Georgia History Syllabus

Ms. Phone 478-625-7764

Course Description
In eighth grade, students study Georgia’s geography, history, government, and economics. While the four strands of social studies are interwoven, ample opportunity is also provided for in-depth study of the geography of Georgia and the government of Georgia. U.S. historical events are included, as appropriate, to ensure students understand Georgia’s role in the history of the United States. Please refer to the Georgia Performance Standards for detailed listings of standards. ()
To study the state of Georgiawith an emphasis on the state’s past and present, while developing an understanding of its heritage and its impact on American culture. More specific objectives are listed below:
  • Continue development skills for reading and constructing maps and detailing the geography
  • Appreciate significant events in Georgia history
  • Developunderstanding of key government branches
  • build fundamental understanding of money management and economics
Course Content and Units:
All content is based on the Georgia student performance standards.
Connecting Themes
Georgia Geography and Prehistoric Period
Exploration and Colonization
The Civil War
The New south
The 20th Century
Civil Rights
Modern Georgia
State and Local Government
Adult and Juvenile Justice System
Personal Finance
Grading Scale
Grade / Performance Standard
A / Independent Learner: Did research, designed and planned; applied academic skills; evaluated work and made adjustments; did quality work; needed little help from the teacher; sought and found resources independently; demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 90 or higher; produced a quality product.
B / Semi- Independent Learner: Did research, designed and planned; needed some help from the teacher; did quality work with a few flaws; needed feedback from the teacher to realize work did not meet standards; redid work to meet standards; demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 80 or higher; produced a better-than-average product.
C / Dependent Learner- Needed help to research, design and plan or had to be given a plan; relied a great deal on the teacher; had to be given procedures for performing tasks; required significant help to produce a quality product; needed help to evaluate a product; final product still did not meet standards; demonstrated knowledge with a grade of 70 or higher; produced an average product.
F / Failure: Did not complete the project; if project were completed, it was of such low quality that it did not pass; failed to document procedures; did not show criteria for determining quality; scored less than 70 on knowledge and/or research; a poor product or none at all.
/ Instructional Philosophy
Students will participate in a variety of classroom activities designed to enhance critical thinking skills including discussions, oral presentations, simulations, research activities, creating visual displays, map-making, and both individual and groups assignments. More details are below:
  • Projects will be assigned to help build these skills and develop early patterns for creative works.
  • This course will use interactive technology and video media to help with lessons.
  • Field trips will be encouraged to help engage learners.
Learning Environment
Portions of the class are devoted to discussion, and various views may be expressed. It is important that students feel comfortable to ask questions, voice their opinions, as well as respect the opinions of others. History is dynamic and there are often discordant perspectives. Each student should be prepared to listen, and use their critical thinking skills to understand the material.
Student Expectations
•Come to class on time every day prepared with school. supplies/materials and a good positive attitude.
•Do the assigned work.
•Be considerate, courteous and respectful.
•Walk in an orderly manner on campus.
•Keep hands, feet and objects to yourselves.
•Bring problems and concerns to the attention of an adult.
•Refrain from conversation among students during testing period.
Materials Needed:
  • Agenda
  • 3 ring binder with dividers
  • Plenty of paper
  • # 2 pencil (At least 2)
Grade Determination
  • The most important factors in being a successful student are consistent effort, the willingness to work hard, and the commitment to improve.
  • Remember- “I don’t give out grades you earn them.”
  • Grades will be based on a weighted average. The category is Standard Based Assignments: (Please note that the 9 weeks test grade is only factored in at the end of the nine week grading period).
  • A-90-100%
  • B- 80-89%
  • C-70-79%
  • F- Below 70%
You will have homework assignments to complete during the school year.
I expect you to complete every homework assignment and turn it in when it’s due. / Class Rules
Raise your hand to talk or to get out of your seat
Unfashionable to be unprepared
Lateness in NOT acceptable
Everyone is respected
Stay on task
Class Procedures
Arrival Procedures
  • Enter room quietly
  • Get out needed materials
  • Begin opening work quickly
  • Work independently
  • Raise your hand for help
Dismissal Procedures
  • Pack up after instructed
  • Clean up desk area-gather trash and all materials
  • Leave when your row is called in an orderly manner
  • First: Warning
  • Second: Silent lunch
  • Third: Isolation seat
  • Fourth: Parent phone call.
  • Fifth: After school detention
  • Sixth: Referral to an administrator
  • Praise and recognition
  • A good phone call home
  • Treats
  • Homework pass
  • Computer usage
How you need to head your papers:
All papers must have the following written at the top of the paper:
  • Name (First & Last)
  • Period and Date
  • Assignment title
  • Notebook section
Make Up Work-Absences
  • It is the student responsibility to receive and complete missed assignments.
  • Students will only be given two days to make-up missed assignments.
  • Students will not have to make up the opening activity.
  • Depending on the number of absents, some assignments maybe revised.
Title-Georgia: A History of Change and Progress
Publisher-Holt McDougal
Cost- $110.25
Extra Help
  • I’ll be glad to help; contact me using the information above.


Cut Along the Dotted Line

Have your parent(s) sign the bottom portion of your syllabus; then return it back to class. The top portion will remain in your binder.

8th Grade Georgia History Syllabus

Student Signature ______Parent(s)/Guardian(s)Signature ______