig-Y-Rhacca Machen Caerphilly CF83 8TQ
Agent:Caerphilly CBC MrPhilEvansTredomenHouseTredomenPark Ystrad Mynach Hengoed CF82 7WF
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce _ 01495 235197 _
RESOLVED:More information required. Clerk to request a plan/dimensions
Case Ref. 10/0303/FULL
Location: 15 Greenacre Drive Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8HG
Proposal: Erect two storey side extension
Applicant: Mr D Colwill 15 Greenacre Drive Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8HG
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce _01495 235197_
RESOLVED:No Objection
Case Ref. 10/0286/FULL
Location: Bedwas Infant School St Mary’s Street Bedwas Caerphilly
Proposal: Erect an 8m x 4m wooden roof pergola
Applicant: Mrs L Hadid Headteacher Bedwas Infant School St Mary’s Street Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8EE
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce _01495 235197 _
RESOLVED:No Objection
Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting of the POLICE & ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on 22June 2010
Chairman:P Matthews
Councillors:E Aldworth, D Barry, D J Davies, J R Davies, B James,
G Hollywell, J Gale, R Otter
Also Present:PC Chris Armstrong
Sally Chick (Clerk)
Apologies:D Havard, W D Thomas
270.The Police Officer reported on incidents in the area during the last month. A cycling project has been undertaken at BedwasPrimary School with 46 pupils taking part. Two off road bikes have been seized in this period.
271.Cllr Aldworth reported that there have been complaints from residents in the Grove 1 regarding children playing ball games. The police are aware of the problem and have visited residents on this matter.
272.Cllr Gale reported that buses turning on Tyn Y Waun were an ongoing problem. Cllr J R Davies notified Council of noise problems in his street. PC Armstrong asked him to call the station with complaints.
273.Council were notified that the Friday night project in Bedwas Workmen’s Hall had been awarded a certificate of appreciation of the valuable contribution made to voluntary work. The Police were thanked for their assistance in making the club so successful.
274.Cllr Barry informed Council that the BTM allotment had visited residents of The Grove distributing excess produce from the allotment.
275.The Chairman of the Committee notified Council of a speeding incident in Machen where a resident had narrowly escaped being hit by a lorry travelling at speed through the village whilst the driver was on a mobile phone.
The PACT process updates are:
Bedwas- anti social behaviour issues
Trethomas –anti social behaviour issues
Graig Y Rhacca –anti social behaviour issues
Machen – Illegal parking problems
Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council
Minutes of Meeting of ENVIRONMENT & LEISURE COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 22June 2010
Chairman:B James
Councillors: E Aldworth, D Barry, D J Davies, J R Davies, G Hollywell,
J Gale, P Matthews, R Otter
Also Present:S Chick (Clerk)
Apologies:D Havard, W D Thomas
- Two members of the public have come forward and informed Council that they are interested in running a Summer Playscheme in the area. The Clerk had previously passed on information regarding a course run by GAVO on running such a scheme. Mrs D Draper and her colleague attended this meeting to request some financial assistance for funding the scheme. They informed Council that GAVO were dealing with CRB checks and assisting them in preparing a budget for the scheme. GAVO already have policies in place regarding equal opportunities, ratio requirements, etc. The plan is for the scheme to be held in the Community Hall in Machen 3 days a week.
Councillors asked members of the public to wait outside whilst this matter was discussed. Councillors debated that matter and RESOLVED that a grant could be awarded subject to the necessary, satisfactory arrangements being in place and the amount would be determined from the budget prepared by GAVO.
The Chamber was re-opened to the public and the Committee informed the applicants of the decision. They will contact the Clerk with information by the end of the week.
- Councillors discussed the pre-meeting which had been held with Donna regarding the scheme and it was RESOLVED that in future all Councillors will receive an invitation to attend such meetings, unless a sub-committee had been set up. This was agreed unanimously.
- Representatives from GAVO were due to attend the meeting but were absent. RESOLVED: Clerk to rearrange meeting with them.
- The Clerk was asked to notify CCBC that there were no street lights on the ring road around Graig Y Rhacca and had not been operational for over a month.
- Councillors noted the letters attached for information on the Winter Service Plan and Community Climate Control, for information.