Client REF No: / PT2016/63
Attention: / Transporter
Commencement Date: / 8 August 2016
Cargo / Commodity: / Chrome
Vehicles Required: / 10x 34 ton Side Tippers
Loading/Destination Point 1: / Horizon Mine / Hernic/Brits / R140p/ton
(250km round trip)
Loading/Destination Point 2: / Ruighoek / Mooinooi / R140p/ton
(240km round trip)
Loading/Destination Point 3: / Northam / Mooinooi / R130p/ton
(220km round trip)
Operating hours: / 06:00 – 22:00, Monday to Saturday (at discretion of the mines)
Payment Guarantees: / Yes (Issued after loading commences)
Loads per day: / 3 loads minimum (Scheduled loading)
Payment Terms: / Invoice 25th, payment last day of the month
Diesel: / On account @ R11.00 p/litre (subject to change)
Contract Duration / 12 months renewable (3 month probation)
Induction: / Truck inspection on Arrival at loading and Induction of Drivers
GIT Insurance requirements / R350,000.00
Documents Required on accepting the LOI: / Copies of truck registrations, spreadsheets, tracking certificates, proof of insurance,
Vehicle and driver requirements
Driver’s / Driver Name & Tel, Copy of ID, Copy of Driver’s license, PDP’s,
Driver’s required: / 1x Driver per vehicle, Driver must have full PPE
Vehicle requirements: / 2 Stop blocks, rotating yellow light, reverse hooter, 9kg fire extinguisher, and 2 x triangles.
Special Instructions: / Strict loading schedules will apply!!
Other: / 1 e-mail per truck submitted, e.g. 5 trucks = 5 e-mails + 1 with spreadsheet, GIT and supporting documents

** No bookings will be done if documents are incomplete

Acceptance of LOI

I ,______, the undersigned, are duly represented and fully authorized to except this LOI on behalf of

*As signing this LOI mean that the attached spread sheet of the complete details and attached copies thereof will form part of this LOI and contract to be signed and will not differ from the actual truck/s that will be supplied.

*Mandate letter issued to Poort Trans (Pty) Ltd.

*By signing this LOI, I further agree to commit to the number of______trucks with the capacity of ______ton each from ___/_____/______.

Signed for and on behalf of .

(Who warrants his/her authority hereto)

I agree to supply _____trucks to load at the venue as stipulated in the Loadcon.

Confirmation that will be issued and forwarded on receipt of required documents as stipulated above.

*A penalty per truck will be charged for vehicles that do not arrive at the loading point as stipulated on the load-con and will be charged to the owner whom submitted the trucks for loading.

Signed at ______on the ______day of ______2016.


Signature of Transporter