KINECT Services

KINECT Services offer supported accommodation for Teen Parents and their babies, youth registered on the MSD Social Housing Register, and assist these young people to transition to independence in the community. There are 13 beds in 3 separate homes situated in Mairehau and Linwood. Additionally the KINECT Service provides an Out of Gate navigation service that assists women released from short-term stays (2 years or less) at Christchurch Women’s Prison to transition to support services and independence in the community, with a focus on maintaining their health, safety and well- being over a 3-6 month period.


We will give our Young People and recently released Female prisoners a strong sense of self value, and a belief that they can follow a pathway to a positive future, for themselves as well as their children.

We will meet the basic needs of a young group of clients and enable them to reach the goal of Self Actualisation.

We will use Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs model.

We all must satisfy the lower level basic needs before progressing to meet higher level growth needs. Once these have been reasonably satisfied, we may be able to reach the highest level, self-actualization.

Our residential facility and navigation process will meet the basic needs of warmth, care and support. The staff will create a nurturing environment and enable our clients to start to work on their more challenging needs.

Issues of vulnerability and safety will be addressed in a way that provides our young people with a stable foundation to grow from.

Staff will build relationships in order to assist young people to address the areas of need identified in the KINECT Service model.

Clients will work with the relevant services, and the KINECT team to set goals and be supported into education or employment. This will create a strong sense of self worth and belonging.

Clients will reach their potential by identifying their strengths as well as their goals. They will be supported by KINECT Service, and other relevant services, to create pathways to achieve.

Wellbeing - Client’s health, emotional wellbeing and safety will be protected and nurtured.

Belonging - Clients will experience an environment where they will feel comfortable, with routine, boundaries and expectations. They will be aware that they have a place to live with boundaries of acceptable behaviour. They will be supported and encouraged to KINECT with family and wider community.

Contribution - Individuals will be affirmed and the contribution that they make towards their own progress will be valued and celebrated. They will have opportunities to learn and develop, and work towards reaching their full potential. They will understand that they are part of a community and have a role to play in contributing to it.

Communication - Individuals will develop effective ways of communicating, and be creative and purposeful in building skills to navigate their way in the world.

Effectiveness - Clients will be encouraged to set their own goals and to reach their highest potential, as well as live positive lives that nurture themselves and others. They will have a sense of their place in the world.

Education or Employment

Has engaged in sustainable employment or has the skills, training and support to acquire and retain sustainable employment


Has safe, appropriate, sustainable accommodation

Oranga/ Health and wellbeing

Has strategies to maintain spiritual, personal and cultural wellbeing

Skills for life

Has skills to manage household, family/whanau and financial commitments

Family/whanau and community support

Has positive family/whanau and community support