The Dinner Party Assessment

Telling About The Story. Complete each of the following statements by putting an x in the box next to the correct answer. Each statement tells something about the story.

1. Mrs. Wynnes knew that a cobra was in the room because she –
c saw it in the rafters c noticed it crawl under the table c felt it on her foot

2. The American didn’t warn the guests about the cobra because he–
c was too frightened to say anything c wasn’t sure that a cobra was actually in the room c feared that any noise or movement would cause the cobra to strike

3. The colonel believed that, in a crisis, a woman would – c always panic c remain quite calm c show more control than a man

4. The cobra came out because it was– c frightened by the guests c attracted by the milk c awakened by the sound of the American counting

5. The American scientist appears to be the type of person who likes to crelax cinvestigate c take orders ctake risks

6. In paragraph 7, what does the phrase “so arresting that it sobers everyone” mean?

c so serious-sounding that it makes every one laugh

c So beautiful-sounding that is makes everyone melancholy

c So legal-sounding that everyone gets frightened

c So important-sounding that everyone pays attention

New Vocabulary Words. Answer the following vocabulary questions by putting an x in the box next to the correct response.

1. The large dinner party took place in a spacious dining room. What is the meaning of the word spacious? c Tiny or small c great or vast c shabby or run-down c fashionable

2. The American’s first impulse was to warn the others. Which of the following best defines the word impulse? c Attempt or try c information or knowledge c instinct or urge

3. Anyone who moved would forfeit fifty rupees. The word forfeit means- c surrender c earn c borrow c display

At the count of 280, the American saw the cobra emerge. Which phrase best defines the word emerge? c suddenly strike c come into view c slip slowly away
c blend into its surroundings

Identifying Story Elements. Each of the following questions tests your understanding of story elements. Put an x in the box next to each correct answer.

1. What happened last in the plot of the story? c A young girl argued with a colonel.
c The cobra moved toward the veranda doors. c The American began to count to three hundred.

2. Which sentence best characterizes Mrs. Wynnes? c She talked a lot but never listened.
c She was calm and courageous. c She was easily frightened. c She was a poor hostess.

3. “The Dinner Party” is set in- c England c India c the United States c Ireland

4. Which sentence best expresses the theme of the story?

o  Men are more courageous than women

o  Women are calmer than men

o  Your gender has no impact on how courageous you are.

Thinking About The Story. Each of the following questions requires you to think critically about the selection. Put an x in the box next to the correct answer.

1. In “The Dinner Party,” a young girl and a colonel have a difference of opinion. The conclusion of the story suggests that – c the colonel was right c the young girl was right

c that both of them were wrong

2. Probably, a “strange expression” came over the face of the hostess because she – c saw the cobra in the corner of the room c was unhappy that two of her guests were arguing
c realized there was a cobra under the table

3. We may infer that the American decided to count to three hundred because he – c wanted to find out which guest had the most control c thought it would make an amusing party game
c realized it might take five minutes for the cobra to come out

4. Which statement is true of both the American and Mrs. Wynnes? c They were guests at a dinner party c They were attacked by a cobra c They were quick thinking

6. What is the effect of putting the argument about self-control at the beginning of the story?

c It provides ideas for the reader to consider while reading the rest of the story

c It causes surprise when it is revealed that a woman had such self-control.

c It created more sympathy for the American, who is not allowed to participate.

c I distracts everyone in the story so that the cobra may sneak into the room.

7. Why does the hostess call to the boy waiting behc ind her chair? cThere is a cobra on her foot. cThe next course of the meal is ready. cShe wants another bowl of milk for her guests. cShe wants him to check on the American.

8. How does the American know the milk is for a cobra when he has not yet seen the snake? c There are no other pests in the house cHe could smell the poison cobras have. cMilk is used as cobra bait in India cHe asks the serving boy.

9. What is the author’s view of the American scientist? c He has more respect for women than most men. c He has more self-control than most men. cHis great heroism saves everyone at the party. cHis training as a scientist makes him a valuable guest.

10. Which character is the story is named Whynees? c The American.. cThe hostess. c The serving boy. cThe young girl.

11. In paragraph 9, what does “sit like stone images” mean?

c Pose for pictures. cRemain very still.. cSit very straight cWait for dessert.

• Suppose the American had said nothing at all to the guests. How do you think the story would have ended?

• In the story, a colonel and a young girl have a difference of opinion. With whom do you think the author agrees? Explain your position.

• What do you think the young girl might have said to the colonel after it was revealed that the cobra had been crawling across Mrs. Wynnes’ foot? What might the colonel have responded?