Expense Reimbursement Checklist

Name: / McGill ID#:
Email: / Phone:
Travel Expenses
City: / Start Date: / Return Date:
Purpose of trip:
Name of Conference:
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Prospectus included: / ☐ Yes / ☐ No
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Boarding pass: / ☐Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Map for Km Allowance
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Boarding pass: / ☐ Yes / ☐ No / ☐ Map for Km Allowance
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Taxi: / To/form:
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Taxi: / To/from:
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Transaction date: / Method of payment: / Amount:
Transaction date: / Method of payment: / Amount:
Transaction date: / Method of payment: / Amount:
Non-Travel Expenses
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Computer Hardware
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:
Transaction date: / Method of payment: / Amount:
Course registration:
Transaction date: / Method of Payment: / Amount:

*Please note that atravel advance is possible for expenses incurred several months in advance of travel i.e. early bird registration, airfare etc. Original receipts must be resubmitted with the expense report.

*All requests for reimbursement must be submitted with 30 days of return from travel or from transaction date.

*An alternate itinerary (expected cost of trip without personal travel) must be obtained prior to the trip if the trip includes personal travel. Both itineraries are to be submitted with expense report and the least expensive will be reimbursed.

*For kilometer allowance, please include a google map indicating the start and destination points.

*Restaurant receipts must itemized, charges for alcohol will not be reimbursed, meals will not be reimbursed where they are provided as part of the conference (as indicated in the prospectus). Original paper receipts must be provided.

* For book purchases from Amazon, please include the invoice. It can be found in your account, under order history, click on invoice.

*An original pen and ink signature is required for the final Expense Report submitted to Financial Services. A scanned signature is NOT acceptable.

*For medical residents, an explanation must be provided for non-travel expenses regarding their relevance to your training.All expenses submitted for reimbursement must have prior approval of the program director.

*For graduate students, your affiliation to the fund holder as well as the link to the research must be described. If your trip is not for a conference but for research meetings with collaborators, you must submit an agenda of topics discussed, or email backup that makes clear the valid research reason for the meeting. All expenses must have prior approval of the fund holder.