8/27/2017 UpSCRC General Meeting Minutes

Location: Teleconference General Meeting

Attendees: Bill Krecker (Commissioner), Rich Worden (Treasurer), .

Mark Buckley (15’s Director), Sean Morgan (7’s Director), Tyler Crowder (Hobart),

Matt Clements(?) (Ithaca), Matt Lake (St. John Fisher), Gene Adams (Niagara),

Rumi Easter (U of R), Dalton Evener (Clarkson), John Joseph (Hamilton),

Pat Romeo (Paul Smith’s), Max Marie (Plattsburgh), Hunter Scott (St. Lawrence)

Not Present: Annmarie Farrell (Secretary), Alfred, Canisius, Utica, Potsdam

Moderator: Bill Krecker Minutes: Bill Krecker

Call to Order: 7:05 PM

Meeting Minutes:

1.  Roll Call of Team Representatives and E-Board members.

2.  Commissioner’s Comments:

•  Fall 2017 Preview - Start 9/9/17. One Bye and One Sunday match each week in both regions. Playoff schedule sent out and posted on upscrc.com

Reminders: Emergency Action Plan including mandatory medical coverage identified (as per EAP). EAP needs to available for distribution at each home match, in case of a injury (responsibilities are spelled out as is hospital directions). Teams need to confirm matches with Referee and traveling team, no later than Monday night prior to match.

•  Challenge Cup Teams - Most Clubs eligible, based on National / Regional comparison. Don’t need to be 1/2 Champion Cup and 1/2 Challenge Cup, which we used for initial evaluation. Some the Conferences have majority of their teams playing in Challenge Cup. Plattsburgh, Ithaca & Niagara are eligible for the Champions Cup only. Any Challenge Cup team that does well can play in the Champions Cup final and move on to NSCRO Championship if they win - they are not held back.

•  SUNY Polytech at Utica - Status? No Rep. at meeting If they’re not ready to compete, keep w.e. open for scrimmage to help them develop 7 get your reserves some playing time. Bill will reconnect with them to check.

•  UpSCRC Playoffs - One week of 1 v 2 Regional Play off, then Championships on 11/4/17. Highest Ranked C.C. Team in each region that is not in Championship, plays in C.C. finals also on 11/4/17.

•  NSCRO Playoffs - Both our Teams in UpSCRC Championship match move on to #2 at #1 crossover with Tri-State Conference. Similar 1 v 2 with NERFU and Colonial Coast. The four winners move onto the 11/18-191 NSCRO Northeast Championships at a venue TBD.

•  Field Conditions - Two teams have been advised to have home pitch up to minimum size requirements. Both are working with school Administrations to complete. our regulations will be upheld and failure to have a minimum size field will result in the match moving to the visiting teams pitch. If the match moves, it still counts as a home match when setting up next year’s schedule.

Rich worden added: As you plan for new fields, it’s ok to look to the future but make sure you work for your immediate needs now.

•  Behavior & Alcohol - Concerns from last year. Any violations need to be reported. Video will help support. Our behavior now will correct the poor reputation rugby developed in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Many school administrators remember it and assume the crazy/drunk activities still go on. We need to act in a manner that will allow rugby to be “legitimized”.

•  Northeast All Stars - Committee was to be set up before today. Minimum reply. This is inaugural year of the Nation Championships, so there is only limited number of Conferences participating. Recommend that we wait for next year to send players to Northeast tryouts and use this year to organize. (No opposition expressed to the recommendation).

•  Team Contact Updates - Reminded all teams to update any changes. Check the website to see what is listed and if needed the forms are in the Info. section of the UpSCRC website.

•  NSCRO 501(c)(3) status - Effective March 2017. No longer an LLC. Full E-Board, By-Laws, etc, now established.

•  Reminder UpSCRC and NSCRO Websites - Use for clarification of regulations. Pass the word to “Friend” NSCRO on Facebook.

Rich Worden added: Remember to review our Code of Conduct that’s posted on our website.

3. E-Board and Committee Reports

•  Annmarie Farrell (Secretary) - No report

•  Mark Buckley (Director 15’s Competition) - Reminded everyone to CIPP (note that USAR no longer uses the term “CIPP”, it is USA Rugby Member Registration). He also asked if teams are required to have their L200 Coach at the matches. Bill Krecker clarified that this was previously discussed in NSCRO discussions and agreed that it was the intent, but not in the regulations (We can add to our policy if members feels a need to). mark reiterated that rugby has changed in the last 30-40 years and that we need to. He noted that being a varsity sport they often have the AD or other high ranking Administrators at their home matches and requested that visiting team refrain from vulgarity especially planned chants / songs.

•  Sean Morgan (Director 7’s Competition) - Asked teams to start lookng ahead for the Spring 7’s. He is planning on hosting a Food Bank NSCRO Qualifying Tournament again and want to see more north teams entered. Details will be posted later.

•  Rich Worden (Treasurer) - We currently have $4975 in the bank. Still looking for 2016-17 dues payment from one club and he’s been in contact with them. Invoices for this year have been sent out to the Club billing contact that he has on record. Contact him and/or BillKrecker if there is a change. Inform him it your’s is not received soon.

•  Rich Worden (Disciplinary Chair) - Only limited situations each year but he’s concerned that there have been events related to field conditions and sideline behaviors. Please read the Code of Conduct and ensure that you set up 5 meter barriers along on the sidelines. Rich re-emphasized that if your field is insufficient sized or has hazards, you will no longer be allowed to pay on it and will either move to the ”visiting teams” school or forfeit the match.

Note: Don’t have a team show up, only to find they can’t play on your pitch.

4. Member Feedback / Questions / Additional Items:

•  Sean Morgan noted the All Star Team is a great idea. The playoffs at the same time will be issue. We should consider a Combine like in the past. Bill Krecker noted that if next year’s schedule allows for a Conference-wide Bye week, we could have the Combine then. Bill also noted that Jeremy Treece who is organizing the NSCRO All Star Championships and the Northeast team is trying to have scouts at the inter-conference 11/4/17 crossover matches for players who can not also play at the all Star team trails the following day.

•  Mark Buckley asked if December graduates can play at the Spring national matches. Bill Krecker indicated that NSCRO policy allows a student to continue to compete in NSCRO playoffs through the academic year, if the school allows the graduated player to continue. It is anticipated the All Stars may be the same.

•  Gene Adams asked about the NSCRO policy that allows players from another nearby college to compete, if the total enrollment of both schools is below the NSCRO limit of 4500. Bill Krecker confirms the policy, noting that it needs to be reviewed by the NSCRO Eligibility team (email inquires to ) Bill also briefly discussed the need for the “host” school or visiting players school to accept liability. The Risk Management officer for the school should review it before the school accepts liability. Rich Worden suggested the first step should be seeking support from the Student Government organization.

6. Next GM: Scheduled for Sunday 12/3/17 at 7:00 pm.

Meeting Adjourn: 8:00 PM

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