What are PTPs and STPs

NHS Practitioner Training Programme (PTP)

The NHS PTP leads to an approved and accredited BSc (Hons) degree in Healthcare Science. The five different disciplines associated with the PTP training include:

  • Cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep sciences. (e.g. cardiac physiology)
  • Neurosensory sciences. (e.g. audiology and neurophysiology)
  • Pathology sciences. (e.g. blood sciences and infectious diseases)
  • Medical physics. (e.g. radiotherapy physics and nuclear medicine)
  • Clinical engineering. (e.g. medical engineering and renal technology)

Accredited BSc (Hons) Healthcare Science degrees are delivered with integrated academic learning and work-place based training. It includes 50 weeks of work-place based training in the NHS over three years. Broad scientific training is delivered in year 1 with specialisation in year 2 and 3.


At least two, possibly three A2/A levels including science subjects and a range of GCSEs at A-C grade.

NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP)

The STP is a graduate-entry programme leading to more senior scientist roles. Students are employed by the NHS for the duration of the training.

The postgraduate training for the STP leads to a specifically commissioned and accredited master’s degree and certification of achievement of work-based training following one of nine disciplines.

  • Microbiology (e.g. infection control and epidemiology)
  • Blood sciences (e.g. clinical biochemistry and haematology)
  • Cellular science (e.g. histopathology and cytopathology)
  • Genetic science (e.g. genetics and bioinformatics genomics)
  • Neurosensory sciences(e.g. audiology and neurophysiology)
  • Cardiovascular, respiratory and sleep sciences (e.g. cardiac science and vascular science)
  • Gastrointestinal physiology and urodynamics
  • Clinical engineering (e.g. reconstructive sciences and rehabilitation engineering)
  • Medical physics (e.g. radiotherapy physics and clinical pharmaceutical science)

Learning is delivered through approved and accredited three years of workplace-based training, with the first year in a range of settings before specialisation in the last two years of training. Scientist trainees will also be required to undertake a specifically commissioned master’s degree in their chosen area.


The student must hold an honours degree (1st or 2:1) in a pure or applied science relevant to the specialism chosen.