MINUTES – Retail Market Consultative Forum (RMCF)

MEETING : / 32
DATE: / Friday, 28 July 2017
TIME: / 10.00 AM – 11.00 AM
LOCATION: / Teleconference and Videoconference.
Contact: /


Attendees / Company / Location
Adrian Honey / TasNetworks / Teleconference
Chantal Wright / Momentum / Melbourne
Dino Ou / Endeavour Energy / Teleconference
Doug Ross / Vector / Teleconference
Emilie Kueh / Jemena / Teleconference
Errol Murray / APA / Teleconference
Georgina Snelling / Energy Australia / Teleconference
Greg Szot / CitiPower Powercor / Teleconference
Jeff Roberts / ActewAGL Distribution / Teleconference
Jennifer Brownie / QUEN / Teleconference
Joe Castellano / Origin Energy / Teleconference
Kate Goatley / ActewAGL Retail / Teleconference
Libby Hawker / ERM Retail / Teleconference
Mesh Weerackoon / Jemena Gas Network/ActewAGL Distribution / Teleconference
Peter Cole / Metering Dynamics / Teleconference
Phil Pollard / QUEN / Teleconference
Randall Brown / Pacific Hydro / Teleconference
Stephanie Lommi / Red Energy / Melbourne
Verity Watson / United Energy / Melbourne

AEMO Attendees:

Antara Mascarenhas (Chair), Catherine Fetherstonhaugh (Secretariat), Ben Healy, Tim Sheridan,Chris Cormack, David Tagg

1. Welcome and Apologies

Antara Mascarenhas (Chair) welcomed participants to the meeting 32 of the Retail Market Consultative Forum (RMCF).

2. Administration

The agenda was confirmed without additions. The minutes of the June meeting were confirmed as accurate.

3.Changes to Retail Operations Contact List (ROCL) – Update

David Tagg (AEMO) gave an update tostakeholders on the automation of the NEM ROCL by outlining the project plan and associated timeframes. This update followed discussions in RMCF meeting 31, as presented by Claudia Prider (AEMO).

David noted that the current mechanism will ensure that new contact information for Power of Choice (POC) roles is provided, adding that due to competing priorities, the project is planned to be completed post Power of Choice implementation (1 December 2017).

David noted the steps to be taken to implement the online NEM ROCL, which are available for review in Paper 1 of RMCF 32 Meeting Pack.

Following the RMCF, an email was distributed to participants via NEMConnect seeking feedback on the updated ROCL template. Feedback can be provided to up until Friday 11 August 2017.

4. Program Update

Ben Healy (AEMO) gave an overview of the programme update, outlining key dates and meetings held since the last RMCF. This information can be found on slide three of handout two distributed prior to the meeting.

Ben noted that the Readiness survey undertaken by PwC was completed in July. Outputs and verbal updates resulting from the surveys will be presented back to industry in the AEMO Executive Forum in a non-attributable fashion.

Regarding the Victorian Government, Ben noted that a draft Order in Council was circulated on 20 July 2017 with feedback requested by 4 August 2017.

Ben thanked participants for their submissions made towards Work Package Three, noting that submissions closed on 27 2017. The Work Package Three Final Determination will be published as soon as practicable, with the current view being early September 2017. WorkPackage Three documents can be accessed via the consultation page.

Ben noted that that the Business to Business (B2B) Working Group has compiled a log of small clarifications and corrections which AEMO will publish on the Information Exchange Committee’s behalf. The current list is available for review at the AEMO Power of Choice B2B consultation page. Ben added that any suggested improvements or changes not identified as error corrections will be addressed via consultation in 2018.

The Systems Working Group has recently released an updated B2B Shared Market Protocol technical guide in addition to an MSATS guide. The ASWG has sent out updated information regarding validation modules and tools. Ben noted that the first two phases of industry testing are now complete and participants are now preparing for market Trial Phase Three which will commence 21 August 2017. AEMO will circulate details of a 1 week outage window which will be communicated via the regular channels.

Ben noted that a discussion point from the most recent Programme Consultative Forum will be presented to the Information Exchange Committee (IEC) on 1 August 2017. Ben explained that the IEC will be asked to consider a proposed model for decision making regarding business processes for B2B transactions, specifically where two parties have interpreted rules in accordance to their own business process and an independent body is required to dictate the interpretation.

Regarding the next Executive Forum, Ben reminded participants that the preference is to have executive representatives in attendance at AEMO, and any parties dialled into the meeting should be listening on mute with one line dialled in per organisation. Video Conferencing will be provided from AEMO offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide. Please contact the Power of Choice mailbox for further information.

Ben gave an update on Market Readiness, noting that the July report has been published, with an increase in submissions received month on month. AEMO received 44 participant reports in July and is engaging with organisations that aren’t currently reporting to understand where they can assist. Ben highlighted that these organisations have limited customers and present minimal risk to industry and programme delivery.

A summary of the July 2017 Industry Readiness Report is summarised from slides eight to ten of Handout 1 as circulated in RMCF 32 meeting pack.

Jennifer Brownie (QUEN) queried the registration process for metering coordinators (MCs) and requested the guidelines for metering coordinator registration. Catherine Fetherstonhaugh (AEMO) took an action to share these published documents with Jennifer. (Action Item 32.4.1). Antara Mascarenhas noted that further information regarding MCs will be circulated in the next PoC newsletter.

Chantal Wright (Momentum) noted concerns regarding potential Metering Coordinators, as some have expressed that testing will only be executed with parties with which they have bilateral agreements. AEMO noted these concerns for future discussion when MC’s were represented at the RMCF.

5. Next Meeting

The next RMCF meeting will take place onFriday 25August 2017.