Walton Robotics leadership Application (2017-18)

Applicant Information

Name: / Grade:1211109 / HR Teacher:
Cell phone: / Home phone:
GPA (weighted):

Home information

Your address:
Parent name: / Parent name:
Parent cell Phone: / Parent cell Phone:
Parent E-mail: / Parent E-mail:

Experience / other commitments

Robotics experience:
Leadership experience:
Commitments outside robotics (be specific, as a WRT leadership position is a MAJOR commitment:

(note: the spaces following the questions will expand to fit your text)
To be considered for a leadership position on the Walton Robotics Team, each applicant must respond to the following questions. Please take the time to consider your answers to each of these questions. Inadequate responses might reduce your chances of earning a leadership position. Having a leadership position in the past is no guarantee of a leadership position next year.

Note that for 2017-18, leadership applications are for team leadership and not for a particular leadership position.

Describe the position you see yourself filling

Describe your vision of the most excellent Walton Robotics Team imaginable. Include some of the goals that you would like to help the team to achieve.

What special skills or perspectives do you bring that would make you a good leader on the Walton Robotics team?

Explain how you would help WRT achieve those goals. Include any resources you would need to accomplish these goals (people, money, etc.)

What has not been asked that you would like to tell us? What else should we consider in our decision?

An interview will be scheduled for you to personally present yourself for a leadership position. The interview will involve multiple WRT mentors. Please prepare for the interview. Talk with team leaders or one of the mentors for more information.

commitments and Signature

Check these boxes, sign and date.
I understand that holding a leadership position on the Walton Robotics team involves a major commitment of time.
I understand that, as a leader, involvement with Walton Robotics should be my primary extracurricular activity.
As a leader, I am EXPECTED to attend all team competitions. (GRITS, district competitions, World Championships)
I will do my best to meet deadlines for assignments.
I will communicate roadblocks to mentors.
I will ask for help when necessary.
I understand the responsibilities of leadership on the Walton Robotics Team.
Excellent communication is an important part of our team. I will check my team email and the team calendar regularly.
I will attend team leader meetings and participate fullywhen they are called.
I commit to earning good grades so I can attend competition.
I commit to following ALL team rules, including those established for travel.
Signature of applicant: / Date:
Signature of parent: / Date: