JANUARY 23, 2017


Chairman LaSalle called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m. Those present on roll call were:

Louis LaSalle, Chairman

Councilman David Jacobs

Joe LaMonica

Michael Oliveira

Jack A. Gordon

Joseph Rolli, Alt. #1

Donna Schiavone, Alt. # 2

Steve Salvanto, Mayor’s Alternate

Vincent Loughlin, PB Attorney

Ralph Tango, PB Engineer

Kristin Russel, PP

Those absent were:

Dick Reynolds

Manny Oliveira

Nancy Sayer

Mayor John Duthie



In compliance with Chapter 231 of the Public Laws of 1975, notice of this meeting was given by way of annual notice filed with The Progress, The Star Ledger, and the office of the Administrator of Roseland on February 4, 2016 as so certified by the Secretary. Notice has also been posted in a public place in Borough Hall, 19 Harrison Avenue, Roseland, NJ.


Mrs. Tynan was appointed temporary Chairman to open nominations for the Chairman position.


Mr. Michael Oliveira made a motion to nominate Louis LaSalle as Chairman and the motion was seconded by Mr. LaMonica. There were no further nominations and the nominations were closed. Roll Call: LaSalle, Abstain, Michael Oliveira, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 7-0 with 1 abstention.

Chairman LaSalle assumed his position as Chairman and thanked the Board members for their support and efforts during the past year. He had the new members sworn in and welcomed them to the Board.


Reorganization and Regular Meeting

January 23, 2017

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The nominations for Vice Chairman were opened and a motion was made by Mr. LaMonica to nominate Michael Oliveira; the motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobs. There were no further

nominations and the nominations were closed. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Michael Oliveira, Abstain, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 7-0 with 1 abstention.


A motion was made by Mr. Gordon and seconded by Mr. Salvanto to approve the following:

a.  Resolution No. 1-2017 appointing Board Attorney

b.  Appointment of Board Secretary

c.  Resolution No. 2-2017 appointing Board Engineer

d.  Resolution No. 3-2017 appointing Board Planner for Re-Examination of Master Plan

e.  Resolution No. 4-2017 appointing Board Engineer for Re-Examination of Master Plan

f.  Resolution No. 5-2017 appointing Board Planner for Preliminary Investigation for 6 Becker Farm Road as an Area in Need of Redevelopment

g.  Resolution No. 6-2017 appointing Board Planner for Preliminary Investigation for 85 Livingston Avenue as an Area in Need of Redevelopment

h.  Resolution No. 7-2017 appointing Board Planner for Housing Element, Third Round COAH, Vacant Land Assessment

i.  Resolution No. 8-2017 appointing Board Hearing Reporter

j.  Resolution No. 9-2017 appointing Board Forester

There were no further nominations and the nominations were closed. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Michael Oliveira, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 8-0.


The Board named Ralph Tango, Vince Loughlin, Lou LaSalle, and Gail Tynan to the ARC. Joseph LaMonica will Chair the TRC with rotating membership. The Caldwell Progress and The Star Ledger will be the official newspapers of the Planning Board. The Board adopted the schedule of meetings and the unchanged Planning Board Rules and Regulations.


Reorganization and Regular Meeting

January 23, 2017

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The minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 19, 2016.

A motion was made by Mr. Gordon and seconded by Mr. Salvanto to approve the minutes as presented. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 5-0.

The minutes of the Closed Session Meeting of December 19, 2016.

A motion was made by Mr. Gordon and seconded by Mr. Salvanto to approve the minutes as presented. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 5-0.


a.  Vouchers – February Bill List

A motion was made by Mr. Salvanto and seconded by Mr. LaMonica to approve the bill list as presented. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Michael Oliveira, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 8-0.

b.  Discussion of report from Joseph Layton, PP from Maser Engineering, regarding if 6 Becker Farm Road meets the statutory criteria of an Area in Need of Redevelopment

c.  Discussion of report from Joseph Layton, PP from Maser Engineering, regarding if

85 Livingston Avenue meets the statutory criteria of an Area in Need of Redevelopment

Kristin Russell, Professional Planner from Maser Consulting, spoke about both 6 Becker Farm Road and 85 Livingston Avenue’s Preliminary Investigation Report Area in Need of Redevelopment. Ms. Russell summarized the reports that the Board received indicating that both buildings are functionally obsolete, substandard, and according to the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law (LRHL) qualify as areas in need of redevelopment. The Preliminary Investigation Report Area in Need of Redevelopment for 6 Becker Farm Road was entered into evidence as B-1 and Preliminary Investigation Report Area in Need of Redevelopment for 85 Livingston Avenue was entered into evidence as B-2. In responding to the Board’s questions, Ms. Russell also stated that she was not aware of any specific uses that the Borough was considering, and that they should consider the infrastructure when making those decisions.


Reorganization and Regular Meeting

January 23, 2017

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Mr. Gordon stated that he would like to see a broader look at areas in need of redevelopment instead of just 6 Becker Farm Road and 85 Livingston Avenue.

Richard Leonard, resident and Councilman, stated that he would like to see the Council and Planning Board communicate better with each other.

A motion was made by Mr. Salvanto and seconded by Mr. Michael Oliveira to recommend to the Mayor and Council that the report for 6 Becker Farm Road meets the criteria of the statute for an Area in Need of Redevelopment. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Michael Oliveira, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 8-0.

A motion was made by Mr. LaMonica and seconded by Mr. Salvanto to recommend to the Mayor and Council that the report for 85 Livingston Avenue meets the criteria of the statute for an Area in Need of Redevelopment. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Michael Oliveira, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 8-0.

d.  Discussion of a letter addressed to Vince Loughlin from Joseph Nitti, Esq., dated January 19, 2017, regarding Wrobel Home Builders, 24 Cortlandt Street, Roseland, NJ.

Mr. Loughlin stated that he was of the opinion that the request requires an appearance and formal action before the Board.

A motion was made by Mr. Gordon and seconded by Mr. Salvanto to give permission to Vince Loughlin to contact Joseph Nitti to inform him to put together, in writing, all legal support, case law, and statutes relative to his letter and the Board will discuss the matter under an administrative item at their next meeting. Roll Call: LaSalle, Yes, Michael Oliveira, Yes, Jacobs, Yes, Gordon, Yes, LaMonica, Yes, Rolli, Yes, Schiavone, Yes, and Salvanto, Yes. The motion was approved 8-0.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Gail Tynan, Planning Board Secretary