You are to imagine that you have been on a pilgrimage to a place important to your faith. Choose one of the places that you have studied. Your task is to write a letter/postcard to a friend who doesn’t follow your faith as a pilgrim.You need to include the following details:
- What were the three most important things you did and saw?
- Say why you chose these three things
- What was the most difficult thing about going on this pilgrimage?
- Why was going on pilgrimage important for you?
- How will this change your life now that you’re back home?
- Was your experience the same as everyone there?
Level 3: I can
- Describe three key events that happened on this pilgrimage
- Give some reasons why this pilgrimage is important in your faith
- Suggest one way that this has had an impact on your life
Level 4 I can
- Describe and show understanding of these key events are important in your faith
- Describe what was inspiring about going on this pilgrimage
- Describe how this will change your life now that you’re back home
Level 5 I can
- Explain the importance of the pilgrimage for you and people of your religion
- Explain how going on pilgrimage has made you feel more a part of your religious community
- Suggest ways in which your experience of the pilgrimage may have differed from other people who you met
- Give one challenge you had to overcome in order to go on the pilgrimage
- Described the three key events of the pilgrimage
- Described the importance of this pilgrimage for believers
- Described how the pilgrimage will affect your life
- Suggested ways in which the experience might differ for different individuals
- Considered some of the challenges of going on pilgrimage