Today we will visit the 5th grade Market Day to see what kind of businesses they decided to create.
Please remember your library books today.
HW: Please read phonics story, Lou’s Tooth.


  • New Sight words: above, against, already, begin, caught, minute, thing, and them.
  • HW: Sight words practice and minute math.


□Book orders due today! This is the last book order of the year. If you would like to order online, the code is: H634L. A great time to stock up for the summer!
Today we will work with “ar” family.”
HW: Word Family Practice Sheet.


Red Nose Day! Thank you Stobierski’s for donating red noses for the first graders!
Please remember your gym shoes today.
HW: Please read Fireflies for Nathan from our reading books.


Happy Birthday TamThien! Today we will celebrate TamThien’s July 15th birthday.
Service Hours Due today!
Please remember your gym shoes today.
Spelling test today: car, start, arm, far, yard, dark, jar, and large.
□Congratulations Maria, Lilly, Jasmine, and Dakota! They all made it to 1,000 on their scrolls!
□This week in Junior Achievement the first graders created their own cake businesses. We enjoyed listening to each of their ideas. Each group was in charge of coming up with a name for their business, what their cake designs would look like, how much they would charge for their cakes, and they also decided where in the neighborhood their bakery would be built.
□In math we have been working hard with fractions and related subtractions facts. Ask your child what they know about fractions? They should be able to tell you fractions have to be equal parts, the bottom number tells how many pieces or parts are in the group and if the top and bottom number are the same, that is the same as one whole. Next week we will work with probability and the following week we will be testing our knowledge in each of these areas.
□The first graders are learning about the Sacraments in religion. When you are able, show them some pictures from their Baptism or from your wedding. If you have other special items from these sacraments please share those as well. Talk with them about how excited you are for them to receive their First Eucharist and First Reconciliation next year.
□Check out the book orders and stock up for the summer! Some of the books have GRL marked under them. This stands for Guided Reading Level, which is the leveling system we started using this year. After GRL you will find a letter and this letter can help you know if this book is at your child’s independent reading level.
□A parent shared with me this week that on Tuesday night their child did their spelling practice with sidewalk chalk on the driveway! What a fun way to practice on these beautiful days. Another parent is using a chalk board at home. Chalk has been proven to be helpful since there is more resistance when the child writes, they are forced to slow down and think more.