Well, we have come to the end of our first week back, and indeed my first week, at The Rissington School. Like me, the children have really enjoyed their return, and have all come back with such a positive attitude to their learning – I have been so impressed. I have learnt so much about the school, and everyone has been most supportive. I will be sending out a weekly newsletter to keep you updated with events etc. If you have any questions/queries about anything please don’t hesitate in contacting me – I aim to be at either drop-off or pick-up each day if you would like to catch me informally, or please do contact the office to make an appointment.
Building work
As I said in my newsletter, it has been very disappointing for all of us that the Nursery building work has not restarted over the summer, and I am sure there will be much discussion about this within the community. However, I would like to assure parents that both the governors and I are continuing to press for this work to resume as soon as possible.
However, on a happier note, the classroom build will start next week. This will inevitably cause some disruption to the UR school site, as the whole of the end of the school will be fenced off with security fencing. When this happens, access to school at the beginning and end of the day will be through the gate at the kitchen end of the school. The morning routine will continue to be the same. I have already met with the site manager to discuss the health and safety issues that may arise; deliveries to the site will NOT be made during drop off and pick up times.
This is a very exciting project for the school, and I know that you will be supportive at this time of further change.
Morning Routines
Thank you so much for your co-operation at Upper Rissy, where we are trialling a new morning routine. I know there were a few teething problems – rain on the first day did not help – but it seems to be running quite smoothly now. In fact, we would like to trial a similar system at Great Rissy. To clarify:
Upper Rissington – The school gate will open at 8.45am, and children should go round to the playground where there will be a teacher on duty to supervise. Parents are welcome to go round too, but children will be supervised. Children can spend a few minutes playing, before the whistle blows at 8.50am and they should line up. Teachers will then take them into class. Either myself or Mrs Loxton will stand by the main gate to make sure no children leave the school premises unaccompanied. A member of school staff will be on the playground until 8.55am to ensure any ‘stragglers’ get to class, however if you arrive at school later than this please enter through the main entrance as all outer doors will be locked to ensure the school is secure. Children entering the reception class should continue to use the gate straight into their outdoor area – Mrs Rose will be there to meet you!
Great Rissington – Please do not arrive at school prior to 8.40am, either myself or Mrs Jagger will be outside school to meet cars from 8.45am as usual. A member of school staff will also then be supervising the playground, and children should wait on the playground until 8.50am when a whistle will be blown and they should line up to go into class with their teacher. I am aware that it is not always easy to park in Great Rissy, so children will be able to enter the school via the main door as usual if they arrive after this time.
For both sites, however, please note that the registers will start to be taken at 8.55am after which lessons will start; please ensure your child is at school on time as it can be very upsetting for children to miss the start of lessons.
Meet the Team
Just a reminder that next Wednesday 13th September there is an opportunity to ‘Meet the Team’. The session will run from 7.00-8.00pm at Upper Rissington, and there will be a crèche available. Please could you make sure you return the slip, or let the office know, if you are attending so that we can make the appropriate arrangements.
Power of Yet!
The children may have come home and told you about a new member of their class – the Yeti (some classes have even named their Yeti). We are having a real focus on developing a positive mindset with the children, where they feel that they can rise to any challenge, and that not knowing something is not a barrier to their development and progress. So if a child says they can’t do something, we want this to become – “I can’t do it – Yet”.
In classes the Yeti is awarded whenever the teacher or other pupils notice that someone has been resilient and risen to a challenge to overcome it.
Celebration Assembly – Posters
Every Friday we will be having a Celebration Assembly, where we will celebrate the great work and fantastic activities that have taken place in school during the week. Sometimes these will include a class assembly (see more later!). During Celebration Assembly, teachers will nominate pupils for the ‘Power of Yet!’ award (for someone who has really risen to a challenge) and for the Star of the Week (for someone who has shown one of the other personal qualities we value so much – such as being helpful, caring, kind, polite etc).
Each week we will take a photo of the group of nominees, to create a celebration poster – ‘Who Rose to the Challenge at Rissington?’ – copies are placed around school and you should hopefully see them as you collect your children. Parents are able to purchase a copy of the poster if they wish (they look great stuck on the fridge door!) – there is a small charge of £1 to cover the cost of printing.
Congratulations to the following pupils who were celebrated this week …
Great Rissington: Emily Bonner, Katie Bonner, Isabella Lawrence, William Jagger, Thom Oxley, Ben Sumner
Upper Rissington: Henry Hunt, Connor McCulloch, Caitlyn Knight, Yolanda Lightbourne, Skye Savory, Josh Pepper , Samuel Tomita, Joe Hitchman, Millie Johnston, Poppy Bates
Class Assemblies
As I mentioned before, each class will be leading an assembly each term. These Class Assemblies are a great opportunity for them to show us all what they have been learning, and I have found that the pupils really love them. We would like to invite parents of the class to the assembly, which will take place on a Friday at 9.00am, after which they will have the chance to go into their child’s class to share the work there. I do hope that parents will be able to join us for this great chance to share their child’s learning.
The dates for this term’s assemblies are:
Lancaster 22nd September, Tornado 6th October, Vulcan 13th October, Typhoon 20th October, Harrier and Spitfire 3rd November, Phantom 10th November, Hercules 24th November. Please note: Hawk will not do one this term to allow them time to settle in.
Class Newsletters
Watch out for the Class Newsletters – these will give you further information about what the children will be working on this term, and any specific details regarding events, PE, homework etc.
I am currently collating a list of dates for your diary, and will be sending these out on Monday.
Kind Regards,
Sue Dawe