Parents Programme 2016/17

Please ask Barbara for information on any of these workshops

0207 254 8096

When? / Topic / Who?
September 16th and 23rd
10-12pm / Education and Health Care Plans / Hackney Learning Trust, Prospects – Careers advice, Speech and language therapy, Kids and Garden staff
Tuesday 27th September
10-11am / Stay and Play
(only for new reception parents) / Haia (class teacher) and Barbara (family support)
Tuesday 27th September,
And Thursday 13th October 2015 9.30am-12.30pm / Parent support group
(drop in when you can) / Barbara (Family Support) and Sharon (Parent Governor) – with speakers from Dental Service and Hackney Ark
October 13th
12.30pm-1pm / Gardening group / Sue the gardener
Monday 3rd October
9.45am-11am / Introduction to Speech, Occupational Therapy and Nursing at the Garden
(only for new parents) / Anna – Occupational therapy, Kirsty, speech therapy and Martha – school nurse.
4th October –29thNovember
(8 week programme) / Mindfulness training / With Rachel, psychologist from the City and Hackney Wellbeing Network
5th October
9.45am-11am / Yoga / With Scarlet from Yoga Home
November 23rd 2016
9.45am-11.30am / Understanding Autism
(priority for new parents to the Garden) / Speech therapy and Psychology
(Emma Day, Helen Roche, Emma Davies and Lizzy)
Friday December 9th
9.45-11am / Makaton beginners and refresher / Helen – speech and language
November 18th, 25th, December 2nd
9.30am-12pm / Parent Creative class
(3 sessions) / Zoe from the Mary Ward Centre
Tuesday December 13th 2016 / Playing at Home – including using IPAD, and sensory play / Giovanna and Barbara (family Support)
End of January 2016 for six weeks / Cygnet Parent Programme
(for children age 10+) / Nadege (teacher)
Barbara (family support)
Spring Term
(TBA) / Communication through dance
Parents to attend their child’s class / Dance teacher – Debbie
Thursday January 26th 2017 / Thinking about behaviour and anxiety / Education Psychologist, and class teacher
Spring term
(TBA) / Creative classes / Zoe, Mary Ward Centre
Spring term
(TBA) / Intensive interaction and attention autism / Dan (trainer in intensive interaction), Mariana (Attention Autism trainer), and speech therapy
Spring Term
(TBA) / Managing puberty
(TBA) / Marcin (teacher) Joedy (teacher), Barbara (family support)
Summer Term
(TBA) / Sensory sensitivities and processing / Occupational therapy
Summer Term
(TBA) / Carers Week / Barbara and Yoga home
Summer Term
(TBA) / Creative Classes / Zoe, Mary Ward Centre
Summer Term
(TBA) / Year 10 workshop on 16+ options / Barbara (family support) and Bryan Taylor, Prospects
Summer Term (TBA)
(TBA) / Planning for Summer holidays / Giovanna, teacher
Barbara, family support