Human Performance Fundamentals in Health and Safety

A One-Day Masterclass for Managers

Auckland, 11 April or Wellington, 17 April

Pike River, Space Shuttle Challenger, BP Deepwater Horizon, and the Fonterra botulism scare. Errors happen every day, during every shift, and will occur as long as humans are doing the work. Studies have shown that on average we make 10-12 errors per hour, most of which have minimal consequences. Major accidents may begin with small, subtle, undetected mistakes or errors, the aftermaths of which have profound impacts on a company, industry, and even society for many years.

Because it is impossible to conduct an “error-free” workplace, organisations can produce a zero harm environment by using human performance tools to identify, manage, and control errors. Progress on safety comes from understanding and influencing the connections between people, tools, tasks and operating environment.

The purpose of this masterclass is to improve awareness, understanding and application of human performance fundamentals and tools. A successful human performance programme will help meet financial and operational performance objectives through a reduction of incidents and an increased awareness of loss and risk.

By the end of this masterclass, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the attributes of human performance and just culture
  • Distinguish between active and latent errors and identify examples of each
  • Recognise the five principles that are the foundation for human performance excellence
  • List examples of limitations of human nature
  • Recognise examples of common error precursors
  • Identify error likely situations
  • Identify performance modes and the associated error rates
  • Select appropriate human performance error prevention tools for common error traps
  • Implement and promote human performance tools and fundamentals in their current job

Presenter: Tom McDaniel

Tom McDaniel has worked in the energy industry as a safety, environmental and quality professional for 34 years, including 26 years with Siemens Energy (formerly Westinghouse Energy). He is currently their Global Manager Zero Harm and Human Performance.

Mr McDaniel has led efforts to achieve the goals of zero harm for Siemens employees, customers and the public by bringing together the concepts of loss control, human error management, resilience, just culture, and safety culture, with measurable results.

The place of the individual in achieving safety goals is a key interest and focus for Mr McDaniel, who strongly believes that people need to be empowered to take responsibility for health and safety.

Mr McDaniel’s extensive practical experience around the world has included the development of models for many organisations and companies to enhance their safety, quality and reliability programmes.

A popular speaker, Mr McDaniel recently presented at the US National Academy of Sciences on the concepts of zero harm and the need for the continuation of safety maturity, and spoke at the American Nuclear Society on the application of human performance.

Mr McDaniel is in New Zealand as part of commissioning Meridian Energy’s new Mill Creek Wind Farm, which uses Siemens turbines. He will also present a keynote address at the 2014 NZ Wind Energy Conference in Wellington and take part in that event’s health and safety stream.

Mr McDaniel will be joined by his colleague, Will Weatherford, Senior Director, Global Environmental Protection, Health Management & Safety Programs at Siemens Energy.

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Attending in: / AUCKLAND
11 April 2014 / WELLINGTON
17 April 2014


If you have any enquiries about the content of this masterclass, please contact Eric Pyle at the NZ Wind Energy Association on 04 499 5048 or .


To register for either masterclass, please email this form to , fax it to +64 9 580 5601 or ring Roelien on 027 580 5627.


Please pay via cheque or direct credit. Our apologies, but credit card payments are not possible.

This workshop is organised with support from Siemens, the New Zealand Wind Energy Association, and Meridian Energy.