Curriculum for Excellence Early Level pre-school years to P1

Information Literacy Identification

Literacy Skills / Real & Relevant Information and Critical Literacy Framework
Listening and Talking
I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes. / Selection of resources.
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information.
Communicating information. / LIT 0-01b/LIT 0-11b
Enjoyment and Choice / PlanningLocating – asking questions identifying what I like, (activating prior learning / knowledge)
selecting story (resource),
Gathering and Evaluation–evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways. / Questioning
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information.
Communicating information. / LIT 0-01c
Enjoyment and Choice / PlanningLocating
asking questions what do I want to find out (activating prior learning / knowledge)
Gathering and Evaluation - evaluating / assessing text by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
I listen or watch for useful or interesting information and I use this to make choices or learn new things. / Finding and using information.
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information. / LIT 0-04a
Finding and using information / PlanningLocating
asking questions what do I want to find out (activating prior learning / knowledge)
Gathering and Evaluation–evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text (identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
To help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know. / Questioning – forming and asking the right question
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information. / LIT 0-07a/LIT 0-16a/ENG 0-17a
Understanding, analysis and evaluating / PlanningLocating
asking questions what do I want to find out (activating prior learning)
Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message. / Selection of information.
Re use / communicating information. / LIT 0-09a
Creating texts / Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. / Analysis and evaluation of texts / information.
Communicating information. / LIT 0-09b/LIT 0-31a
Creating texts / Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes. / Selection of sources.
Questioning – forming and asking the right question
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information.
Communicating information. / LIT 0-01b/LIT 0-11b
Enjoyment and Choice / PlanningLocating – asking questions identifying what I like, (activating prior learning / knowledge), selecting story (resource),
Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
I use signs, books or other texts to find useful or interesting information and I use this to plan, make choices or learn new things. / Finding and using information.
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information. / LIT 0-14a
Finding and using information / PlanningLocating–
asking questions what do I want to find out (activating prior learning / knowledge)
Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
To help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know. / Questioning – forming and asking the right question
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information. / LIT 0-07a/LIT 0-16a/ENG 0-17a Understanding, analysis and evaluating / PlanningLocating–
asking questions what do I want to find out (activating prior learning)
Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Creating and Sharing– creating new knowledge
I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts, sharing my thoughts in different ways. / Searching for information.
Asking questions
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information.
Communicating information. / LIT 0-19a/ Understanding, analysis and evaluating / PlanningLocating – identifying what I like, (activating prior learning / knowledge)
selecting story (resource), asking questions
Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing text / information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information. / Selection of resources (tools for writing)
Analysis and evaluationof resources. / LIT 0-21b
Tools for writing / PlanningLocating – asking questions, identifying materials for writing and different ways of recording, (activating prior learning / knowledge)
Selection of resources (tools for writing),
Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing resources (
materials for writing and different ways of recording) asking and answering questions
Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message. / Re use / communicating information. / LIT 0-26a
Organising and using information / Gathering and Evaluation – evaluating / assessing experiences, feelings, ideas and information by answering questions looking at origins of text ( identifying what I find interesting and why), making notes (mental ones progressing to written at top end of level)
Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).
I enjoy exploring events and characters in stories and other texts and I use what I learn to invent my own, sharing these with others in imaginative ways. / Searching for information.
Analysis and evaluation of texts / information
Re use / communicating information / LIT 0-09b/LIT 0-31a
Creating texts / Creating and Sharing– selected information / text communicated in an appropriate form and shared creating text/ information – spoken, drawn, written (at top end of level).


Scottish Information Literacy Project / LTS CfE Literacy Team - DRAFT