Junior English Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Janet MartinE-mail:
Room: E5Phone: 746-2300 Ext. 2376
Web Page: Twitter: @BGJanetMartin
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Textbooks: Language of Literature: American Literature &Language Network
Class DescriptionGrade: 11Prerequisites: English I & II
American literature is the focus of student reading in English III, and students will be expected to communicate in a variety of ways through: reading, writing, speaking listening, observing, inquiry and technology.
Materials NeededNice Things For Our Room:
These should be purchased as soon as possibleIf you can donate any of these to our
classroom, please do.
composition bookdictionary (for home)tissues magazines
3 ring binderthesaurus (for home)pencils/pensscissors
loose leaf papergluehighlighters
tabbed dividerscolored pencilsnovels
pencil/pen of blue or black inkmarkersindex cards
index cards (100 min)construction paperhand sanitizer
1 novel per quarter purchased or borrowed from library
Units of StudyExample Reading SelectionsRequired Writings
Native American LiteratureThe Scarlet LetterEssays
Enlightenment (1607-1750)The CrucibleReviews and Analysis
Age of Reason (1750-1800)Of Mice and MenFeature Articles
Romanticism (1800-1855)A Raisin in the SunResearch Paper
Realism (1865-1915)The Glass MenagerieLetters
Modernism (1915-1945)Red Badge of CourageReflections
Contemporary (1945-present)Death of a SalesmanNarratives
ACT Prep/Grammar
All papers and assignments should be neatly organized into a 3 ring binder designated only for English.
Homework/Late Work/Make-Up Work
- All assignments must be submitted on the exact due date for full credit.
- Assignments which are 1 day late will receive ½ credit.
- Assignments missed due to unexcused absences including suspensions will be a ZERO.
- See me about missed assignments before or after class or before or after school. I usually don’t have class time to talk to you about missed assignments.
- Make-Up work for an excused absence will receive full credit based on the school policy of 1 day grace per day of excused absence.
- Computer or other technology problems do not qualify as an excuse for late work. If you have printer problems, handwrite the assignment, e-mail it to me, or bring it to school saved as a .rtf on a flash drive.
You must be in your seatbefore the tardy bell rings or you will be counted tardy.
If you walk in after the bell, I will ask for a note.
Hall Passes
Students will receive 4 free hall passes per quarter for emergencies. Restroom and locker issues need to be addressed between classes. If you have medical need that requires you to use the restroom more than once every 60 minutes, then I must see written documentation signed by your doctor and your parent/guardian. Unused hall passes will be worth 5 extra credit points each at the end of every quarter. You will be charged 5 effort points for each additional hall pass. Overuse of the hall pass will result in loss of the privilege. No one may leave the first or last 15 minutes of class and only one person is permitted out of the room at a time.
Classroom Rules:
- Be prompt
- Be prepared
- Be polite; You must not
- Use foul language
- Criticize or make fun of your fellow students
- Call people names
- Used prejudiced remarks against a group or individual
- Harass or threaten anyone
- Groom yourself in class.
- Participate
- No food or drink
Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning, detention, or referral to the office if misconduct persists.
Dismissal Bell
Please remain in your seat until the dismissal bell sounds. In the last two minutes you may begin packing up your materials. Packing up early may cause your classmates to lose focus. You learned to line up at doorways in elementary school; now that you are in high school, you don’t have to line up at doorways. You are adults who sit and politely wait to exit.
Take Turns
Raise your hand to be recognized. Quiet people need time to think. Talkers like to volunteer, which sometimes causes quiet people to give up. I like to make sure everyone has a chance to share.
Keep the room clean. Throw away your trash. Neatly return classroom supplies used. Remind your neighbors to do likewise.
Cell Phones
If I hear it or see it, it goes to an administrator. Keep it silent & keep it in your pocket or bag.
My Website
I maintain a classroom website where I have class handouts, power points, helpful web links, assignment calendars, and classroom blogs. You can even use it to turn in homework.
Semester Final Exams
Count as 10% of your semester grade.
Academic Expectations
- You should do your assignments for this class.
- If given class time to work on an assignment, you don’t socialize until all class work is complete.
- If you have questions about an assignment or need extra help, ask the teacher.
Excellence IS worth the Effort!
updated 10/27/18