July 2016

Wheat variety snapshots 2016

Table 1: Wheat variety summary for Western Australia

Variety / Grade / Breeder / Year of release / Maturity / Approved Grower Trading / Licensee / EPR ($/t ex GST) / No text /
Arrino / ANW / InterGrain / 1997 / Short-Mid / Yes / Free to trade / $0.00 / Comment: Eradu background. ASWN for low rainfall areas and later sowings. Recently released ASWN variety (Supreme) has better rust resistance package. Strengths: Moderately resistant to Powdery mildew. Risks: Low falling number index (2) and susceptible to very susceptible (SVS) to Stem rust. Susceptible to Leaf rust, Stripe rust and RLN (P. quasitereoides and P. Neglectus).
Bonnie Rock A / AH / InterGrain / 2002 / Short / Yes# / Free to trade / $2.50 / Comments: Also known as EGA Bonnie Rock. Aroona background. Recommended in Agzone 1 & 4 because of rust package. Intermediate sensitivity to frost. Strengths: Low risk for black point. Risks: Very susceptible (VS) to stripe rust, S to Leaf rust, Powdery mildew, Flag smut, RLN (P. quasitereoides and P. Neglectus) and CCN. Stem rust resistance level has been downgraded to moderately susceptible to susceptible (MSS). S to Septoria tritici blotch.
Bremer A / AH / AGT / 2015 / Mid / Yes / AGT affiliates / $3.25 / Comments: An AH variety for med to high rainfall areas. Strengths: Good rust package with Stripe Rust -moderately resistant (MR*), Stem Rust - resistant to moderately resistant (RMR) and Leaf Rust (MR). Low screenings. Maintains falling number after pre harvest rain (5p*), similar to Yitpi. Risks: 'S' to Septoria tritici blotch, Powdery mildew, Flag smut and Crown rot.
Calingiri / ANW / InterGrain / 1997 / Mid-Long / Yes / Free to trade / Comments: Calingiri has remained a popular ANW choice. Strengths: ASWN wheat for earlier sowings. Less sensitive to frost (similar to Yitpi). Risks: S to current strain of Stem and Stripe rust, Powdery mildew, RLN (P. quasitereoides) Crown Rot and Septoria tritici blotch. SVS to P. Neglectus.
Cobra A / AH / LPB / 2011 / Short-Mid / Yes# / Associate (PacSeeds) / $3.50 / Comments: Westonia background. Intermediate frost sensitivity. Strengths: Yielded well in NVT’s grown on acid soils. Performs well in high yielding environment. Stem rust -RMR and Leaf rust - MR. Risks: Susceptible to low falling numbers after pre harvest rain (2p), risks if adopted for the south coast. Crown Rot – S.
Corack A / APW / AGT / 2011 / Short-Mid / Yes / AGT affiliates / $3.00 / Comments: Wyalkatchem background. Suited to late May, early June sowing. Strengths: Useful resistance to CCN (RMR) and stem rust (MR). Risks: Powdery mildew -SVS, Black Point (MSS), Septoria tritici blotch and Crown Rot are S. Now S to Leaf rust. Corack is less suitable to higher rainfall zones because of its susceptibility to Black Point and Leaf rust. Sensitive to frost (Wyalkatchem equivalent).
Cutlass A / APW / AGT / 2015 / Mid-Long / Yes / AGT affiliates / $3.00 / Comments: Recently released. Later maturity, similar to Yitpi but APW classification. Strengths: R to Stem rust. RMR to Stripe rust and Leaf rust. MSS to Yellow spot (compared to Yitpi's SVS). Risks: Slightly less tolerant to sprouting than Yitpi.
Emu Rock A / AH / InterGrain / 2011 / Short / Yes# / Free to Trade / $3.50 / Comments: Westonia and Kukri background. Shorter than Mace yet taller than Wyalkatchem. Best suited mid to late sowings in low rainfall environments. Strengths: Useful tolerance to Crown rot (MS). Large grain size. Less sensitive to frost (similar to Yitpi). Risks: SVS to Septoria nodorum. S to Leaf rust, Powdery mildew and Septoria tritici blotch. Susceptible to low falling numbers after pre harvest rain. Hence, not suited to the south coast.
Grenade CL Plus A / APW-imi / AGT / 2014 / Mid / No / AGT Affiliates / $3.80 / Comment: APW Imi released in 2014. Preferred by breeder over older imi-APW variety Justica CL Plus. Intermediate sensitivity to frost. Strengths: MR for stem rust and RMR for stripe rust. R to CCN. Risks: S for Yellow spot, RLN p. Neglectus and Crown rot.
Harper A / APW / InterGrain / 2013 / Mid-Long / Yes / Free to trade / $3.80 / Comments: Yitpi background. Slightly earlier maturity than Yitpi. Intermediate sensitivity to frost. Strengths: Good rust resistance package. Similar sprouting and black point tolerance to Yitpi. Maintains falling number after pre harvest rain (5). Risks: Crown Rot, Yellow spot and Septoria tritici blotch are each 'S'.
Hydra A / APW / InterGrain / 2014 / Mid-Short / No / InterGrain / $3.85 / Comments: Bonnie Rock and Strzelecki background. Performs well in a broad range of environments. Strengths: 'MR*' to stem rust. 'MRMS' to Septoria tritici blotch and Yellow spot. Risk: SVS to Powdery mildew and Flag smut and VS to Common bunt. Poor falling number rating of 3p.
Impress CL Plus A / APW-imi / InterGrain / 2015 / Mid-Short / InterGrain / $4.10 / Comments: Two-gene imidazolinone, Wyalkatchem type. Strengths: Performs well in Agzone's 1, 2 & 4. Potential IMI wheat on wheat option as has good yellow spot resistance (MRMS). MR to Stem rust and R to Leaf rust. RMR to Common bunt. Large grain size. Risks: SVS to powdery mildew. Sensitive to frost (Wyalkatchem equivalent). Low falling number rating after pre-harvest rainfall (2p).
Justica CL Plus A / APW-imi / AGT / 2011 / Mid-Long / No / AGT affiliates / $3.55 / Comments: Spear background with two imi-tolerance genes. AGT have suggested a switch recently released Grenade CL which has a better disease package and quality traits. Intermediate frost sensitivity. No seed available for trading.
Mace A / AH / AGT / 2008 / Short-Mid / Yes^ / AGT affiliates / $3.00 / Comments: Wyalkatchem background with higher grain yields. The benchmark variety for yield in WA. Wide adaptation across regions and soil types. Intermediate sensitivity to frost. Strengths: Better disease resistance than Wyalkatchem. Superior to Wyalkatchem for falling number after pre harvest rain. Boron tolerance. MR to stem rust and Common bunt and RMR* stripe rust. Risks: High yielding so may require increased nitrogen fertilisation to prevent protein dilution. S to Septoria tritici blotch, Flag smut and Crown rot.
Magenta A / APW / InterGrain / 2007 / Mid-Long / Yes# / Free to trade / $3.00 / Comments: High yielding wheat suited to early to mid-sowing opportunities. A good disease package so suitable for wheat on wheat situation. Strengths: Yields similar to Wyalkatchem, with long coleoptile, good resistances to Stem rust (RMR), Leaf rust (R*) and Yellow spot (MR). Excellent early vigour. Risks: Similar falling number risk (3p) to Wyalkatchem, so not suited to south coast. Common Bunt S.
Scepter A / AH / AGT / 2015 / Short-Mid / Yes / AGT affiliates / $3.25 / Comments: 2015 was the first year that Scepter was tested in the NVT system. Strengths: First year results in NVT show higher yield than Mace. MR to stripe rust and Leaf rust (may be susceptible to leaf rust strain). Similar falling number index to Mace. Risks: MS to black point, more sceptible than Mace.
Stiletto A / APW / ARI / 1993 / Long / Yes / Free to trade / Comments: Spear background. Out yielded by recently released varieties in all regions. Similar maturity and falling number index to Yitpi. Strengths: MR for stem rust. Risks: Susceptible to leaf rust (S) and yellow spot (S).
Supreme A / ANW / InterGrain / 2014 / Mid-Short / No / InterGrain / $3.85 / Comments: Arrino derivative. Improved yield and disease resistance compared to Arrino. Intermediate sensitivity to frost. Strengths: resistant (Rp) to stem rust and moderately resistant (MRp) to stripe rust. Risks: Similar plant height to Wyalkatchem.
Trojan A / APW / LPB / 2013 / Mid-Long / No / Associate (PacSeeds) / $4.00 / Comments: For med to high rainfall areas. Strengths: Very good rust package with Stripe Rust (MR) Stem Rust (MRMS) and Leaf Rust (MR). Boron tolerant (MT). Risks: Mid late maturity between Mace and Yitpi so not suited to low rainfall areas unless growers are avoiding frost risk periods. S to powdery mildew and common bunt and SVS to flag smut.
Westonia / APW / InterGrain / 1997 / Short / Yes / Free to trade / Comments: Favoured in eastern wheatbelt region. Strengths: Yields comparable to Wyalkatchem, good aluminium tolerance. Less sensitive to frost (similar to Yitpi). Risks: Stem rust (SVS) and stripe rust (VS). Powdery mildew, Common bunt and RLN (P. quasitereoides formally P. teres) are 'S'. Flag smut and RLN (P. neglectus) are 'SVS'. Marginal for hectolitre weight, susceptible to low falling numbers with pre harvest rain (2).
Wyalkatchem A / APW / InterGrain / 2001 / Short-Mid / Yes / Free to trade / $1.92 / Comment: Machete background. Strengths: Suitable for wheat on wheat system due to resistances to yellow spot and ease of stubble management. Acid soil tolerant and low screenings. RMR# to Leaf Rust however maybe more susceptible to newer strains of rust. 'RMR' to Common bunt. Risks: Short coleoptile length and less competitive with weeds due to poor early vigour. Susceptible to Stripe rust, CCN and Crown rot. 'SVS' to Powdery mildew and Flag smut. Risk of low falling number with pre harvest rain. Sensitive to frost (Wyalkatchem equivalent).
Yitpi A / AH / ARI / 1999 / Mid-Long / No / SeedNet / $1.00 / Comment: Spear background. Strengths: Variety popular in southern areas due to lower frost susceptibility and longer maturity. Maintains falling number with pre-harvest rain. Large grain size, long coleoptile, is tolerant to CCN (MR) and Boron. Risks: Stem rust (S) and yellow spot (SVS). Not suited for wheat on wheat.
Zen A / ANW / InterGrain / 2014 / Mid-Long / No / InterGrain / $3.85 / Comments: Calingiri and Wyalkatchem background. Offers yield and disease improvements on Calingiri. Intermediate sensitivity to frost. Strengths: Rust package better than Calingiri. Yellow leaf spot and S. nodorum resistance (MRMS) better than Calingiri. Risks: Powdery mildew (SVS). CCN and Crown rot are 'S'.

Disease ratings

VS = Very susceptible, SVS = Susceptible to very susceptible, S = Susceptible, MSS = moderately susceptible to susceptible, MS = moderately susceptible, MRMS = moderately resistant to moderately susceptible, MR = moderately resistant, RMR = Resistant to moderately resistant, R = Resistant. No score '-' = no rating is currently available. p = Provisional assessment. / = Scores separated by ‘/’ indicate the response to the 'currently predominant' and 'alternate' strains of stem rust existing in WA. * = Some races in eastern Australia can attack these varieties. # = May be more susceptible to the new leaf rust pathotype. ( ) = Higher disease at some sites. Combined RLN ratings from DAFWA, SARDI (^), DPI Vic and DEEDI data. CCN ratings from SARDI data. Wallwork and Zwer (2016) Cereal Variety Disease Guide 2016, Factsheet Feb 2016. R=resistant - nematode numbers will decrease when this variety is grown. MR=moderately resistant - nematode numbers will slightly decrease when this variety is grown. MS=moderately susceptible - nematode numbers will slightly increase when this variety is grown. S=susceptible - nematode numbers will increase greatly when this variety is grown. Crown rot ratings from SARDI data 2009-2014 (Butt, Edmondson, and Wallwork), Qld data 2009-2014 (Bottomley, Herde, Neate, Percy, and Walters) and DPI NSW data 2013-2014 (Simpfendorfer).


This information has been developed through projects funded by Department of Agriculture and Food, WA and Grains Research and Development (GRDC).

Important disclaimer

The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it. Copyright © Western Australian Agriculture Authority, 2016.