Instructor: Halagao 6


PART 1. Audience/ Standards/ Unit Concept & Critical Attributes/ Webbing Examples/ Generalizations/ Driving Questions

1.  Who is your AUDIENCE? Describe grade level, subject, prior knowledge, other pertinent demographics (ethnicity, gender, SES, ELL, language, SPED, etc).

2.  What is worth knowing? What knowledge, skills and values do students need? Look at grade level STANDARDS. What other subject areas are covered?

(Essential learning,
facts, topic, concepts, generalizations) / Skills / Values

3. What is the key CONCEPT and the other concepts in my unit? Brainstorm and concept-map concepts, topics, related examples on a separate sheet of paper.

CONCEPT (S): ______

4. What are 3-5 CRITICAL ATTRIBUTES of my concept?

5. What are multiple examples of this concept? Think about your students. How are the concepts viewed transformatively? What perspectives are represented? How do these perspectives connect to my audience? Add to your webbing.

6. What are your broad understandings/ generalizations? What is the “so what” about what students are learning? Significance? List 3-5 generalization statements.

7. Convert generalizations into driving questions.

8. State the overall purpose of the unit in a sentence or as an essential question:


PART II. Culminating Activity/ Building the Background, Hook (Starter Activity)/ Outline Backward Mapping/Backward design

9. What are the 3 major parts to organize a Standards-Based Unit Plan?

10. Look at SAMPLE UNIT PLANS. How does the unit build the background, deepen the understanding, and apply the learning?

11. How will my Unit Plan be ASSESSED?

12. What is my CULMINATING ACTIVITY? Backward Map: What do I need to teach in order for my students to successfully accomplish the Culminating Activity? Emphasize a product that promotes equity, justice and social action.

Essential Questions <-----Learning Experiences-----> CULMINATING ACTIVITY

13. BUILDING THE BACKGROUND. What do you do to introduce the unit plan and to capture students’ attention? How does the starter activity connect concretely and directly to all of the students’ background and experiences? Brainstorm your STARTER ACTIVITY.

14. BUILDING THE BACKGROUND. Brainstorm additional foundational activities around the concepts in the unit.

PART III. Deepen the Understanding/Data retrieval chart/ Applying the Learning/ Draft Unit Plan

15. DEEPENING THE UNDERSTANDING. How do you move beyond building the background to now deepen your students’ understanding of the concept and topics? Brainstorm teaching ideas.

16. Create your DATA RETRIEVAL CHART to help students compare and contrast across multiple examples.


Concept: ______

Example 1 / Example 2 / Example 3
Criteria Question 1
Criteria Question 2
Criteria Question 3

17. APPLYING THE LEARNING. How do you layout the step to implementing your culminating activity? Do students do pieces of the culminating activity throughout the unit? (formative) OR do students do the culminating activity towards the end? (summative)?

18. RESOURCES. Where do I get ideas for teaching activities? (i.e. course textbooks, in-class activities, – notable social studies books, library, internet, etc.)

19. Write up your draft unit plan. Be sure to re-examine the Unit Plan Assessment Checklist.

20. Prepare to present a draft of your Unit Plan with your colleagues. Your final Unit Plan will be uploaded onto the website.