Secretaries Report

Meeting date Monday 12th September2016

Prepared Friday 9th September 2016

4. Matters arising from the minutes

I sent out the quality review service documents

No progress has been made regarding Wendy Godwin, Charles also to update at meeting

I have put this meeting on Facebook, as well as tweeting and putting on Facebook links to all correspondence sent via mailchimp

5 Correspondence

Hotbriefs have been circulated

6 NHS Updates

Forensic Audit of GOS claims: We have been approached by Robert Hill Opticians to let us know they have been contacted by NHS England regarding their GOS claim rate. I have advised him to ask for assistance from the AOP which he has done. NHS England planned to use the audits done in HOB to look for similar practices and then assume they are over claiming by a similar amount and try to ask for a similar amount of money back. There are some problems with the methodology and maths used and so the optical confederation is challenging this. NHS England have backed down on audit costs so if a practice challenges the figures and demands an audit, NHS England will pay for the audit. However, there will then not be as much room for negotiation about the amount of reclaim.

9 Secretary’s business

NOC: Who wants to go? I plan to go but am unsure if I will stay over so if anyone wants to stay over they should take the free place.

Nicky Ferguson contacted me as Russell’s Hall wanted to produce a list of practices who are miraflex stockists and those who are happy to refract older children with special needs. Are the LOC happy for use to go to our constituents and ask for this information?

Specsavers are the largest optical group in the UK and I feel it is vital they are represented on the committee. I therefore propose that we co-opt Gurdeep Dosanjh to the committee

13 Authorisation to act and email conversations

I ask the committee for continued permission for officers to be authorised to deal with and make decisions on matters that arise that need urgent attention. When this occurs, wherever possible a discussion by email with the Committee will take place before a decision is made.

It is still the aim of officers to bring all matters that require decisions to the next committee meeting, and decisions will only be made outside meetings where waiting is not a realistic option.

14 Authorisation to act on ROC

I ask the committee to agree to Charles Barlow and Paul Sidhu continuing to represent the LOC at HWMROC, with permission for them to use their judgement when deciding if individual decisions made there amount to minor decisions or major decisions. For decisions they consider minor they are authorised to act on the LOCs behalf. For all decisions they consider major they must seek to have those ratified by the LOC, and they must make this clear to the ROC.

15 AOB

Heartlands are again saying that tender documents for Diabetic Screening are about to go out to all practices. I have emailed already to let everyone know to be on the lookout, and propose we email again once they have come out. I suggest that that second email should include any thoughts the LOC has on the new contract e.g. what kind of costs might be involved if N3 lines have to be funded by practices it that is not included in the letter sent by Heartlands. The LOC must continue to ensure it doesn’t take responsibility for ensuring all practitioners are contacted as we should avoid any liability should someone not be contacted.